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发表了博文 《新疆掠影(十六)--库车大峡谷》 - 2012年10月29日,从库车县出发,近一个小时的车程来到了库车大峡谷。 库车大峡谷又称克孜利亚大峡谷,位于天山山脉南麓、阿克苏地区库车县(古
库车大峡谷,很漂亮,但是感叹国内的这类公园都靠探险神秘来吸引游客,游客多半问导游前面还有多远,导游多半介绍这块石头如何像个猛虎观音啥的,而没有科普介绍地质地理的设计,如果同行的是某方面的专家那就很幸运了。谢谢@泰迪qiqi在沙漠 的导游
十点从酒店出发奔著名的天山雅丹地貌红山 库车大峡谷。红山通红山体 形态各异 似宫殿 似雄狮 似骆驼 感叹大自然的鬼釜神功!@靖观其变亦自变 @七七_J
#行# 库车大峡谷里有着各种奇形怪状的岩石形态,历经千万年的风吹水冲,岩层都已变得脆弱,不久之前著名的金字塔景观就被洪水冲得崩塌。从水线看,当时的山洪大约有3米高。
The whole area is quite beautiful so no matter what it's worth a visit. We arrived a bit late and the weather wasn't great. So we decided to find a camp place for the night (we travel with a small camper). We drove a few hundred meters south of the tourist area entrance and found a side entrance to the canyon. We drove into it and stayed there for the night. It was quite qmazing having a whole canyon all too ourselves. In the end we didn't even go to the tourist place. However, i guess most people don't have thiks kind of freedom...from what i hear the tourist place is alright too....anyway, the canyon is beautiful
The Grand Canyon is well worth a visit with its very colourful rock formations. It's an easy walk through the Canyon following the stream. We were really pleased that we included the Canyon on our itinerary.
A beautiful place however you can currently only see about 1.5km of the 5.5km canyon trail since flooding has destroyed access past a certain point. We were warned not to go further, but climbed twisted ladders damaged by the flooding anyway to have a look but it seemed too dangerous to go further. Hopefully they will repair this soon as it really is an amazing placeAlso be warned the ticket is still full price despite only 1/4 of the place being accessible.. typical China
It was a great day worth the trip. We rented a taxi and he drove us around for the day. The mountains are very wonderful they are a lot like Bolivia.