chagres national park
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Traversed the Gatun lake in a dug out canoe with no signs of modern life. An area of outstanding beauty with loads of wildlife
Train built in 1930's. The only scenery is the huts that people live in with no power or plumbing. I thought that Belize was terrible but this place is worse.
Our visit to Chagres National Park was part of a tour by My Friend Mario/Almiza Tours (which I recommend). The tour company met us at the cruise ship terminal in Colon and we drove in a small bus to where we were met by Embara Indians with a motorized dugout canoes. It is a beautiful trip through the man made lake to one of their villages. Also, we went further upstream in the canoes and then walked along a creek to a beautiful waterfall and some swimming.The Embara immigrated to the area about 80 years ago and are able to live in the National Park by arrangement with the government. This really is a special opportunity. Few of us will ever just wander into an indian village and be welcomed with a glimpse into their lives. The experience was everything I could reasonably hope it could be. It was not overly touristy. Tourism is part of their lives now. But this is the real deal.We were welcomed with traditional instruments. We toured the village (but were not allowed inside the homes). The assistant chief and a woman in the village told about their history, lives, and crafts. (The woman only spoke the Embara language, which the chief translated to Spanish, and the tour guide translated to English). We were served a delicious lunch of fish, plantains and fruit that was prepared as we toured and listened. Of course there was opportunity to buy some of their crafts, which we were more than happy to do. They danced for us (which seemed a little touristy, but that's ok). They are nice people and we really appreciated the opportunity to meet them and visit their village.Really, when else would you get to do something like this?
I had a cruise excursion to visit Embera Indian village during Panama Canal cruise. Embera Indian migrated to Chagres National Park area and lives in the park. Their life style has changed some since the national park limited their change to hunt animals. They fish in river from dugout canoes. They do wonderful crafts from wood carving by men to basket wavering and beads jewelry by women. They graciously welcome visitors to their village. Lunch was served with fried fish and plantain in banana leaf and very sweet pineapple. They performed their traditional dance and invited visitors to dance with them. I highly recommend visiting Embera Indian village, and do not forget to bring enough cash to buy their beautiful crafts, which will be a good memory of your trip and support Embera Indian people to live peaceful in the national park.
We were visiting the area by cruise ship and had been given the gift of this tour to visit the National Park where this group of natives live in the style of their ancestors. Their housing is raised thatched huts and the village experience was probably the best experience of our 11 day cruise. We did have a bit of a ride but throughout the bus ride our guide was very helpful and informative. When we arrived at the river we donned life jackets and sort of slid our way down the embankment of the river where one by one we clamored into a long dug out canoe which took us along the river past another native village to the Ebera village where we would meet the natives and learn about their lifestyle history and culture. We experienced local food, music and dance as well as learning about the local customs and learning about how they make their goods which help sustain their lives giving them currency to purchase items that they do not make themselves. I personally found the body painting fascinating. When we first arrived I thought it was all tattooing and quite extensive but they explained that it is more like a washable ink from a plant which they may chose to rub on their body thereby darkening the skin or paint on designs using type of paint brush. All of this eventually wears off through bathing. They use it for decoration and also to protect themselves from the sun and from the insects. Speaking of insects - as we walked up the path, I saw some of the nastiest looking red ants that I have ever seen but they did not seem to bother anyone - they looked like a cross between red ants and spiders - gonna have to look that one up!They use local materials for carving and incorporate beads which they often purchase to create jewelry and clothing for the men. The people in the village live in the village - it was not contrived or concocted for the tourists although I believe that they have very successfully found a way to supplement their income and educate others of their lifestyle. Very impressed with this experience and would recommend to anyone in the area. I would not suggest for people with mobility problems since you may end up dealing with somewhat steep muddy river banks to board on and going ashore from the dugout - at both ends of the journey. The experience would be good with most school age children especially middle elementary and older since they may find it interesting. I would suggest some research prepping by parents beforehand to enhance the experience.
We traveled in a motorized dugout canoe to an Embera village where the natives were friendly and welcoming. Had a delicious lunch of fried tilapia and patacones.
Chagres National Park is very close to Panama City. One day tour to this area is enough to feel one of the best eco-adventure experience in all Central America.
The development of Altos de Cerro Azul is located within the boundaries of Chagres National Park and provides one of the few places to overnight inside the Park.My wife treated me to a night at Ginger House for my birthday. Ginger House is an upscale Bed and Breakfast surrounded by rain forest and adorned with many beautiful flowers. Capuchin Monkeys and Coatimundis are frequent visitors. Situated at about 2700 feet above sea level, the area is cool, sometimes chilly, at night and shirt sleeve comfortable during the day.There are Nature Trails nearby and visits to any of the Parks' attractions can be arranged. This B&B also offers Reiki massage and other therapeutic activities.Our marvelous gourmet dinner started with cold shrimp salad with fresh basil and lemon zest, followed by a great garden salad. Next we had baked white fish with with lime zest and lemon oil and wild rice with cranberries. We finished with stacked spice cake with baked cinnamon , raisins, pecans, a fresh whipped cream. Ginger House does not serve alcohol, so if you want wine with your meals, bring your own.A medley of wild bird calls, parrot squawks, and hummingbird chirps woke us, and we had a fine breakfast of quiche and fresh fruit.If you want to be pampered and enjoy the sights and sounds of the rain forest in a refreshing spring-like atmosphere, I highly recommend Ginger House.
Excelente recorrido en lancha(panga), por la inmensidad de este hermoso lugar, tuvimos la oportunidad de bajar y entrar por una pequeña caverna donde hay formaciones de cuarzo, tuvimos que ir a gatas hasta escalar una pequeña elevacion, luego llegamos a otra area donde tuvimos que caminar por un trecho hasta llegar a un hermoso chorro(cascada). La fauna, la flora, los asentamientos indigenas, todo un compendio de buenos parajes y conocimiento ecologico. Accesible y economico.
Вас встречают представители племени и везут на пирогах в свою деревню. Перед этим (а иногда и после) вы посещаете водопад «Чорро дель Моно». Покупайтесь обязательно. Вода не такая холодная, как кажется. По прибытию в деревню Вас угостят национальными блюдами из барана и рыбы. Затем расскажут об истории и быте племени. Потом - танцы и в заключении - шоппинг. У них можно приобрести сувениры гораздо дешевле чем в Панама-сити.
Recorrer el río en una canoa de los indios embera es una experiencia inolvidable de contacto con la naturaleza que me hizo imaginar las travesías de los conquistadores extremeños ante esta selva tropical. Y llegamos al poblado y el sueño se desvanece,todo resulta muy turístico, aunque la comida que nos preparan con pescado del río, servida en hojas, tiene su punto. Es interesante saber que los indios embera han sido realojados allí,librando los de una zona conflictiva.
J ai adore cette journée passée avec cette grande famille Quel bonheur quelle joie de vivre Après la foule et le bruit de panama city une heure de route une heure de bateauUn paysage magnifique des oiseaux qui vous suivent Accueillie par la musique et les rires des enfants , Personne n est effrayé par les visiteurs même les tous petits qui s approchent de vous Après une explication longue sur leur arrivée dans ce lieu et une danse de bienvenue Visite des espaces , entre leurs maisons et l école la cuisine ,la boutique locale Génial !!Nous avons été nourris de poissons et de bananes planteur Ensuite très bons fruits frais dans des feuilles de bananiers Quel plaisir mon meilleur repas au panama Ensuite activité avec les enfants , Peut on expliquer a certains touristes qui sont en visite que non le chewing-gum n est pas une habitude chez ces enfants donc inutile de leur distribuer cela a tout bout de champ Journée trop courte finalement surtout après les sensations vécues et les émotions ressenties Je n oublierai pas ..
Перед круизом отправляющимся из Панамы мы посетили индейскую деревню Эмбера и другие достопримечательности национального парка Чагрес. Наибольшее впечатление произвела индейская деревня . Она полностью передает калорит тех давних времен когда люди жили в гармонии с природой. Щедрые жители деревни угостили нас ананасами выращенными ими же на их небольших плантациях. Люди очень добрые и открытые. Во время экскурсии они заразили нас своим оптимизмом восприятия жизни.
Un paraiso cerca de la ciudad donde se repira paz y amor,naturaleza virgen, interactuar con las comunidades originarias, sus danza,ritos etc.