oronko rock
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

It's a rock in the city near the harbour facing the sea on one side and the mountains on the other. It's quite a steep climb on what look like a flimsy iron staircase attached to the steep side of the rock! Once at the top, one can view the whole city with the snowcapped mountain range in the background. Just stunning!
The best angle to see a true image resembling Godzilla would be from the tunnel leading out from the port (boarding area for cruise) to town.
OK, this is a nice rock, but it is in the middle of the harbour, which is quite dirty and does not give envy to stay in this city. It is better to see it from far away, and to go in boats for the cruise, and then to go into the park.
At sunset on a clear day, this place is absolutely stunning... The clear shimmering water below, the swifts, seagulls and petrels playfully swooping around the cliff face, the fading daylight reflecting off the sea and the town, forest and fishing harbour below. I was absolutely breathtaken. Partly because the steps up were quite steep, but certainly the view was amazing.I think it's best seen in the evening as the sun sets. There's a carpark at it's foot and there's also a small tunnel cut through the base of Oronko Rock that leads to another carpark with a great view of the clear waters of the harbour area and also the sea caves.
If you stay in Utoro, you should definitely go check it out. Although the climb looks daunting (the steps are steep), it's actually a short climb. Good view over Utoro, the surrounding mountains and the sea. Best done during sunrise or sunset.
It looks like the monster in the Movie Godzilla. Was really amazed by this rock!Actually visited in October 2011.
知床観光の拠点となるウトロだが街自体は小さく、街中にある観光スポットは、鮭の遡上する遠音別川 とこのオロンコ岩とウトロ漁港ぐらい。後は徒歩は難しい。気軽に行けるので、漁港の雰囲気を味わいながら岩まで行くと良いでしょう。
オロンコ岩自体は有名でしたが、登ったことがなかったのでチャレンジ。階段は思った以上に急で狭いため、ご年配の方はゆっくり・あせらず行かれることをおすすめいたします。また下りがかなり急ですので、すれ違った際は下りの方やご年配の方を優先さしあげてください。 さて登りきると想像以上の絶景です!!知床というと知床五湖や知床岬、カムイワカッカの滝等世界遺産エリアばかりに注目しがちですが、探訪基地であり、多くの人が生活するこのウトロでさえもこのような素晴らしい景色があります。まぁ・・・「素の知床」といいましょうか。普段着の良さを感じました。ちょっと沖縄に似た雰囲気でもありますね・・・。 灯台もと暗しといいましょうか。ここは訪問される価値があります。 あと大ヒット曲に知床旅情の碑がかなりわかりにくいのですが、有料バス駐車場のつきあたりにあります。門番の方に言えばパスさせてくれます。知床まで訪問して知床旅情の歌詞をじっくり噛みしめてください。本当に知床の良さを纏めた歌詞だなぁって関心してしまいました。