warby ovens national park
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

An amazing area that our field naturalist club spend a bit of time in .Grass trees that are flowering right now ,late October, fleeting sightings of the rare and small Turquoise Parrot, and extensive wild flowers and orchids .We found a number of the orchid Diuris sulphurea, the Hornet Orchid ,a stunning small yellow flower on a single stalk about 25 cms high. We saw the goannas known as Lace Monitors, echidnas, small marsupials known as Yellow-footed Antechinus about the size of a large mouse and plenty of small skinks. This a great area for spotting wildlife and birds .You might see a snake on a warm day so wear sensible footwear and be aware .We found a lethargic Red-bellied Black Snake yesterday .He slithered into a tree hollow to escape our attentions .
Wattle and Xanthorrhoea grass trees amazing in early August 2014 and readily visible from the two main roads crossing the range.
Not having been to the falls before I decided to visit the falls this weekend. It was only a short walk which was good as I only had limited time. The track was ok as I only had sneakers on it was fine. The water it self was only a trickle but anywhere in the warbys is worth a look.
Salisbury Falls is accessible from Wangaratta by driving down Shanley St toward the Warby Ranges until you hit a dead end (dirt road). Once parked you can choose to walk left at the first sign (takes you along the creek and to the Falls, but no further), but the better walk is to stick straight ahead and complete a moderate difficulty 10 to 15 minute hike along the gorge. Good views of the Falls, providing it is flowing! Once at the top of the Falls you can continue walking all the way to Wenhams Camp. The track will follow the creek for some time before veering left and then crossing the creek above a smaller falls to follow the track away to the right. Once reaching a T intersection go left and you will walk along a dirt road until you see a sign for Salisbury Walk to the right. It takes you to a cairn (man made pile of rocks) and from there you can walk another 1 km to the camp site. The walk from car park to cairn is 5 km - or 10 km round trip taking 2 hrs 10 mins at a moderate pace. If you are lucky you might see a Wallaby or two. Even maybe a koala I have been told. Personally I have not seen any snakes here but you should always keep your eyes down in the warmer months, particularly near waterways. The Warbies never seems busy so it is a good place to go for some peace and quiet.
This lovely park on the outskirts of Wangaratta provides plenty of opportunities for bush walkers. There are various walks for most standards of fitness. Near buy wineries are an extra incentive to visit.
This little treasure is a great asset to the north east. With loads of walks to suit all abilities and fitness levels, you will get to enjoy some of the prettiest scenery and views across the ovens valley. Recommend the 'Sunrise Track' (hard), Salisbury Walk (medium), and Mt Glenrowan (easy but long)