4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

More than visiting here for Shinto shrine for *Suitengu* if you come up here it's another terrific view point for Otaru town and harbour.Maybe it's a bit difficult to reach there but it just a little bit due to the rack of sign to reach the shrine. And especially in snowy day or I can state that in Winter because the road and stair to climb up for the shrine will cover with the thick snow! It's might slippery and very high so for old visitor and kids, please be careful and pay attention to every steps of yours.It's up on the hill so you can see the good view of the wonderful harbour city, Otaru. Even the shrine is a bit small and nothing that really attractive [in my opinion for the shrine stuff] and also the location that it might take some times and energy to reach there but I impressed with the surroundings up there. And there is also quiet and peaceful area.Ps. I went there on the heavy snowing time so it quite an incovenient journey which difficult to find the sign and climb up because of the very very thick snow layer that covered all the way up to the shrine but I felt good that I went there.
There is the Shinto shrine on the hill.SUITENGUIt was difficult for us to arrive there on foot because of the heavy snow.Wind was strong,too.However, we did not give up.At the top of the hill,we could find small but so cute shrineand enjoy the view of the sea from there.We were impressed and satisfied.Some people draw their fortune(OMIKUJI),some people bought EMA.(Ema are small wooden plaques that wishes or desires are written upon and left at a place in the shrine grounds so that one may get a wish or desire fulfilled. )To give an small offering,we threw change (5 yen or 15 yen or 45 yen or as you like) in the offering box,bowed twice, clapped our hands, ringed the bell, put our hands together and prayed and bowed again before we leave.We found ourselves relieved and comforted.On the way home,please be careful.Don't plot to take a shorter path to go to Meruhen-Kosaten intersection.The slope is rapid.We can't see the stairs because it covered with snow.Come back through the way where you came ,when snow lies thick on the ground.
確か6月15日!その後に竜宮神社(6/20)、そして住吉神社の小樽祭り(7/15)と・・・。 水天宮は、私が子供時代に初めて買ってもらったカメラで小樽港を写した境内! あの頃は近くの東雲町に住んでいたから良く遊びにも行った。 小樽港を眼下に、そしてそれに向かって下る外人坂だったかな!? その階段を下りていくと、堺町通りのお土産店や食事の店が、それぞれ独特の雰囲気で並んでいる。そこを運河に向かうと、これまた観光客には著名なスィーツの店やガラス細工の店などが、運河縁まで続く。 地元の人には安らかな場所! 小樽運河観光に時間が余れば、上ってみたい水天宮。湊の反対側には街並みが見える!レトロな運河、レトロで人が少なくなった街並みは小樽らしい!!
賑やかなメルヘン通りに近いのですが、ここだけタイムスリップしたかのような静けさです。夏は、木陰で涼み、木々の間から海を見渡すことができます。JRで行かれる時、時間がいっぱいとれて、なおかつ体力・脚力に自信があるという方は、小樽駅→水天宮経由→メルヘン通り→南小樽駅 というのも良いのではないでしょうか。
花園の小樽公園から公園通りをまっすぐ下り、花園十字街を抜けて、小樽聖公堂前を過ぎて石段を登ると、小ぶりですが立派な木造の社殿に銅板葺きの緑色の屋根が見えてきます。 そこで何より感動的なのが眼下に広がる港町と海の眺めです。晴れた日にここから眺める景色には、小樽出身の友人も懐かしがって、とても喜んでいました。天狗山の展望台などと違って海が近く、しかも堺町からも坂を登ればそれほど時間はかかりません。ただご年配の方には外人坂は急なので、まわり道をされてもいいかと思います。 派手な観光名所ではなく訪れる観光客は少ないのですが、周囲には旧寿原邸などの昔からの屋敷も多く、落ち着いてゆっくりと歴史を感じられます。山を背に外人坂の階段を下れば、まるで別世界のような観光客でごった返すメルヘン交差点はすぐそばです。