pourvoirie du lac beauport
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

My husband and I first visited this place in March 2014. We signed up for the the dog sled activity, and it was GREAT! We loved the place so much we came back January 2015 with our two kids and did the ice fishing. The staff is very friendly and accommodating! We are looking forward to our next visit!
Rented a skidoo from this company without previously checking trip advisor... what a mistake !Their bikes are nice, but the track is very narrow and they give you no safety instructions and let you go without teaching you signals.They won't either give you any driving tips and the machines are very powerful. Unsafe without instructions. On these narrow tracks, with locals coming the other way at full speed after a few beers, it's suicide.I am a professional driver... and lost control of my skidoo at low speed. Not that easy to get the right reflexes when the terrain tilts, without being given proper tuition... The company will argue that it never happened before. Having spoken to loads of locals after the accident, they told me it was unconscious to let us go like that. And that many people die every year from skidoo accidents. If my wife hadn't been at good distance, she could have rammed me right in the back after I fell and I'd be in hospital.Anyway the worse thing was the behaviour of that company afterwards. The skidoo only had a small bumper damage, and they tried to convince me the whole chassis was crooked. That it needed a full overhaul at the garage before they could rent it. They charged me $430 for the rescue, $300 to tow it to the garage... plus repairs...only I found out the next day they'd rented the machine to the next client.Disputing the case was to no avail, they had my pre-autorization for $1200 and used $1104 of it and there was nothing I could do. They told me they did me a favor by saving me money, only the garage invoice I received looked strange, and from a company without a registration or VAT ID. I to this date, am still to receive this information.Altogether a company that is here to make money on you, doesn't give you much of a smile when you're there, doesn't care about your safety, and will hammer you instead of beeing arranging the day things go wrong, so they can make money all the way with you.I'm so sorry I used this company. Also they sold me 3 hours of skidoo, the better package they said, as the "little hut" is 1h+ away and people like to stop there before coming back... The hut is 20 minutes away driving slow... nice way to oversell...shame on them.In this hut, 20 locals screaming and singing, completely drunk and smoking pot for most of them... these are the people you cross on the tracks... it's dead dangerous to drive there, really, and with no instruction, it's just crazy.
We booked the dogsledding, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and husky puppy pen (and bird feeding, which we forgot to do) for $300 per couple. Lucy, the dogsledding trainer (forgot his name!), and the musher Luke were very nice. The snowmobile ride was good, but keep in mind you ride on the same sled; you pay extra for single sleds. To be picky, the 70 km/h speed limit wasn't enough for me but not a big deal. The 900cc sled had plenty of power for the two of us on it.They have three husky puppies in the 'farm' (read:play pen). We spent a lot of time playing with them because they were so damn cute. They also allowed us to go into the pen more than once to take pictures and play with them. Dogsledding was a blast for both of us, even though to have the most fun you must be willing to do some uphill pushing since you have only 5 dogs for 2 adults. The musher introduced us to our assigned dog team as well as his and all the dogs were very friendly. Again, we spent a significant amount of time playing with the sled dogs. Snowshoeing was also fun, but if you don't like exercise, maybe don't do it. We both had a great time just hiking through the forest. We were told we would have needed 3 hours instead of only 2 to get a panoramic view but we stuck with the 2 hours.Oh, last point: dress warm; it's very cold. It's easy to overestimate the quality of your cold weather clothing/gear.
We reserved 3 hours of snowmobiling and 1 hour of dogsledding, plus a van picked us up and took us back to Chateau Frontenac. Snowmobiling was a lot of fun. The scenery was breathtaking. After we finished snowmobiling, about an hour later, we went dogsledding. We had experienced dogsledding previously in Huntsville, Ontario where the landscape was mostly flat. Here there was a lot of hills and dogs simply couldn't pull the sled uphill. My husband had to run and push the first half of our ride and I thought he would have a heart attack. I had to get out of the sled a couple of times going uphill. We simply weren't prepared for that kind of dogsledding. We switched for the second half and the trail got a bit better. I still had to push the sled a few times because there is no way the dogs could pull it by themselves. Overall it wasn't bad, but they should warn people that they would have to run with the dogs. Dogsledding in Ontario was way better. Almost forgot - be careful with their space heaters. There was one in the changing room right next to a bench. Our friend didn't notice this little heater and put his jacket on the bench. The jacket caught on fire. An employee noticed it burning, picked it up quickly and brought it to us. She made it look like it was entirely our fault. They should put big warnings next to these heaters. Also, if you want to buy your dogsledding pictures, make sure you ask for them right away. We figured it out a bit late when our ride was already waiting outside and had to wait for 20 minutes for 11 pictures to download. The computer they have there is very very old and slow. I regretted I didn't have my flash drive with me. I have to say that all the people were very nice and friendly. The place is very popular considering a huge crowd that showed up in the afternoon.
Our Musher, Luke, was great- had a fabulous- it was an exciting experience for the whole family- Will not forget this experience ever!
My experience would have been better if we were given better instruction and tips. I did not realize or know how slippery the footing was on the sled. I slipped and was actually hanging onto on the sled with my body dragging. The dogs of course don't always stop when you tell them to so it was a pretty scary experience. We were a big group and I know I was not the only one who had this type of experience either. Luckily I didn't do the uphill part of the course (my boyfriend and I switched being driver and passenger haflway), but dog sledding in indeed a hard sport. You really need to be fit to walk/run to help the dogs and sled up the hills. If the dogs can support you and the sled on a small uphill let them do it and reserve your energy for bigger uphills later.We stopped a lot along the trail and being able to keep that nice distance between each other was hard. There was a photographer on site and she took pictures of each of us. Later you were able to buy these pictures at the store.My friend (the bride-to-be having her wedding the next day!) also got injured by another instructor coming around the bend after we all parked our sleds. As she got out on the only side she could get out of (we all parked on either the right or left of the hill), the instructor came with his dogs and sled and she got her leg caught up in the harnesses connecting the dogs and sprained her ankle. From what I could tell there was no sort of compensation or much sympathy for her except giving her a snow mobile ride back to the store.
Très bonne expérience à la pourvoirie du lac Beauport !! Accueil très sympathique, motoneige de qualité !! Nous avons fait le parcours de 3h et nous avons adoré la balade dans les bois enneigés ! Juste magnifique...
La Pourvoirie m'avait déjà charmé il y a 7 ans ! J'y suis retourné cette fois ci pour emmener ma fiancée et ma mère. Encore là, Lucie et son équipe de passionnés nous ont offert des prestations au top ! Oubliez les micro ballades en chien de traîneaux et venez essayer l'expérience de musher avec Manu & David et près de 100 chiens de traîneaux. Nous y sommes allés pour 2 heures et nous ne voulions plus être séparés des chiens et de nos traîneaux.Deuxième jour, motoneige ! Du matériel tout neuf (Skidoo 900Ace) et des habits de neige ultra performants ! De très beaux sentiers et des prix très compétitifs et vous voilà dans la place à Québec où profiter des plaisirs de l'hiver. L'espace est aussi adapté pour faire de la raquette ;) Nous avons déjà hâte à notre prochaine escapade. Merci à toute l'équipe!
Journée découverte du traineau à chiens et de la motoneige (forfait visiteur).. très agréable! Nous avons eu un bon guide lors de notre balade en traineau à chiens; relai entre le "conducteur" et le "passager"; de beaux paysages.. une bonne expérience à vivre; même chose pour la motoneige; découverte du secteur sur les pistes balisées, sans guide cette fois-ci.En bref, une bonne adresse à recommander (pas très loin de Québec).
Avec mes deux enfants nous sommes venus faire une ballade à cheval dans ce magnifique panorama avec une guide très sympathique, super gentille et accessible.--Cette ballade fut pour nous un très bon moment tant par l'activité, le paysage que par le personnel et la gérante Mme Lucie.--Tout a été mis en oeuvre pour que nous passions une très bonne journée en famille, ce qui fut le cas.--Nous comptons y retourner en hiver, et à ce propos si vous y allez aussi, venez très couverts et bien chaussées car rien à voir avec les hivers français.!! les basket sont à proscrire bien-sûr!!Sinon sachez que Mme Lucie propose gentillement ses services en mettant à votre disposition si nécessaire une location de vêtements chauds ainsi que des chaussures adaptées afin que vous profitiez et découvriez les prestations proposées dans le plaisir et non dans le FROID.!!A très bientôt Mme Lucie ainsi qu'à votre équipe, encore un grand MERCI pour vos attentions.--
Nous avons passé un magnifique moment! L'endroit est superbe! Tout comme le sont les travailleurs. Merci pour ce beau souvenir! Marie & Florence
Nous avons opté pour 1h de chien de traineaux lors de notre passage à la Pourvoirie de Lac Beauport.L'accueil était très agréable, les guides vraiment pédagogues, et le matériel de qualité. La balade se faisait dans les bois, dans un cadre incroyable!! Nous gardons vraiment un bon souvenir de cette expérience qui, certes, était chère mais inoubliable !!
le 18-19 et 20 juillet, nous avons loué les 5 chalets pour notre rassemblement familial, 70 personnes en tout, nous avons été chanceux coté température, 25-30 degré toute la fin de semaine. Avec ces 5 chalets nous avons pu loger la plus part des familles.Les chalets pourraient être un peu plus actuel...côté déco mais un chalet est un chalet.....l'important c'est que ce soit propre et c'était propre!!! tout était fourni et encore plus. Accueil et service impeccable. Un cousin a tellement aimé les chevaux, qu'il a fait 5 randonnées, beaucoup on profité pour aller tirer une ligne et son revenu avec des trophées....et surtout le sourire d'une première prise.voila notre expérience à la pourvoirie du Lac Beauport....un 10/10!!!!!
Je suis allée à la Pourvoirie pour faire du chien de traineau et j'ai été plutôt déçue. L'expérience de traineau en elle-même était agréable mais chère. Pour 1h de traineau, la navette, la location de vêtements chauds et la photo j'en ai eu pour plus de 150$! Le personnel est accueillant mais on dirait qu'ils profitent de la moindre occasion pour se faire de l'argent sur le dos des gens. De plus, l'accès au "village de chiots husky et des oiseaux du Québec" comme promis sur le site est très décevant également: j'ai seulement vu 3 "chiots" déjà grands dans un tout petit enclos grillagé et je n'ai vu aucun oiseau! Même si le musher et les chiens étaient adorables, je pense qu'il est possible de trouver tout aussi bien et beaucoup moins cher pour faire du chien de traineau à Québec.
Nous avons passé un bon moment. Les personnes ont été accueillantes et attentionnées. Nous avons effectué une balade d'une heure en motoneige au milieu de la forêt. Le matériel était en bon très état. De plus, nous avons fait une balade en chien de traîneau dans la nature qui fût très sportive. Le guide était très sympathique.Le seul bémol est le village des chiots quasi inexistant mais nous ne venions pas pour ça.C'était une première expérience et nous en retenons un très bon souvenir.