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韩城文庙琉璃五龙壁 长十七米 高四米二 雕刻精美 明万历年间修建 五龙壁两旁有砖刻鲤鱼戏浪
陕西韩城文庙“尊经阁” 建筑位于一高台之上 台高3.65米 阁为重檐歇山顶 周有四廊 明楹十八 补间辅以华拱 琉璃雕花脊 登台远望 韩城老城、古街、深宅一览无余
陕西韩城文庙大成殿 为文庙主体建筑 位于中轴线上 整个殿基为石砌高台 台基上为月台 周围绕石栏 雕蟠螭纹 大殿明三间 明间后排两根金柱做移柱 暗五间 进深四间 筒瓦歇山顶 两侧为东西廊庑 各为十三间 店内供奉孔老夫子
Modern Hancheng will not win any beauty prizes, but the town does have a number of historical monuments that are worth your time. Indeed, the town makes a good stopover between Xian and Pingyao, though few tourists seem to stop by at present.The best of these in the old city is the Confucian temple: a serene temple at the heart of the old town. The temple consists of four courtyards, all of them offering a bit of respite from the clamor of modern China. With its flagstone courtyards, fine collection of old statues and venerable wooden architecture, there is a lot to enjoy here. The pick of the courtyards is the first one, with its ancient cypress trees, half-moon pool and, best of all, a weathered wooden hall dating back to the Ying temples, making this a rare treat.