milford track
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米尔福德步道真棒。作为独行者来到这里,在DOC网上预订的。步道的维护标准很高,不容易迷路。你会看到漂亮的风景,让人惊叹的瀑布,冒失又驯服的鸟类。我觉得步行比想象的更容易些,前两天的远足非常平稳,第三天可能算是最棒的,从麦金农垭口(McKinnon Pass)顶端望出去的景色让人窒息,我们很幸运,天气合适。小屋算很舒服,不过在客房打鼾的话会听的很清楚,所以准备一副耳塞或带上你的iPod,确保带有一些驱虫的东西,因为有些地方白蛉特多。这地方经常下雨,天气多变,所以要准备合适的防水服,放两层袋子,或者把东西放在干燥的袋子内。此外,当我们走在路上,雨很多,我们不确定是否要在道上多呆一晚,所以多准备些额外的食物是明智的选择,以防出现这种情况。喜欢这段经历,绝对要推荐。
你可以花一天的时间来把有关这里的90条评论一一看过。下面是我总结的一些提示和建议,而且我个人认为在出发前看看注意事项还是非常有用的。1-我觉得比想象中的要简单很多。在规定的3-4天内,我只走了12个小时,把规定时间缩短了一半。途中,我还拍了一些照片,当然拍照时间也是包括在内的。我30岁,身体健康,但是队伍中上有80岁的老人下有10岁以下的小孩。大部分人刚好在规定时间内完成,也有些人超过了规定时间。对于健康的年轻人来说,远足是一项简单的任务。2-路对于大部分人来说吧太好走了,宽的都可以过车子。过了这一段,再往下走对脚踝会是一个挑战,最好小心些,不要转动脚踝,这里很不易辨别,不会迷路的。因为下雨,路况不好,尤其对年纪大一点的来说,所以我们选择了紧急通道,但是这里的路比起起以前在世界各地远足时的要好很多。3-雨!!!这里下雨很频繁,十天中有九天都在下雨,还有雪,风和雨夹雪。如果你来的时候没有下雨,就不能证明你来过,因为这是不正常的!!!打包出发前,要做好会下雨的心理准备。好好享受吧,其实是很棒的呢。三天之中两天我都遇到了下雨的天气,雨下的很大,就像瓢泼似的,我在下过雨的泥坑里欢呼跳跃,笑的脸都有些痛了。如果你期待这里的雨,做好心理准备,迎接它吧,这样才会真正体会到雨的乐趣!下过雨之后,到处都可以看到小瀑布在欢腾。4-这里有天然气灶具,但是没有罐子、平底锅、刀具等等。睡觉的小屋很舒适,有床垫但是晚上的时候会有些凉,屋子里有生火的地方可以烘干淋湿的衣服,第二天启程之前我们就可以穿上干的衣服了。5-食物-开始前最好准备好多一天的食物,因为有时候会因为天气的原因滞留一天,但是我要是多带了点吃的而且不是冷冻的干燥的食物就好了。6-行李大小。我和一个爱尔兰女孩的包算是一行人中最小的了,老实说我觉得我们是准备的最充分的了。我的包40L大小,加上我的相机有11千克重(不算相机大概是9千克重)而且她的比我的还小。大部分人的包是80L或者更大,重量大概是18千克。要特别注意下一条哦。7- 大部分人的衣服会被淋得很湿。包通常都装的很满,衣服,睡袋,食物等等,背着会很不舒服。如果把东西分开装到另一个独立的小包里,如果漏了,也是只会有1-2件东西弄湿,你没事。保证带些干的暖和的换洗衣服,在小屋里烘干身上的湿衣服时可以有换的。千万不要穿棉布衣服!还有就是穿一双拖鞋,因为小屋里不可以穿靴子。8- 其他的注意事项-沙蝇非常讨厌,最好带着喷剂,不是旅行必用物品,所以出行时经常会忘记。睡觉的时候有人打鼾,声音很大。浴室在外面,沿途每三里就有一个。带着本本书或者扑克以免晚上的时候无聊。这里的羊毛衬衣等等都非常特别。有点贵但是绝对物有所值。多带些袜子。我穿了两双,里面是一双薄薄的袜子,外面又穿了一双厚的运动袜,以免走的太多会磨出水泡。尽管下雨的时候我都在水坑里狂欢,但是我是唯一一个没有起水泡的。就是这些了 。好好玩吧!这是一次很棒的远足,也是我经历过的最美的一次。如果路上没有看到很好的风景不要惊讶,不要因为这个而停止脚步。我期待着明年和父母一起来!
米尔福德步行道——哇哦!我给我自己设置了非常高难度的挑战,但是结果还是很让我鼓舞的。这样做真减肥!风景非常壮观,瀑布很美,各种珍奇鸟类,脾气很温顺,晚上还有萤火虫,步道终点的景色非常田园诗画。一定要确保自己身体状况够好才去啊,尤其是要确认自己能适应全程背着沉重的背包(当然,也取决于你自带多少东西)。带好止痛药和软垫——或者可以在背包带下面挤进去一些卷起来的袜子。我是作为“独立漫步者”出发的,我在网上跟NZ DOC的官方做了预订。就在活动快结束的当口,我发现有个取消,就挤了进去。貌似经常会有人取消预订,所以你可以常常查看一下!第一天很轻松——信手拈来。我们乘坐一艘漂亮,行驶很稳的船从Te Anau Downs出发,你只需走九十分钟,然后就在克林顿小屋停下来,想办法给自己找一个有空的天然气灶头,做好晚餐,洗漱,小交际一番,就可以睡了。别带太多食品,记住,所有东西都得自己带着,包括自己产生的垃圾。有些漫步者还带了红酒和牛排,这可让我们这些吃脱水食品和即食土豆泥的人羡慕嫉妒恨啊!下次我也这么做,经过了一整天艰苦的行走,晚上来点小奢侈真是犒劳自己的最好方法!到了晚上也可以参加“自然散步和谈天”,在靠河的石窟寻找萤火虫,在黑漆漆的森林里和其他漫步者相遇。带个照明头盔和多余的电池!我记不得我们偶遇的那个人叫什么了,不过不用担心,在小屋落脚的全都是些热爱自然和善良的人们。打呼问题——哦,打呼噜可烦了——呼噜声在宿舍此起彼伏啊——戴耳塞睡觉吧,或者塞上iPod更好,让轻快的音乐把恼人的呼噜声挡在耳外!实在太闹心了,以至于我们有一个客人直接把她床搬到厨房去了。另外,这里的宿舍和厕所都是男女混用!但是都在你能接受的程度。没有热水——毕竟这是荒郊野外。第二天——步行至Mintaro小屋。这一段一开始要穿越森林,途中会看到一些非常令人难忘的风景,一个隐藏于山间林中的湖泊,(如果你水性好,还可以下水游游),然后是清澈见底的克林顿河,如果你不怕水冷,那种青蓝的绿松石色还真是很诱人。路上,长相古怪的秧鸡会突然飞到你面前,知更鸟会啄你的脚,扇尾鸽会在你身边扑腾,只为了捉那些在咬你的白蛉吃——因为你够蠢,会站定了看那些鸟儿们!带上驱虫剂!别说我没警告过你。一天结束后,因为沉重的背包,我感到极其酸痛,躺下后还没想好明天是不是该请人把我空运出去——毕竟现在带着这些行李行走已经把我折磨了个半死,我该怎么背着它们再爬1154米,就睡得跟一块木头似的了。第三天——这是我最美妙的一天。我们先是爬上了McKinnon山道——顶端风景很壮丽。可以看我发的照片。当突破了山间的云雾,会有一场逆温,在那里你会很嫉妒那些有向导的步行者们,他们在那里喝着向导给他们一路带着的热茶,好不逍遥。所以建议带上你的保温壶,在离开Mintaro小屋前,准备好一壶热的。这个高峰是全程里最想让你坐下来一边喝口热咖啡一边欣赏美景的地方——当然了,如果之前你是沿着泥泞淹水的山路走来还是算了吧。提示:要有心理准备,水可能会淹到你的腰甚至胸的位置——我没遇上,但很多人都曾经碰到过这个情况,因为这地方一旦下雨,河流水位上涨的速度那时相当快相当惊人。考虑多带些换洗衣裳!这段路真的很美——在去Dumpling小屋的路上,你会路过令人震撼的瀑布。那一带也是食肉鹦鹉的活动地带。在Dumpling小屋有一个很美的天然游泳池——跳进去,等你出来的时候,白蛉正等着给你“擦干”身子呢。如果是我的看法,如果不在河里洗洗澡,就等于没有完整体验过这趟行程——尤其是出了三天的汗——下水的感觉那是相当爽快!第四天——到白蛉点。这最后一段路据称要六个小时——前提是你得用行军速度。我确实六个小时不到就走完了,但那也是因为我早上五点四十五就离开了小屋,当时天还是黑的,而且我一路都保持一定速度。这段路上有更多的瀑布,保管你目瞪口呆。有一些简直就像是仙境里存在的,好像你不在看的时候,里边真的有仙女在沐浴那种——倒也不是我意淫仙女哈,你们懂的。我也在路上看到两只负鼠,我用头盔上的照明灯把它们唬住,抓了起来。我提前到了白蛉点,因为就我一个人,我摊在码头边,简直像一团泥,一边享受着日出。总共持续了九十分钟左右吧,之后才零星有人赶上了我。不过期间我也看到了来自其他方向的一日游步行者。如果你持续不了四天,我建议参加一日游,这段行程会覆盖一些精华路段。等我到了米尔福德,发现自己错过了船,简直要发疯,最后我坐了巴士,又取了自己的车,再开了460英里,回到Christchurch,这才赶上第二天一早的飞机。如果不是,我只需坐上下午两点的船,然后第二天早上两点就可以到Christchurch!我的建议是,给自己留足时间,好好把米尔福德探索个遍。在我离开时,想到即将要将这一切抛诸脑后,我的心就无比沉重——那儿的风景美得超出你想象。我还会再去的!最后再说一点。这趟行程里相当大的部分都是穿越森林。有时我会觉得不想再看树了,但其他旅伴会觉得这些树也是一种景观。我很喜欢看风景,过去常常去意大利的Dolomites山间和英国的湖区,那里更开阔,景色也更多样,当然,这是我个人观点。毫无疑问,你一定会爱上这趟行程,不信你可以拿我的图片和Routeburn(不知拼对否?)路径的图片相比,也有人跟我推荐那趟路。
A fantastic walk but book early as it sells out fast. Remember that this is in the wettest region of the world so expect to get soaked - take suitable foot wear (not trainers) and warm clothes (not jeans) and of course waterproofs. Why do Americans walk in trainers? This is serious ankle twisting country but our hiking boots received some attention from our New World cousins as if they'd never seen boots before. If you twist your ankle you will have a serious problem as the only way out is via helicopter. This is NOT a walk in the park.Take insect repelent - the sand flies are in a league of their own and their bites itch for days.The views from the pass are awesome so if you have time after day two and its clear then get up there as it may well be raining the day after.
What a magnificent trail and experience. 54 kilometers of incredible beauty and diversity. Hiking through forests, wetlands, prairies and over MacKinnon Pass. Traversing rock strewn avalanche passes and crossing rivers and streams on picturesque suspension bridges. Beautiful ponds and lakes and at times waterfalls too numerous to count! All the while following the beautiful Clinton and Arthur rivers toward Milford Sound. If you have the desire and opportunity to experience this adventure my advice is to do so. Just a few thoughts that might be helpful.1. Yes you can hike this trail as long as you are reasonably fit. I can not stress this enough. I did the hike guided with Ultimate Hikes. We had 37 people in our group ranging from age 19-75. Everyone finished the entire hike. A few people did look a little tired at the end of certain days, but by the next morning everyone seemed ready to go! The huts are spaced reasonably apart so that the hike each day is very doable.2. You can hike at your own pace. We had 4 guides. The first walked as fast as the fastest people wanted to hike. The second walked as slow as the slowest people wanted to hike, and the other two just stayed in the middle. Everyone walked at the pace they wanted, took breaks when they wanted, etc. 3. The trail is very well maintained. 1. Almost all sections of the trail are easy to walk with good footing. The exception is the 1800 +/- vertical ascent over MacKinnon pass and the descent. These sections are steeper, rockier, and the terrain is more uneven. 2. Take the optional trails, especially to Sutherland Falls. It is truly spectacular, especially close up.4. The weather is unpredictable. We had two beautiful sunny days and two days where it rained continuously. When we climbed above tree line to go over the pass the wind was so strong that the rain came at us sideways. My advice is to prepare and pack for wet conditions. If you have great weather the whole time you won’t need everything you brought but if you have a few bad weather days you will be glad you did. I recommend: 1. A good raincoat 2. A thick plastic bag to line the inside of your pack to keep everything dry. 3. A rain cover for the outside of your backpack. 4. A rain hat – much more comfortable than the hood of your raincoat. Outdoor Research (OR) makes a great one called the Seattle Sombrero. 5. Light wool hat and light gloves 6. Water proof boots 7. Boot gators. If the trail is wet or your have to cross streams they will help keep your boots dry. Again OR makes good ones. 8. Some type of waterproof protection for your camera. 9. Some people had waterproof pants. If you are the type of person who gets cold easily then I think it is a good idea. I did not bring them and was fine, but make sure that at the very least you have some type of long pants that are not made of cotton. *Ultimate Hikes provides backpacks, backpack covers, plastic liners, and raincoats if you need them at no charge. The backpacks and plastic liners were of good quality but the other items were only of mediocre quality. I would recommend bringing your own raincoat and backpack cover.5. The lodges were great 1. The common area where you eat meals, prepare lunches, socialize, relax, etc. is very spacious, comfortable, and attractive. 2. Shared dorm rooms are sufficiently large so everyone has room for gear, etc. 3. Private rooms are a nice size with private baths. Almost like a nice motel room. 4. Clothes wash areas have everything you need and the drying rooms work very well. Usually clothes are dry in 3 hours or so. Boots usually take all night but are dry by the time you awake. Because of this you can wear the same clothes to hike each day and they are clean and dry. 5. Power usually comes on at 6:45 and stays on till 10pm. Hot water is available during these times. If you would like to wake up earlier or stay up later, I recommend a small headlamp.6. Food - You do not have to bring food. Breakfast and suppers were large and U. H. provided a large quantity and variety of food to prepare your own lunch. There were also snacks in the lodge when you arrived up until supper time. The quality of the food was excellent. Venison, steak, fish, pasta, chicken. All plentiful and tasty. I gained a few pounds during the four days.7. Guides – the guides were young, all in their twenties, but very knowledgeable of the trail, plants, wildlife, etc. Everyone that I spoke to in our group was extremely pleased with them. And they all had a genuine warmth and enthusiasm that was endearing.8. Ultimate Hikes – Top notch. They have been doing this for a long time and it shows. They exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend them. If you are considering hiking the Milford Track I hope this review encourages you to do so. The hike itself will take you four days. I believe the memories will be with you for a lifetime!
We took the cruise along Milford Sound. There was a slight mist over the top of the mountains which was for great photos. It was very windy so you need to be wrapped up - take your camera and you will not be disappointed.
Spent 5 days (ex-Queenstown) doing the guided Milford Track trip with Ultimate Hikes. As a New Zealander I was a little concerned that I would feel like a sheep being herded with 49 others, and that the track wouldn't live up to it's international reputation. I needn't have worried: Ultimate Hikes have mastered guiding on the Milford. The four guides with our party were fantastic, the huts were pretty comfortable, the food was great and I didn't feel 'herded' at all. The party was a mix of many nationalities, cleverly introduced to one another on the first evening. The only 'tour party' aspect was that we were asked to wear a name badge for the duration. This actually made it easier to meet and chat with others, so made complete sense. The track itself is harder than I expected, rough in some places, steep up and downhill on the third day and long (the last day is 22km, and it's NOT flat despite the elevations on the map suggesting it is!). I had trained for it and I'm very glad I did - this is no 'walk in the park'. Worst night was a Milford Lodge after finishing the track: sweltering hot room, couldn't sleep, snuck out and borrowed a giant fan from the lounge room in desperation. Horrid, if I'd had a mosquito net (for the sand-flies) I would have slept on the grass outside and had a better night.Last day was a nice wind-down with a cruise on Milford Sound and then bus back to Queenstown via Te Anau and the pie shop. I think this trip was the best money I have ever spent. My photos were taken in an old iphone, imagine what you could do with an even better camera!
Won't go into the walk itself, as plenty of others have covered this.Booked the guided walk through Ultimate Hikes, we thought - this is typically something you only do once, so do it well - very glad and happy we did. It certainly makes the hiking more fun when there is a cold beer and hot meal waiting for you each afternoon.Ensuite rooms are cosy, clean and beds are large and comfortable. Showers always had hot water for us, with good pressure.Food served each day was of surprisingly good quality, considering the remote locations and there was always plenty of it - you won't be losing any weight on this walk!Lights go out at 10 each night, but that's ok as we were ready for sleep.1 of our party was not very fit, this was not a problem, it just means you move a little slower and take a little longer, no issue as you have all day. In fact it gives you more chance to take in the amazing scenery!Most of the walk is on well laid paths that require little effort. One caution - there are a couple of sections, crossing bolder-strewn rockfalls and a steep section downward from the saddle where it could be quite difficult, bordering on very hard, if you are not reasonably confident with balance and agility. Take 2 walking poles, you won't need them most of the time, but very handy when you do.Summary - I don't think anyone, of any background, could do this walk and not feel awed by the unspoilt scenery and sense of peacefulness.If you like us, have talked about it for years, get off your butt and do it, it will be one of your life's best decisions!
We have now done this track twice, each time the comfortable way, with guides, three course meals and hot baths each night, and drying facilities, hot drinks at morning and afternoon tea and lunchtime (pretty good when you are wet and cold). The views in the rain are also fantastic: Waterfalls everywhere, drifts of misty rain, remarkably varied scenery. Everywhere evidence of the force of nature: new track markings because of recent avalanches, scars down the mountain with loss of trees (from the avalanches). The beech forests of the Clinton valley where every tree is an ecosystem in itself.This time we had fine weather for the first three days and so got to see the full majesty of the mountains at the top of MacKinnon pass, and had time to take photographs of all the alpine (and other) plants in bloom. If you like walking, this is a must do. (and if you do it the easy way you still could be doing it in your nineties..using two sticks.)
All of the positive reviews you read about this trek are not superfluous. This trek is simply unforgettable. If you want a walk that gives you the whole kit and caboodle of trekking, without too much strain - this is it. The track itself is very diverse. It's constantly changing vistas, and different walking environs never stop to stun. So many times we stopped and simply all said "woooooow". With only 40 people on your part of the trek at any one time, you also have this natural wonderland essentially to yourself. Mackinnon Pass is visually arresting. Some other tips? - Take strong insect repellent. The sand flies are everywhere, in parts. They only like you when you stop to walk, and the hutts are all safe havens. But life will be more pleasant with repellent. Possibly unbearable, without. - The Day 3 descent is long. Keep going (feels like ages) until you get to the bottom of the mountain. There is a hutt with coffee and tea. Walking sticks are only really needed for this day 3 descent. We didn't have any, but they may help. - Definitely go and have a look at the waterfall on Day 3. The largest in NZ. - Allow time on Day 4 to spend some time at the waterfall. It's about an hour walking from the boat. - Definitely take ear plugs. There are snorers, and they become the talk of the group. - Anything you don't eat, you have to carry out. So don't overpack. All rubbish has to get carried out. - Definitely take rain gear. - There is a swim hole every night, which is cold, but a brilliant shower. - There is loads of water along the route. So you don't need to carry too much. Just go and do it! You won't regret it.
We were lucky enough to see the track on three fine clear days with amazing and unforgettable views! We did the track 23rd January to 26th January. I would like to call this heaven on earth! The crystal clear water from the rivers and the reflection of blue sky on the water are unimaginable and will stay with you forever. A must see walk.Be prepared for sandflies with long clothing where possible.
We've done the track twice, both with heavy rains and limited visibility. We figured it just bad luck but we've learned otherwise since.Quotes from rangers & locals: "I didn't see the view until my fifth or sixth time"; in response to someone who got good weather, "you're one of the lucky few"; 'Dumpling hut is the third wettest spot in the world'.Both times the track was temporarily closed- once due to gale force winds over the mountain pass (plus sleet) and the second for trail flooding around 165 cm. Walking through heavy rains for two days straight and limited visibility for more, including over the pass, occurred. Others had it worse around the time we went. It's not bad luck, it's typical. There is much beauty. However, you don't have to do the track to see it. The drive to Milford will provide waterfall & forest views. A day hike up Routeburn from the Divide will provide great mountain views. We have done Routeburn with mixed weather (& enjoyed it). Given that Routeburn is drier with better views, we'd recommend it over Milford.
We got to do Day 1 of this track and it was worth both the time and the money. Just great. Such beauty in the bush and on the walk from the boat ride to the valleys to the wild life and plants. Loved it.