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阿苏瓦是法属的古城区。1671年古巴拿马城被亨利摩根占领,就在Parque Lefevre 附近的Cincuentenario别墅旁边。这里你可以看到塔和广场的废墟,还有餐馆和文化中心。总之两者都很值得参观。
我住在巴拿马城的运河之家酒店--一个安静的城市。这里没有很多餐馆,就十来个的样子。我建议走着去Frommer's(法国广场,是一个独立的广场,像总统的宫殿一样华贵,是国家剧院,还有两座教堂)。在法国广场-你可以吃到从胡里奥的雪锥 (墨西哥雪锥) -我很喜欢西番莲味。看着他们做的时候很有趣,但也很好看!在国家剧院我们看到了一个吉他表演,票很便宜。虽然我很喜欢在白天看到这种活动,但是在夜里也不错(晚上--在五月,大概6点30分天就黑了)。有几个当地的库纳印第安人艺术家/那里的妇女在法国广场的人行道上销售翻车鱼。普拉提亚多数晚上都会有好的爵士乐和莎莎舞表演,但是我们太累了,没能及时赶到。
在巴拿马,去Casco Viejo散步是一件很惬意的事。这个地方很有趣,翻新过的建筑旁边有很多被损坏的建筑。建筑很漂亮,市中心的景色很美,法式冰激凌很美味。
Casco Viejo is an easy five star if you're an adventurous travelloer, but only a four if you're more used to staying in five star hotels. The old town definitely has some rough sections (i woudn't suggest going farther north than the police station on foot), but it is full of character and charm. It is clearly going through a rejuventation, with construction and restoration projects underway every few blocks. At this rate, within a few years it will have lost much of its rustic old world charm, so I'd suggest visiting soon if you like more old world charm than starbucks on every corner.
This place is ok, there is a lot a rehab being done to different properties, that I believe should probably be torn down anyway, they are trying to save the facades only in some cases. The sidewalks are rather small. But once they are done with construction and rehab this will be a rather quaint area in Panama. One major drawback? The lack of signs (not only in the old town but in all panama city) and the lack of parking. (Or lack of signs on where to find it!, who knows!?)
Old town is in transition. Many buildings are under renovation and it will be fantastic once completed. Some areas are a bit sketchy and our driver was quick to point out which way not to walk. This is an area that I expect to be great in a few years or less.
I would almost say that its even better than Cartagena, its smaller its safer and its nicer.5 full stars for the old city
Nothing much to look at and they charged to look And not interesting at all Do not waste your time going
These are the ruins of the old city worth a quick visit. Don't waste too much time and avoid the mid-day sun.There are a number of interesting trees in this park-like area.
The Old City in Panama was very interesting it looks like the French Quarter in New Orleans. I found that it was a little unkept and in much needed restoration.
We really enjoyed seeing the beautiful old buildings and watching the renovation and revival of the area. We can't wait to see how it looks next time.
Very interesting. The streets are so narrow I didn't think the driver could down some of them. So glad to see they are renovating all the beautiful old buildings. Very hot and not a lot of places to go that are air conditioned.
The old city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is undergoing a transformation. There are many beautiful old building in various stages of restoration. It is a great and safe area to just stroll around and take photographs.