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原本没打算去这里只是坐免费的环线电车经过时被高耸的建筑物吸引就有过去看没想到一走近看竟是那么壮观打听了才知道是St Patrick's Cathedral对我来说是个意想不到的景点
发表了博文 《一封从未公开的旅行日记(八)--墨尔本 圣派翠克大教堂》 - 圣派翠克大教堂:是墨尔本也是南半球最大最高的天主教堂.到达圣派翠克大教堂的时候正是中午时分,室外阳光强烈,教堂内外游人稀少。
南半球最大的大教堂,正面正在装修,从后面花园比较适合摄像。里面很宁静,很庄严,可以过来祷告哦。从city circles下车后,要走大约两个路口,它和库克船长屋临近,很适合作为墨尔本市中心游的第一站。正面比较少人,花园我们遇上了一团中国游客。
圣帕翠克大教堂离中央商务区有点远(大约相隔300米远!),但一定要来这参观。教堂不仅外部很庄严,它里面也很大。有33%的墨尔本人是天主教徒,你也许会觉得这个教堂很忙。是的,的确是这样的 – 在一些特别的时刻,例如说国葬,婚礼等等,教堂就会很忙。但是,墨尔本伊丽莎白和伦斯敦街街角的圣法兰西斯大教堂吸引了更多的游客,因为它位于中央商务区的中心位置。。要知道,圣帕翠克大教堂的牧师和执事是很受欢迎的 - 但去年的时候有一些负面的消息,有一些滑滑板的人引起了所谓的冒犯,大教堂的神父很不理智的发了脾气。很简单 – 教堂是做礼拜的地方,所以要尊重它,这样,它才能继续开放供大家参观。
Only saw it from the outside, but quite awe-inspiring. Must really be something to look at inside. Read up on the history of it when I arrived home from my holiday in Melb.
This church is fabulous!!!!! The design, architecture and finishing facings are more than worth a visit!! It is close to the CBD, Fitzroy Gardens, Parliament and many other interesting buildings and attractions. Put it on your list; you ill not be disappointed.
It's an easy walk if you just get off the #35 Free City Circle Tram at Parliament. Right there is the supposedly haunted Princess Theater across from the park. The Synagogue is close by. St Peters's is actually older than St Patrick's.
Very beautiful, stained glass windows. Very reverent and peaceful inside. the architecture is amazing
Nice stained glass windows, great architecture. Definitely worth a short visit while you're in Melbourne
The outside of the church is beautiful. I believe it is the largest catholic church in Australia. The inside is pretty bland. It is missing the stunning stained glass windows that European cathedrals have. It was free, and worth a walk around, but nothing terribly special inside.
We located this hotel for Sunday Mass before we left the states. it has both Saturday evening and Sunday masses. We went on Saturday after a day at the Australian Open. All was good and it was attended. The only bad thing was no AC, only fans, and you could really tell it. Mass is Mass so no big deal.