the el yunque rain forest
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el yunque national forest景点推荐
波多黎各的国家森林公园 基本都是开车到一个景点 停下来然后在附近游玩 风景倒不算多壮观 但是空气很好 在里面徒步很舒服 基本上一个下午就足够了 看多了海可以来这里看看
美国比较罕见的热带雨林,门票4刀,要一路开车上去比较合适,中途会经过几个瀑布,几条trail 和一个高塔,可以俯瞰整片雨林和远眺加勒比海,景观漂亮
这里有着加勒比海丰富的热带雨林植被 很多树木都不一样 并且能看到很多野生动物 我们想去山林间的大瀑布游玩时 管理员告知人太多 居然在排队 于是我们自己爬到山上去到密林中的瀑布野餐 游泳 真的太生态了 而且瀑布水很冰 水中很多石头 我开始很怕 后来好多了 不过告诉大家一定注意安全
这个雨林很生态 路上有大只的蜥蜴 我们在瀑布里游泳 整个公园需要开车和徒步相结合来游览 山顶上眺望远方的海滩 太美了 我们玩的很开心 而且门票是4美金 很便宜 真的很值 从SANJUAN开车过来大概45分钟
我和老婆租了一辆车来波多黎各旅行,所以我们没有花65美元进行旅馆为我们提供的El Yunque旅行。我们的选择是对的。雨林很容易找到,当你靠近时候,在3号高速公路上,有指示牌告诉你往哪里走。我们还从家里带了全球卫星定位系统,这个在整个岛上都很好用。最后,回到了El Yunque。去那里的旅程很美,之后我们达到了La Coca瀑布。很美,我们开往大树路。就在那时下起了大雨,不能停车了。路坡度很大,而且很滑。有时候我们需要穿过水池。车很多(尽管是周末的饿一天),这使本来就很窄的路更加难走了。当然在雨林里看不到动物,我们甚至连一只青蛙都没看到,甚至都没有蚊子或者苍蝇。啥都没有。我们没能到La Mina瀑布,因为我们全身都湿透了。我妻子比我感觉还要糟糕,所以我们调头向左走了。如果你去的话,最好选择一个一天中晴的时候多的,这样雨林中下雨的时间可能比较少。也别指望见到任何动物,准备好上上下下的徒步旅行。玩得开心!
El Yunque热带雨林离圣胡安只有一个半小时的车程,下了3号大道之后,经过那条弯曲的乡村小道就可以到达El Portal 游客中心。中心会用一段15分钟的视频(英语和西班牙语)介绍一下热带雨林里的生态和生物概况。在这里你要把路都问清楚,因为中间有瀑布的原因,所有有很多小道,甚至有泥石流的危险!我的建议是:早上就开车进来,首先在El Portal停一下然后开到公园车道的尽头,然后下车徒步(不是泥巴路,是混凝土的路)走到Britton塔,开车加上走路总共一个小时。如果幸运的话,你可以在岛的三面都看到大海,而且还有老鹰在树林上飞翔。然后再开到北边的野餐区域"Palo Colorado"享用午餐(自带)。然后再去到Mina瀑布玩水,然后你大概还有30-45分钟,开车去Fajardo's Las Croabas海滩公园,去赶那趟5:45分出发的开往荧光湖的游船。这样就是很丰富、很有趣的波多黎各一日游行程。
2012年4月,我们带着3个大人和2个孩子(分别10岁和12岁)来到这个雨林。我们一个露天的亭子里吃了野餐,然后徒步至 La Mina瀑布。我们在瀑布里游了一会,然后躺在岩石上休息。再上路有点困难,但是我们还是做到了。
It is a very beautiful place with wonderful things to see... The tour we did our bus took us to all the main sights so we didn't do much walking! We had the best tour guide!
El Yunque is a lush and wonderful outdoor place that is a must see experience if you ever visit the island of Puerto Rico. Just walking through the paths of the rainforest seeing the symbiotic relationships between trees and vines, is not seen in many places around the world. The waterfalls and rivers are marvels that simply amazed me.
This is a great activity to go to on your first day. A lot of hiking, walking, swimming, etc. You will be exhausted if you do it right so make it a first day experience and then kick back and enjoy the rest of your trip at the beach. We rented a car from Hertz at our hotel. Very reasonable for the day (cheaper than taking a tour) and then we charted our own course and were able to hike as much (or as little) as we wanted. Read up on the rain forest and then just follow your gut on where to stop - you'll see cars along the way. But definitely take the long hike to the falls and do wear swimsuits (it's going to rain and you will have chances to swim too). Time in just after breakfast and take snacks. There is a grill almost at the end where you can eat. Or, you can do what we did and drive back and go to any beach resort and each early dinner at the beach and relax. We stopped at the Wyndam Resort (, just told the guard shack we were going to eat, went right to the pool bar and had great food and better drinks (on the beach). Nice way to end the day (and since you are wearing your swimsuit, take a dip!). Oh yeah, and also stop on the way back to Luquillo Beach. You'll pull in and think "ah, public beach I can see", but park, walk to the right (away from the city) and when you turn that corner on the beach you will be amazed at the beuty. We felt like we were on Lost. Again, another reason to have your swimsuit on. Read more here:
El Yunque is a must if you are in PR and looking for some outdoor activities! There's a number of things to see and do there, and the rain forrest is beautiful. We went to see a tower that you can walk up to the top and overlook the rain forrest. The view is spectacular. We also went on a short walk though the rain forrest to a gorgeous waterfall with a small swimming hole. There was so much to see and experience. We'd definitely go again next time we're visiting PR.
This is a beautiful rain forest! There was much to learn and we were fortunate to have a guided tour. If you climb the tower be aware ther are 96 steps with a beautiful view! And it lived up to its name by raining for a portion of the trip. I recommend taking a rain coat or an umbrella.