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从墨尔本市区做到Sovereign Hill淘金场大约要两个多小时,路途挺远的。我们是报的一日游的团,所以不用担心交通问题.里面有中文讲解,还挺有意思的,会带你坐缆车去到从前淘金的金库里去看。还可以在旁边的沙河里自己淘金子。运气好的话还能淘到一些很小很小的小颗粒。
我丈夫和我在Comfort Inn住了两晚,因此我们有机会去了Sovereign Hill。我们花了一整天加一个下午,不过值得的,因为这样我们就有时间来规划我们的行程,并参观很多展览,以及下到煤矿井下一游。灯光音乐表演很精彩,可惜的是天气不太给力,不过,并不影响表演。如果来这里旅行的话,确保你余留下足够的时间参观路上的黄金博物馆。值得一去。
孩提时代,我从来没有来过 Sovereign Hill 。我们最近一次去 Daylesford的时候,去了一趟 Ballarat 来参观一下这里。我觉得这里的门票还是挺贵的,需要 286 块钱呢,但是他们确实对这里照料的非常好。如果从教育孩子的角度来看,带孩子来这里还是非常棒的。如果我们可以去参观煤矿的话,估计会更好,但是我们在那边的那段时间,票都卖完了。现场的熔金术展示还是很有意思的。可是,想想这里的门票这么贵,所以觉得这里面的吃的东西还是很高的,而且这里的咖啡厅和茶社里的人实在是太多,所以我们最后只好去了冰激凌店还有卖馅饼的商店吃了点儿东西。主要是我们不想跟这么多人挤,看上去要挤很久的样子。这里更适合孩子们来玩儿,因为这里对儿童来说有教育意义。我这么说不是说对成人来说没什么教育意义,因为我确实学到了一些东西(看熔金术的时候),但是我觉得孩子们会觉得更激动一些。但是千万不要在这里呆超过两个小时,因为这个价格返程不太实惠。
有个朋友要从墨尔本来Ballarat玩,虽然住得很近但一直没去过Sorereign hill的我跟老公终于决定陪她一起去玩玩。门票40多刀,包含博物馆门票(在淘金城外面门口)。淘金城内的各种tour需要进城后另行付款预定。学生(朋友是墨尔本的学生)有优惠,教师免费(我老公是当地的教师)。在门口会给你一张地图,建议游玩前先好好看看地图,做个大致的计划。因为城内有很多免费的好玩的过程展示,如:怎么制作糖果(结束后可以免费得到一粒,柠檬味的硬糖相当美味)、怎样制作木轮子(淘金城兴旺时代最主要的马车所使用的轮子)、怎样炼金(你会看到一块真正的价值不菲的金子的锻炼过程),此外还可以看“军队”的表演(会放枪,很震耳),表演结束后可以跟穿着帅气的士兵们合影。收费的tour也还不错,不到10刀,同样是有优惠有免费。金矿tour里有一个是关于中国人的故事,可以去看那个,下到矿里后,会看个幻灯小电影,并参观一些当时的采矿设施。运气好的话,这些收费免费的表演和tour是互不矛盾的。城里还有一些纪念品店和食品店以及酒吧,有一家馅饼很好吃。我当时吃的是牛肉蘑菇。城里的工作人员穿的都是古典服装,你可以随意邀请任何一个工作人员与你合影。他们还会组成小乐队弹奏乐器唱歌,气氛很欢快。其实淘金城比起国内的很多旅游景点来,还是小了一些,但景色优美。对于当时矿工们生活的帐篷、房子,都有比较生动的体现。此外在河边有免费的淘金沙的工具,你够耐心的话,说不定真的会淘出点什么来(我没弄够一分钟就没耐性了,自然什么也没淘到)。专程来澳洲玩的话,有太多美丽的景点可去。但如果你平素住在维多利亚州,已经玩过太多有趣景点的话,不妨来Sovereign hill放松一下,尤其是有小孩的家庭,这里是不错的度假景点。
It is a place that you would bring the kids to if you are well off with money to spend and they are absolutely bugging you to go. If not, don't suggest it to the kids.We took the $500++ package which included for two entrance fees, tea and scones (12AUDpp), one gold mine tour (7.5AUDpp), dinner, light and sound show and accommodation for the night. I wouldn't recommend this package to potential visitors as the tea and scones, dinner and accommodation wasn't up to the standard of what you have paid for. Both the scones and dinner tasted below average and made of average everyday food. Steak and grilled chicken served to us (we did not get to choose as dinner was fixed) was dry and blend At best. Stay and eat elsewhere. It is definitely do able.Activities in the park was quite average and boring at times to me as an overseas tourist. Therefore I see the admission as way too expensive. I can see how gold digger families or locals to Ballarat region would like it and would want to share with their visitors or family on how gold is dug, and looks like in the area. At least that was the vibe that I got from the other older generation tourists and locals as from their expressions, they thought the whole set up was very meaningful.LIGHT & SOUND show is exactly what it is. Just fancy lightings and sounds. No actors. You seat and stand and walk in the cold weather with lights and sounds "happening" all around you. Sounds exciting? Not to me.Good narrative of the history of the southern cross story by the background voice though throughout the show though. The background voice did became a bit boring to listen to eventually.Good on the marketing team of the park to package and market it well to tourists like us to make us pay 500++ AUD to go. Due to the lack of substance, I will not recommend it to family or friends. All in all, did it once already and will not return.
At primary school we had to dress like the old days and spend a day at an old town school. This was even better - the whole town is done in costume outfits and the stores are still producing products. The boiler is still used for supporting the town. Despite what must have been 300 school students there the same day, there was room and events on at various times to have plenty of space for everyone. Recommend the Gold ingot and the mine tour (pay extra). And buy a frypan/saucepan. We did and it's lasted a number of campfires already and still going strong. Cheaper than any home store and you can watch them being made.
Brilliant village with historic houses, overwhelmingly realistic atmosphere, superb appearance of historically clad staff, magnificent horses, extremely competent and informative mine tour. Missing: good coffee! It says "coffee" on some tents but the only place where there actually is coffee is the ugly modern cafe, thankfully hidden away so you don't have to see it - and their coffee is very average. Also, tickets for the mine tours and coach rides look like your supermarket docket - please make an effort to make these look like in 1852. The "Blood on the Southern Cross" show is very expensive and well made, but lacking a "wow" effect - think live actors dashing through audience, live dogs/horses on stage, or at least footage of people/horses, instead of just differently lit tents and campfires. Good info on Victorian history, though. Wouldn't recommend for children under 10: too much information, too late.
Took a two hour drive out today to Ballarat and visited Sovereign Hill Gold mine.Adults cost $49:50 which seems expensive, having said that there was much more there to see and do than I expected,there are of course many extras you can pay for and items to purchase, so your visit has the potential to cost you more than you budgeted for ! You do get Free entrance to the gold museum across the road, this only kills approx 40 minutes.But still worth the visit.Back at the Gold mine, everything is well maintained and excellently presented.My only criticism is the Cafe food was expensive and average at best.We had approx 4 hours there and walked around the whole place, we could have easily spent longer there.Be sure to check the Gold poor at the smelting room, and the soldiers firing there weapons at 1:30pm.Went into the free mine your and that was short but good.The horse and Carriage ride is an extra cost & we did not ride but it did look impressive. I can honestly say I had a great day and the $49:50 entrance price was irrelevant. I have visited many of these types of attractions in the US and Europe,Quite often I left feeling a little disappointed, but not this time.
Very well done, food is excellent and the exhibits very well presented lot's of things to see and do, book your mine trip early on the weekend or public holidays. Don't miss the sound and light show blood on the southern cross, maybe a little noisy for very young children, gunfire and loud explosions at the main part of the show. Well worth every $ entry as it covers you for 2 days and entry to the gold museum too.
It was a wonderful place. It takes you back in time and through the gold rush era. You get to know the difficulties faced by miners and the struggle. The gd making demo is awesome and so is the self guided tour of gold find. Blood on southern cross is an excellent light and sound show. Must see in your ballarat visit.
Fantastic place to visit. So many things to see and do so recommend the two day pass or even better still the accommodation package. The accommodation at The Comfort Inn is great and is right beside the venue.
i to like other reviewers thought the admission price was a bit high, and then still want to charge for the underground gold mine tour was a bit muchhaving said that it is a big area with a lot of old machinery to run & maintain with a lot of staff still quite interesting especially the gold pouring