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This Mausoleum can compete with the grandeur of the Mausolea in Samarkand or Bukhara. It was above my expectations. It size, its location and purpose as a pelgrim site all contributes to its actraction. The tiles are beautiful. This Masoleum justifies a great detour. Do not miss it!
kept getting something from my guide about how they had refurbished it for some event in 2000 and as such, they took shortcuts like whitewashing the inside walls so the inside is not what it should be and not what it could be. the front is missing all the glorious tiles that you usually find with these mausoleums but the back is what it should be and quite lovely
Türkistan, or Yesi, is a town located in the middle of desolation. However, it has Ahmed Yesevi's mausoleum. I went there to see it by a train journey lasted almost 16-17 hours from Almatı. Aside from Yesevi, there is nothing. It is interesting why he inhabited such a place. As to mausoleum, there was restoration works when I visited. It was foggy and awesome after the sundown.
The trip was a long planned one and I timed it during the spring break. As expected , I was with many others who went to visit on a cloudy and balmy afternoon. The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi has a remarkable architectural design and the mosaic tiles design all the way to the top of the structure took my breath away. Inside the building , it was more interesting. No wonder many of the faithful visit this revered site. Simply this is part of an unforgettable visit to Turkistan.
We took an overnight bus to Turkestan to visit the site. Definately worthy if you have an interest in the history both before and after the Great Game era of the 19th century. You can visit shymkent too which isnot too far from the city. A much busier city.
As Kiev Pechersk Lavra for orthodox christians, as Moscow Kremlin for russians the mausoleum of Khoj Ahmed Yasawi seems to be saint and sacred place for kazakhs, where the history of modern Kazakhstan were beginning.For me the city of Turkestan also is interesting because my grandfather worked there as soviet military commissar before the Great Patriotic War.The tourist infrastructure maybe isn't excellent, but there a lot of attractions there.
It's a Unesco site, i want to think for its history... it is in the middle of.. nothing, but if you are in that zone i suggest the visit (there is not much choice...) but the place is restored recently, with modern material and it's easy to notice, like floors, and it ruins the atmosphere of the place (and probably its historical meaning). The visit is free, no ticket.Note: stupid signs with prohibition of making videos or photos.. but meanwhile all the people touch ancient remains like ancient rocks and artifacts.
Is difficult to get there but it has a high historical value. As most of Kazakhstan, better to explore with locals.
Специально ездил туда с супругой к сакральным местам чтобы попросить у святых появления ребенка в семье и улучшения здоровья. Памятник архитектуры впечатляет своей красотой и величественностью. Даже после стольких веков мавзолей Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави до сих пор излучает мощь и монументальность. Необходимо беречь уникальное наследие наших великих предков. Рад был прикоснуться к кусочку древней истории своей Родины. Поездка очень понравилась.
Был проездом из Кызыл орды. Впечатляет величина-размер удивительно как в те времена без строительной техники строили такие объекты .И все это стоит уже несколько веков многое сделано из обычной глины
Понравилось, что сохранили памятник истории. Не понравилось что почти все исторические экспонаты убраны, нет того, что было раньше для общего просмотра.
Удивительное место. Мавзолей считают вторым святым местом после мекки. Грандиозное сооружение. Все пропитано историей. Мавзолей был посторен по приказу Тамерлана. Вход бесплатный. Рядом есть сувенирные магизины, парковка и точки общепита.
Мавзолей К.А.Яссауй, была там в детстве, очень интересно, но я не помню многого из того, что видела.
Очень здорово. что древнее здание не утонуло в застройке последующих эпох. Когда из-за угла отеля, занимающего добрую половину центральной площади города, вдруг возникает участок пустынной степи, посреди которого высится громадина мавзолея, турист за мгновение переносится в эпоху Тамерлана.Если честно, снаружи мавзолей производит куда большее впечатление, чем изнутри. Вот если бы туристов пускали на заманчивые лестницы, тянущиеся до самой крыши - другое дело! А так - ни шагу в сторону, снимать запрещено...довольно странно для недавно отреставрированного здания.
Turkestan é una città fondata nel VI secolo d.C.,che fu centro spirituale e politico dei Turchi, in quanto capitale del Khanato Kazakho fra il XVI e XVIII. Il mausoleo del santo, filosofo e poeta Khodja Ahmed Yassaui, morto nel 1166, è una perla architettonica inserita nel patrimonio dell'UNESCO (W.H.L.).La tomba moschea khanaka, eretta tra il 1399 e 1405 per volere di Tamerlano, è una struttura rettangolare rivestita da fini maioliche azzurre. Turkestan dista da Almaty circa 900 km., il viaggio può essere faticoso ma vale la pena di farlo. Si consiglia il treno locale provvisto di comode cuccette. All'esterno del mausoleo è possibile fare acquisti in un piacevole e ben fornito negozio di souvenirs.