notre dame cathedral
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Pretty much a yawn, not much else to do though. Near the waterfront and shopping. Free attraction then go to Bougainville Park
The Notre Dame Cathedral is a very grand name for what is more like a lovely small town church. It's right in the center of town and is painted a pretty pastel yellow. The inside has lovely stained glass windows and a Tahitian version of the Madonna and Child....gorgeous! The Stations of the Cross also have a Tahitian them. The Cathedral is only about a block from the Municipal Market so if you're going there it's well worth a trip to see this church too.
The cathedral is really a simple church with some stained glass. The real reason for stopping is to see how religion is practiced in French Polynesia. There is a beautiful wood carving of the Madonna and child with a definite Polynesian influence. The 12 stations of the cross are depicted on a mural as native Polynesians.
In Europe this would be a church. Some stained glass and some enchanting stations but not on a world scale. Pleasant but dont put yourself out to see it.
....but it is affecting. Look at the stations of the cross to the left of the main entrance as you go in. You can see the authentic Polynesian motifs they used. The statue of the Virgin and child is charming as well as well as the older stained glass window above the alter.
This church is very endearing. Nothing special, just the location is fabulous, the view from far is unmistakable. If you can, just go there for 6pm for mass. Or sometimes around 5 you can catch a local gospel rehearsal. Magic....or maybe it's just me because it embodies my whole childhood...
The Notre Dame cathedral in the centre of Papeete is held dear to many on the island. Built in 1875 it has survived many natural and man made disasters. A bombing in 1914, a tidal wave and a cyclone. All distances in Tahiti are measured from its forecourt. Its exterior is rather plain with a single slender spire. Once inside you can see a beautiful set of stained glass windows showing typical Polynesian scenes. Look for the breadfruit trees, carved tiki's and Tahitian canoes.
Muito interrensate conhecer a catedral, ainda mais que dá uma super paz de espirito quando nós fomos fazer uma visita, e também aproveitarmos para orar um pouco.
Embora seja conhecida como "Cathedrale de Notre Dame", a igrejinha tem o pomposo nome de "Cathedrale de Papeete Notre-Dame L'Immaculée Conception". Ela é propriedade da comuna de Papeete desde 27.12.1890 e foi 'inaugurada' em 24.06.2005, depois de uma completa restauração. Se tiver um tempinho livre, até acho que vale a pena conhecê-la, mesmo porque fica perto de outras atrações em Papeete.
En plein centre ville la petite cathédrale de Papeete est un lieu de calme et de paix très facilement accessible. Magnifiquement restaurée à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur, elle conjugue beauté et simplicité.Même si vous n'êtes que de passage, ou en dehors des horaires des offices, n'hésitez pas à y entrer pour quelques instants de recueillement.
Esta cerca del mercado central, abierta con el Santísimo expuesto, con visitas de gente continuamente, todo con mucho respeto. Por fuera da mejor impresión que por dentro,por supuesto nada que ver con las de España. Esta esta hecha de madera, tipo colonial pero interesante de ver.
Rispetto alla omonima e più famosa Cattedrale di Parigi non si può paragonare, la sola cosa che mi ha colpito sono le cosi dette acquasantiere (i contenitori dell'acqua benedetta) formate da gusci di ostrica giganti!! Belli davvero.
Aparentemente é a única igreja católica no local. Não vá esperando encontrar uma catedral, mas sim uma igreja pequena e singela. Apesar disso, tem seu charme e a missa é linda.
Es una catedral que se ubica en el centro de Papeete, cercano a tiendas y el mercado de Papeete. Bonita arquitectura, pero nada extraordinario.
Лаконичное убранство храма очень хорошо дополняется цветными витражами и картинами, которые призваны (как видимо было в миссионерские времена) донести до полинезийцев суть христианских ценностей.