phillip island nature park
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开放时间: 暂无

从墨尔本机场租车到达菲利普岛,使用 google地图,避免走citylink收费高速。一路顺利到达菲利普岛。由于冬天企鹅归巢较早,六点十五到达公园,没有看到大量的企鹅归巢的壮景,只有零星晚归的企鹅,摇摇摆摆的向我们走来。遗憾可惜之余,还是被那憨态样子说折服。
说来也奇怪,我在国内生活了28年,其间只去过一次海边,从来没有踏上国内任何一座海岛。将近两年前的那次澳洲之行给我留下了美好的印象。菲利普岛(Philip Island)是墨尔本东南几十公里外一个美丽的海岛。小岛的形状很有特点,像一条飞鱼。小岛东边有桥梁通往大陆上的小镇San Remo,因此乘车前来很方便。岛上最大的镇是北部的Cowes。小岛南部有赛车道,每年有固定时间举办比赛。西南端的海岸边有一个著名的企鹅保护站,很受游人欢迎——每天晚上世界上最小的企鹅从大海归巢。整个小岛恬静而悠闲,来到这里仿佛忘记了曾经的喧嚣与浮躁。
The trip to Phillip Island was fun but once we got there I just felt like we were a herd of cattle. We even paid for the premium upgrade to the platform and it puts you close to the penguins. The restaurant and gift shops were over crowded and it took over 20 minutes just to get a free drink.
You will get cold waiting to them you may wait 30mins, it's worth it though. The viewing area does get very busy so try to be early to get a good position.
Very wet and windy but we were rewarded with several sightings of baby penguins in their hatching boxes !
Went during the day and was still able to have a look around a saw a handful of penguins Liked how clean it was. Haven't been there in thirty years and a very big operation now with approximately 3000 people per night
As i am not a good walker we were limited to where we could go. there were however good boardwalks for people with less mobility.
In November 2014 a friend and I visited Philip Island. We went to both the Penguin Parade and the Koala Conservation Centre on different days and really enjoyed both. We paid extra to get the best seats at the Penguin Parade (Penguins Plus) and it did not disappoint. If you have small children I would recommend spending the extra so that they have the opportunity to see the animals up close. I have had standard tickets before and they are still worth getting - you see the penguins coming onto the beach and walking back up, but spending that little bit more means that you get to see the little guys walk right past you and groom themselves. Everyone has access to the boardwalk so even if you can only get standard tickets you will still get to see the little guys up close as they make their way to their nests. The koalas were good too, all the money going towards the animals. We had a bit of trouble spotting them at first but give a bit of time and you'll see them sleeping in trees. Its a great place for walking and just enjoying the native birds and trees. Its not a theme park so if your kids need constant entertainment they might find this a bit dull, but we really enjoyed the quiet.
If you like native wild life you will definitely love the penguins.The management and staff are so committed and you are able to see the penguins up close and personal, as they make their way home at night to feed their pups.A pity overseas tourists do not take any notice of the no photography signs, that are posted all over the reserve and the warnings given by the rangers.I would love to see cameras and mobile phones banned from the site, as people do not care that flash cameras, can send the penguins blind.
Not a big fan of this place. Animals all seem unhappy, grounds are very dry and looks like it is in desperate need of a huge overhall
We stopped by this nature park on our way into Cowes. There are several walkways, including two which take you up into the canopy, where with luck you will be within a few feet of sleeping or feeding koalas. A great experience.
I read a few of reviews with complaints about the behaviour of inconsiderate tourists. We visited through an organised tour and they arranged for the 'Penguins Plus' Viewing Platform for us which was really worth it as there is a limit to the number of people on the platform and all can see well. People were generally behaving themselves. The penguins walk up and stop for a rest very close to the viewing platform and then you can follow them up the boardwalk. Its a pity that photography is not allowed but one needs to respect the rules. The scenery is breathtaking. The colours of the beach at sunset are stunning. You wait for quite some time until the penguins start coming out so you have plently of time to absorb the scenery and make sure 'the picture' stays forever with you. It can get rather windy and the wait can be up to an hour. We visited at the beginning of February. We were adviced by our guide to wear warm clothes. It really helps if you have a wollen cap to cover your head.Before arriving at the penguin parade we drove up the Nobbies and around the natural park. We saw quite a number of wallabies and this was enjoyable.A trully unique experience.Tips:1) Go for the 'Penguins PLUS' viewing platform2) take a wollen cap to keep your head warm3) Try to repsect the rules - no photographyInitially we were a bit reluctant to visit as this is quite a drive from Melbourne - but it was really really worth it.
We seek out nature parks and enjoy hiking. Phillip Island was not disappointing for walks on the trails led to seeing lots of wallaby. The trails in the nature area on the northeastern corner of the island were the best with a blend of brackish water boardwalks and trails through the woodlands with continual surprises by swamp wallaby. The Fairy Penguin phenomenon surprised me. You pay to sit in seating along a beach and wait for dusk, when the penguins emerge. We paid for the higher priced seats to see better and we were glad we did. Interpreters give talks before the penguins come out so you can learn something about them. The exhibits in the building where you buy tickets also help you understand the phenomenon. Nothing can prepare you for the incredible contrast of sitting a few feet from the ocean at dusk when suddenly hundreds of penguins emerge in a flutter and waddle up the hill past you to their burrow nests. And it goes on over and over till the count is thousands of penguins. Photos are not allowed even without flash and that is disappointing but flashes would be disruptive to these breeding colonies, so best to be thoughtful and protect the experience that protects the bird populations. The island has nice places to stay, great restaurants, wildlife parks to see koalas up close and it is all easy driving in a rental car if you are a tourist. And for Americans, like us, leaving Melbourne was the challenge and getting comfortable with the left side of the road. By the time we were on the island we were doing well with the left lane travel experience. I did not expect Phillip Island to be so amazing but enjoyed every minute of it. It's a sleeper.