parque natural de purace
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We visited the NP Purace, but we decided not to climb the volcano, as it's steep and long hike. Instead, we did the 15km trail from Termales San Juan to condor viewing point. It's probably easier to do it with private transportation, but that option is very pricy. So we took the public transportation. There are few bus companies that go to Termales San Juan. One is called Sotracauca and has buses at 5am and 10:30am from bus station. Another one, also from bus station, has a bus at 9:30am. We took Translaplateña bus (minivan), there is one at 6:30 and another at 9:30, starts not from the bus station, but from office not far from Humilladero bridge. The price was 15000COP pp, same for all companies. Ride was 1,5 hours long, although driver said it will be two. The road is terrible, narrow and curvy, and drivers are crazy. No seatbelts too. That might be fun for some (like us), but not necessarily for everyone. The driver let us out at Termales San Juan. It's not a bus stop, just in front of the ranger's house. We registered and then did the circular hiking trail around the Termales. The path was well made and nicely layed - it goes not only around the water, but has plenty of mini bridges and a viewing point up from the hill. The ranger warned us not to put water on our faces, as it's dangerous. Next we went back to the road we came by bus. I don't know why it's called hiking trail, as it's not a trail, but the same street as we came by bus. We started from Termales and went back the way we came to condor viewing point (we passed it before by bus). We went for 2km and reached the Mirador Cascada de Bedón. It's 10 meters away from the road. It's not very spectacular - there is a nicer and bigger waterfall seen from the road (after the condor viewing point, going back to Popayan), it has no viewing point, but is well seen. After that we went for another 5km and reached viewing point of Laguna San Rafael. There is no sing for that, just the ladder to climb up. The sing was used to 'pave' the muddy path up the hill. We uphill hike lasts around 5min, it's not high or far. We didn't see the lake, because it was cloudy. There supposed to be possiblity to hike to the lake, we found a path, but after 50meters the path dissapeared into the field. There are no signs whatsoever (we used gps to orientate), the field was very muddy as well. Not sure if it's possible to reach the lake without the local guide. We didn't have guide, as there were none in offer. After the unsuccesful try to reach the lake, we stayed back on the road and went towards the condor viewing point. The hike was long, but not hard. The views and the plants around us were very similar and monotonious - nothing changes for 15km. We haven't seen any condors as well. After we reached the condor viewing point (there is a sing for that) we went back home. We needed 4 hours to do all the hike. There are no bus stops, you just wave any bus/car that passes by you, at any time, at any place of the road. The busses go once in an hour, the last bus is at 5pm. As there are no bus stops, it's not clear where it supposed to be at 5pm - at Termales San Juan, condor viewing point or Purace town, so make sure you're done with your hike early. All in all, it was a nice and leisury hike, a perfect alternative for those that want to visit the NP Purace, but doesn't want to do the hard volcano climb. My advice would be go to Termales San Juan, do the circular tour there and then go till Cascadas de Bedón and then take the bus back home - you won't miss out much, if you leave out the Laguna San Rafael or condor viewing point (as there are no guarantee that condors will be there and the lake is not accessible). Or, even better, go to Laguna Verde near Pasto - the hike there is less monotonious and shorter and the lake is nicer.
make sure you have a good guide with you (35.000 COP /day for a local indian guide if you speak spanish, guides from Popayan are more expensive) .have the transport arranged - best is private transport - you can take mini bus from popayan to purace village if you stay there or go directly further towards the termales de san juan.we hiked about 15 km towards the termales on a rainy day but the scenery was so beautiful it is hard to describe (check out the photos).reaching the entrance of the termales de san juan we had a short introduction from the guards there - everybody was so welcoming and friendly.entrance is 20.000 COP or 8,4€ - you walk about 1 km inside and suddenly the forest opens up and gives way to the hot springs - what a beautiful scenery.after coming back to the office of the park rangers it was raining and we took a rest in their wooden house - they offered us a hot coffee or tea and bcs. there was no vehicle passing by which we could have taken to get back to Purace the park rangers also prepared a lunch for us - we had a real good time with them and left after the lunch by foot.after some 30 min a bus passed by and we got back to the condor feeding which is on the way to Purace.after watching the condors and eagles (they are not afraid of people) we had to walk again bcs. there was no transport. another 40 min later a car passed by and took us along to Purace where we stayed at the posada touristica "EL JARDIN DEL CONDOR" (call. 0057-3147150476 or mail is the best place to stay when you are in the Purace national park.evening time you may walk to the police station and you´ll find opposite a small local restaurant where fresh food is prepared just in the same room where you eat - very basic (only native indian who are friendly) but really tasty food for not more then 5.000 COP 2,1€ incl. a fresh fruit juice.if you want to hile up the volcano make sure you take the 07:00 bus for the mining company which can be joined for just 1.000 COP or 0,42 € per person and it brings you to Pilimbala close to the volcano park entrance.if you want to climb the volcano make sure you had enough training bcs. the air is quite thin there and there is no such thing as a paved way - it is all steep terrain and hard to walk - we needed 3 hrs to reach to the old military camp (now a radio or phone antenna) and we had to turn around not only because we where really tired but also bcs. the weather changed quite quickly.on the way down we took another turn to pass the sulfate mine.once down on the main road again we had to walk even more bcs. there was no transport - after almost an eternity and being very tired we where lucky and the only mini bus a day came to take us the remaining 5 km to Purace.all the places we visited where extremely beautiful, but beware of the poor transport situation.ask the inhabitants of Purace or the posada owners for the busses - to my knowledge there are just about 4 per day.
An easy driving tour from Popayan. See the Paramo, hot springs (termales), water falls, hike the volcano. If you speak any minimal Spanish - skip the English guides. You must have a local guide. Unless you want to check off your bird list, skip the condor feeding (visit the San Diego zoo where I live), or better yet go to Patagonia for this. Bring rubber boots (for sale in Popayan for 20,000 - 30,000 COP) to enjoy hiking in the mud! Other Paramo areas in Columbia are more spectacular but if you are near Popayan, this is a good choice for a day trip. The sulfur springs are quite interesting if a bit cold. Get adventuresome and eat lunch at a local house on the east side of the park (where the ubiquitous north American trout is prepared [Trucha Ahumada]).
Loved the Condor feeding, Termales San Juan, Cascada Bedón. páramo. There is also a San Rafael lagoon that is hard to reach but probably worth the effort. Important to hire a guide as some of this is protected land.
it was extremely windy, and the way up is not so easy.but this place is really really beautiful.
A great thing about travelling in Colombia has been discovering the remote and spectacular countryside with its diversity of flora and fauna. After 2 days in Popayan I was ready to experience the Parque Natual de Purace but getting there was presenting problems. I decided to hire a professional guide who provided excellent service and the day was spent care-free enjoying the drive up through several ecosystems to the Parque where we experienced hot springs, condor sightings, waterfalls and a never ending display of impressive vegetation. The drive takes you high up in the central cordillera of Colombia over some bumpy roads, overlooking incredible landscapes. At the top is a modest parks office where you pay your entrance and go on an orchid walk or a walk to the hot springs. In April, it can rain and it's quite cool so wear boots and take a jacket. You should also take money for lunch.The guide, Cristian Eduardo Pipamija will also take you to for a soak in the hot springs in nearby Coconco if you like. He speaks just a little English so it will help if you have a moderate level of Spanish to coordinate services and negotiate the price as well as take advantage of his knowledge. Ask for his card at the Information centre by Parque Caldas. Next time I want him to guide us around Macizo while it is still pristine, undiscovered, precious. Please contact me for details as I could go on for pages!If I were really selfish I would keep this all to myself. The Park is just being discovered by the outside world and it won't stay this unspoiled forever. Take advantage and go now!
Zwischen den Tälern des Rio Cauca und des Rio Magdalena erhebt sich östlich von Popayan der Kamm der zentralen Kordillere Kolumbiens mit dem aktiven Vulkan Puracé (4756 m ü.M.). Oft herrscht schlechtes Wetter, so dass man den Kegel meist nicht sieht. Immerhin, wenn man der typischen Vegetation der kolumbianischen Anden etwas abgewinnen kann, dann verschließt auch Regenwetter nicht den Blick auf die páramos mit ihren "fraylejones", den sogenannten Schopfrosttenpflanzen oder Espeletien, die hier bis drei Meter hoch werden. Das sind nicht die höchsten im Lande, aber sie sind dennoch belebend oder wirken im Nebel etwas mystisch, wenn die "fraylejones" wie Mönche in ihren Kutten als Silhouetten erscheinen. Bei schönem Wetter sollte es auch möglich sein, den Busfahrer zu einem Halt für einen Photostop zu bewegen, denn kolumbianische Busfahrer auf ländlichen Nebenstrecken sind durchweg freundlich und andere Businsassen sind unter Umständen froh, wenn sie mal kurz pausieren können - das Leben ist hier geruhsam...
De las atracciones naturales mas lindas del Cauca,bellos paisajes, un poco retirado de Popayan pero vale la pena, ideal ir muy temprano para poder subir al volcán o quedarse un fin de semana en el lugar
Luogo incantevole nel quale si possono ammirare i condor a pochi metri di distanza, se si è fortunati. Ce ne sono tre e sono uno spettacolo imperdibile, eleganti e maestosi. Molto belle anche le terme naturali di San Juan, con colori stupefacenti, le cascate, la laguna e il paesaggio in generale, costellato dai frailejones (foto) e altre piante e fiori splendidi. E' consigliabile utilizzare un tour organizzato perché i vari punti non sono vicini l'uno all'altro e la strada non è sempre in buone condizioni; inoltre è territorio degli indios guambianos e una guida autoctona ti accompagna e fornisce cibo al condor il quale, se non ha già mangiato, si fa vedere e solo questo vale il viaggio! Interessante anche la miniera di zolfo e lo stabilimento per la lavorazione.
El hermoso volcán Puracé (que podría estar nevado :) ), las aguas termales, las largas caminatas en medio de esos paisajes maravillosos, las bajas temperaturas, la humedad. Es una experiencia de contemplación y fortaleza física maravillosa.
Debo ser honesto con otros viajeros y decir, que calificó con 5 por el paisaje, pues la comida disponible no es la mejor, y hacen faltan algunas advertencias que espero les ayude. Primero, para ir a este lugar lo mejor es llegar entre 6 y 8 de la mañana, hay que caminar bastante. Segundo, lo mejor del parque es conocer los azufrales de san Juan, que están casi a 20 Kmts más adelante de la entrada al parque y Tercero. Recomendable no acampar ni alojarse, la comida no es nada buena. Hoy en dia está administrado por los indigenas y por falta de asesoría no saben como atender muy bien, ni preparar comida elaborada, aun así un lugar espectacular
Como en todo Colombia, la naturaleza para algunos y Dios para otros, se encargo de dejarnos lugares de ensueño para conocer. Increíble contar con aguas termales para bañarse todo el año.
me gusto el ambiente, se respira aire puro, las aguas termales son delicias, hay varias piscinas con diferentes temperaturas, a veces en temporadas altas va mucha gente y el clima es muy frio, peo las guas termales lo compensan eso si hay que ir bien abrigados.
El parque está muy bien cuidado, se respira aire puro y se disfruta de una hermosa vista desde cualquier lugar. Toca estar en forma porque la caminata ida y vuelta puede tomar más de seis horas. Además deben llegar bebidas y alimentos porque allá no van a conseguir nada. Lo ideal es ir acompañado de un guía local, llevar botas y ropa impermeable porque el ambiente es muy húmedo. Es un paseo que solo hice una vez y no lo haré en algún tiempo, la caminata es extrema!
La mayor diversidad de especies de orquídeas se encuentra en el PNN Puracé! Además, del magnífico paisaje que se puede contemplar durante el camino hasta llegar al Parque.