catedral de santiago apostol
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santiago de los caballeros景点推荐
Great cathedral, recently reconditioned. Nice and small but with a charm. We visited while in Santiago for mass. It was a very nice experience. People are very friendly.
I travel all over the world for work and make it a point to see the Cathedral in every country. The one in Santiago is beautiful, I has been under major renovation over the last 3 years and I was fortunate enough to be given a private tour. Don't miss it
The town of Tamboril is located just North-east of Santiago, Dominican Republic at the foot of the Cordillera Septentrional mountains. Tamboril is a great place to relax day in and day out. There's always friendly people around town; many of them know a good deal about the town and the country. Having a handlful of close smart friends are worth their weight in gold. They'll tell you the best and the worst places to go and at what times. The safe and unsafe. And also they'll take you to places where tourists don't go. Have you ever heard of apple picking? How about mango, avocado, and plantain picking in the green mountains. With cows mooing in the background under a light blue sky. That sounds like the garden of Eden to me. And wait for the weekends where you don't need to go to a club and wait outside to go in and party. Just go to the closest public park on Saturday, Sunday, or even Friday and just have fun with the locals. I promise you, you'll have fun in that small town.
It was in remodelation by the time we visited it! Its architecture was very beautiful and it is located just nearby the old town!
Eine sehr schöne Kirche,innen und aussen.eine richtige Sehenswürdigkeit man sollte sich das nicht entgehen lassen.
es muy hermosa ya que puedes ver dentro y fuera la vista es bella el cristo las personas hablando con dios la religiosidad k se puede ver ahí me sorprendio bastante
Una infraestructura iimponente , la fachada presenta motivos urbanisticos y alegoricos a la vida de Jesus y Santiago Apostol .Su reconstruccion se inicio en 1851 siendo en el 1895 que finalmente fue bendecida .Aqui se conseva una de las dos unicas copias de la famosa escultura LA PIEDAD de Miguel Angel y reposan los restos del Ex presidente Ulises Hereaux .
catedral reconstruida por arquitectos y artistas de la plastica dominicana, excelente decoracion de interiores con temas relativos a la iglesia. vida muerte y crucificcion de cristo, buenos vitrales, buena restauracion de exteriores, buena acustica, visitenla
Vale muito o passeio, internamente a estrutura se encontra muito bem conservada. As cores fazem um show ao local.
Наконец-то историческая архитектура в Доминикане! Собор красив, но внутрь мы не попали, к сожалению он был закрыт. Не знаю, всегда ли так или просто мы неудачно попали. Около собора симпатичный сквер и импровизированные развальчики, где торгуют фруктами, детскими игрушками и чехлами и веревочками для телефонов.
Recientemente remodelada guarda relación con el inicio de la Ciudad Corazón y con su "Centro Histórico"
Una catedral preciosa, de las primeras iglesias de Latinoamérica, conserva su estado original y buena restauración, vale la pena visitarla.
me encanta visitar la catedral es muy bonita y sobre todos aquel que sueña tener una boda espectacular te recomiendo que lo haga ahi es bellisimas por dentro y por fuera
Es un Lugar Religioso y turístico..Merece la Pena de entrar y Observar...Santiago es una Ciudad De Corazón....
Caminando por el centro, descubrimos la catedral. Merece la pena entrar. Está ciudad, es clara y agradable