parachute montreal
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We went as a group from work. I would absolutely recommend that you do this, it was surreal. It is about an hours drive from Montreal. I have a small handicap and this event was not problem at all, my instructor Alex, explained the entire jump and made me feel very comfortable. I of course was very nervous as the time when by but once we were on the plane and were ascending the anticipation grew. Once it was our turn it was amazing, it was the best 50 seconds of my life.I highly recommend that you do this event, you will not regret it!
On July 18th my son and I went parachuting for the first time. What a fabulous experience it was to fly. We were in tandem which is to say attached to an experienced instructor and all I can say is it was an exceptional experience. The plane we got in didn't exactly inspire confidence as it seemed like a 1970 or earlier model but the staff pilot and instructors all made us feel confident and assured that we would enjoy ourselves. We jumped from 13,500 feet and free fall for 8000 feet which is almost a mnute which is amazing. You really feel like you are falling as much as flying. We landed on our feet and I would strongly recommend this to anyone who wants to try something exhilerating. I will be going back again!!!
I was at montreal for a conference. Got excited by their website. Public transport takes over 2 hours to reach. Taxi is over $125 each way. At the palais congress, there was a thrifty car rental so we took a car on rent and went there. Rental cost with fuel was about $100.Drive to the place is fairly simple and took 45 minutes.Please phone and fix up the time.We reached just about in time. Eric and Eric were our trainers and life savers during the jump.The plane looks straight out of a world war movie.They quickly teach you the dos and donts and I think its good to keep it brief to avoid unnecessary scaring of the participants.Plane goes to about 13000 feet so please blow your nose to equalise the pressure ( like scuba diving ).The jump is not a big deal because you have someone with you. As my friend jumped off before me, there was little choice for me but to jump.You go upside down and the view is like an astronaut to start with as you see dark blue sky and the earth outline in a curve.Then after that great view when you turn around facing the earth, there is a lot of wind on your face. The large glasses they give ensures you see everything.Soon your free fall and gravity compensate each other and you are able to appreciate the view better.Then the parachute opens and it becomes very slow and still.Thats when you can see the countryside and enjoy.It was bright and sunny when we went.Great video and pictures ( on you tube by surgerytimes )
L'endoit est tellement beau et inspire la confiance du début à la fin. Nous sommes accueilli avec le sourire et nous avons l'impression de faire partie d'une grande famille. Les instructeurs sont sympathiques et drôles et ils ont surtout le don de nous mettre en confiance. J'ai adoré mon saut et le ciel est majesteux. Le terrain d'atterissage est vraiment énorme! On dirait un immense terrain de golf, sans les trous de sable et les trous ;-) Je réfère Parachute Montréal à tout le monde sans hésitation. Leur site web est juste trop cool et nous a donné toute l'information nécessaire pour réserver et nous donner l'avant goût parfait de notre journée.
En octobre 2011, j'ai fait mon premier saut à Parachute Montréal. J'étais très nerveuse et excitée de faire le grand saut.. J'ai décidé d'en garder un cher souvenir en me faisant filmé et photographié. À faire au moins une fois dans sa vie!
une attention de tout les instants. Le saut en tandem débute par une courte formation ensuite vient le moment d'enfiler la tenue rouge des apprentis sauteurs. vous avez le choix de vous faire filmé ou non, mais je voous conseille fortement de le prendre avec vidéo, car ca donne de magnifique souvenir. Ensuite vient le moment angoissant d'embarquer dans l'avion suivi de la montée jusqu'a 13 500 pieds d'altitude. Moment magique et inquiétant a la fois. Le saut par lui même est indescriptible. L'expérience est tout aussi palpitante pour ceux qui ne saute pas, au sol nous nous amusons a chercher l'avion et ensuite a observer nos courageux sauteur. L'excitation de les voir atterir est palpable.Pour ceux qui n'ont pas peur de sauter dans le vide ou pour ceux qui veulent repousser leur limites c'est a conseiller. Adrénaline garantie !!!