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【南关天主教堂】南关天主教堂整个建筑分成东、西两个院落,教堂在东院的北端,南北长66米,东西宽17米,高40米,建筑面积1100平方米,可同时容纳1500人(喜欢就请关注 @雅格斯丹-Agosdane )。
发表了博文 《雪中奉天之小南教堂》 - 沈阳小南天主教堂-可称沈阳天主教堂,亦称沈阳南关教堂、南关天主教堂, 沈阳耶稣圣心主教座堂位于沈阳市沈河区小南街南乐郊路40号,现在教堂前已建成广场。 教堂原建
#沈阳美景#沈阳南关天主教堂,是中国10个最美的教堂之一。走到这里,神圣而美丽。阳光穿过教堂的屋顶,灿烂的给冬天温暖。随着一声“Yes,I do!”与最心爱的人在神圣的教堂里宣誓,在亲友的祝福声中缓缓离开。这样的地方就在我们的身边~~@新浪辽宁旅游@新鲜旅计划
easy to find, can be visited.we even attended people's wedding :)nice architecture and well maintained.
Reminds me of the Notre Dame in Paris. No fee to get in. Some of the buildings w/in the church appeared to be used by a couple government agencies (What the heck?). Everything appears to be in its original condition. Worth visit. A solid 15+ minutes walk from the nearest subway station and not a whole lot of interesting things to see for 15+ minutes either.
It's the biggest Catholic church in Shenyang, located near Wu'ai Shopping Center. To reach the church, you can take the MRT to Huai Yuan Men Station and walk for another 10-15 minutes. The English service is quite contemporary, with some very talented Filipinos leading the praise and worship with guitar and piano. I often see people have their marriage photos taken at this church. There is also a square outside of the church and some people selling street food along the way.
Da fuori merita una visita, dentro non è un granchè, ma il mio giudizio è da italiano. Essendo in Cina non mi aspettavo di trovare una chiesa di queste dimensioni.