3A地址:甘肃·酒泉 酒泉市敦煌市沙州古城东南部,党河乡红星村内
开放时间: 全天开放
门票信息:30元 8:00~18:00

敦煌白马塔 塔建于公元386年,为纪念一匹死去的白马。相传北凉时这匹白马陪伴高僧鸠摩罗什东传佛教,路经敦煌城,死于斯…… (2011年10月拍)
You can walk to the pagoda from the city in about fifteen minutes. The pagoda itself isn't much to see, as it's not one you can go inside. But, if you go there, walking around the village where it's located is interesting. You can see typical village houses and life.
We rented bikes and went to look for the pagoda, it was closed that day, but the neighborhood is pleasant, dirt road streets with small farm/houses out of the center of town....will be gone a in a few years
The White Horse Pagoda requires a RMB 15 ticket. There is nothing in there except for the pagoda, which has 9 levels, 12-metre tall, and a 7-metre diameter. The pagoda you see was built about 170 years ago during the Qing dynasty. The original White Horse Pagoda was built about 1600 years ago, after a then-famous Buddhist monk returned from the west and his horse, which took him all the way across the harsh desert, died as he entered Dunhuang. There are only 2 reasons you would come to this site: 1) You're determined to hit all the possible sightseeing places in Dunhuang, perhaps because it's your 3rd or 4th trip here. Or 2) you're returning to the city after a day visiting the sites to the far west of Dunhuang (eg. Yadan geological park, Yumen Pass, etc.) The pagoda is located just 2km west of Dunhuang city, so if you're passing through anyway you might wish to stop by and take a look. Either way, you can decide for yourself whether it's worthwhile according to your travel purposes.
cuando nos llevaron a ver esta pequena pagoda me dio la sensacion que era una visita de relleno,no es ni grande,ni importante.Lo unico curioso es la historia relativa a sla construccion en honor a un caballo,fiel companero de su dueno,un monke budista