folly great house
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Not what it used to be and the new cricket ground on the way is a far better attraction. Now largely overgrown and surrounded by a dilapidated fenceSomeone from the local Tourist Board needs to take this in hand, clear away the debris and foliage around it, and restore it to its former glory. What used to be an imposing structure that really stood out from a distance can now only be seen once you get up to it
First of all, this place is called "Folly Ruins" for a reason - a century of neglect has taken quite a toll. Still, you can see the splendor that the mansion once had, overlooking the Caribbean and surrounded by lush vegetation. The myths about sea water in the concrete and the owners lover not staying there are just that - myths. Notice the central atrium, open to the land side, with hollow walls on the sea side built for enormous pocket doors - so the ocean breeze could be regulated for comfort. The twin curved concrete stairways and dozens of columns on every level speak of a majestic villa from a bygone era. Part of a wonderful walk from East Bay to the lighthouse, thru the Ruins, back to Port Antonio. If you are worried about loose gravel and run-down structures, stay on your tour bus.
Folly house was a little hard to find at first but the road straight up was easy to travel, but a little rough. The ruins are fenced off and a bit hard to see since the outside area was pretty over grown. Not much for going to the beach, but would be great for surfing.
If you go to the Folly Great House ruins, look a little further in the horizon to find the secret path to Monkey Island, just a couple of minutes offshore the coast. During the low tide you will be able to walk to the Island, the water is very shallow, about ankle deep, but don't forget to bring your shoes! The sea bed is full of sea eggs and you don't want to cross it bare feet!Once you reach the little beach you will find a stone path. Follow it and let your self be taken to a beautiful view of the coast.
First off, I wish people would stop spreading the silly tale about why this house is in ruins! Hurricanes mashed up the roof which then fell in on the house. Look at the photos as it is today and what can you see? One sees the supposed "poorly constructed walls" and foundation are in fact as strong as the day they were built and look like it could be rebuilt tomorrow.In fact not only are the walls and floors of the main house intact, all the outbuildings are in similar condition.The house face east on a promontory quite near the sea and therefore is subject to very high waves, seas and heavy rainfall that Caribbean cyclones bring.The Mitchells a branch of the Tiffany family used the house for years entertained family and famous guests.What is really interesting is the lighthouse and the lovely views and perspectives Folly gives of the Caribbean sea, Port Antonio and its east harbour, and of course, the majestic Blue Mountains that tower above the town to the south.
Folly Great house was a grand mansion built about a hundred years ago by an American heir who had more money than sense. He built it for the woman he loved but was in such a hurry that he so pressured the workers that they used sea sand to mix the concrete. When the lady came to Jamaica to see their would be love nest it had already started to fall apart as a result of the sea sand used in it's construction. The lady rejected the heir and returned to the U.S. He is said to have committed suicide. The house or rather it's ruins are real. The story itself is part real and part legend. What cannot be contested is that it has fallen into ruinate and is mostly a hang out for idlers. A beautiful spot and a great story. One more wasted Jamaican asset.
Why would you want to even waste your time here? You can't even get inside coz it's dangerous. Why go to a spot just to take some random pix. If you have the time, go relax in the beach...
This unusual place built so long ago still stands with its splendid pillars, draped in tropical vines and now inhabited by goats. Our photos are amazing!
Please, don't bother. This is not a historical relic in the sense that a crumbling state-house done in the afro-caribbean architechtural would be--that is, where the disrepair gives a sort of charm to the building. This is JUST a falling down cement building. It's not worth crossing the street see. It's not worth averting your gaze from the road to see. Don't bother. Drive into town and have a drink at the Marina.
the property has been fenced off to prevent accidents and squatters from taking up residence and as their is no security or guide facility in place,it is difficult to appreciate the architecture or history.a small beach in front of the ruins is used by locals and a small island that can be walked to at low tide is an interesting sidetrip..the view from the ruins back into the blue mountains is wonderful
This place fascinated me the moment I saw it. Even before I was given a briefing on its history, I knew these deteriorating walls contained an attractive story.The Folly Mansion was built in 1905 by Alfred Mitchell, for himself and his wife, the Tiffany heiress, Annie Tiffany. 60 rooms on 2 floors. Alfred Mitchell died in 1911 and Annie continued to live at Folly Mansion until the outbreak of World War One in 1914, when she returned to the USA. Cement being mixed with sea water is said to be the reason the walls crumbled. Research the details…very interesting.Now, is has become an alluring attraction for many visitors while the surrounding grounds are the site of festivals, concerts and video shoots.The Mansion is crumbling in to the ground and it’s only a matter of time before it will be removed completely afterwards the only proof of its existence will be our vacation pictures. If for no other reason but to see it yourself, I say take a few minutes to check it out. Pick up a box lunch from one of the nearby restaurants/cook shops and enjoy it by the waters at the foot of Folly Point. Then take a short stroll to see the ruins that once was a magnificent edifice that stood proud on a hill in Port Antonio.
There are two stories about this great house the Jamaicans tell me. The first and more popular one is that an American millionaire built it to impress his girlfriend but the structure was never finished and no one ever lived there as it had started to crumble, because the builders made the "folly" of using sea water in its construction. The second story, which is the less popular one, is that this property was built by a retired American mining engineer Alfred Mitchell, in 1905. He lived there until his death in 1911 and his wife until 1914, after which the property was abandoned and over the years vandalized. I tend find this second story more believable.Having the experience of maintaining houses located on the seafront in my home country, Trinidad, I often see first hand how quickly these properties deteriorate and they I am certain that they were built with fresh water. I am surprised that this one with no maintenance has been standing since 1905! Whatever the true story about Folly, it is an amazing sight and a definite must see when visiting Port Antonio, Jamaica.
The ruins of Folly were definately interesting to see. The house was built in a spectacular location. The house, however, seems to be deteriorating rapidly and becoming quite dangerous.If you get the opportunity to spend a few minutes there, enjoy it, but be careful.
Много негативных ревьюшек. Приехали и ничего не увидели. Какие то противоречивые легенды. Камни и цемент. Я тоже сначала игнорировала это место, куда недалеко от Бостонского пляжа, где мы останавливаемся сьездить посмотреть, просто погулять в древних руинах. Фотографии ни на одном сайте не передают ощущения древности. Рузрухи и в России полно, не удивишь. Я и не ехала. Но там Голливуд снял один не самый правдивый не сильно художественный фильм "The Mighty Quinn" Фильм да, передает. Настоящие холувинские руины. кажется что сейчас что нибудь начнется страшное, опасное, адреналин включается за первым поворотом. О других экскурсиях от Порт Антонио в пределах часа и о жизни в Бостоне Ямайском можете почитать на русском