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I’ll start off by saying that it is a sacred land. A visit here must be done with all the respect it deserves as Nabusimake is the religious capital of the Arhuaco people. A very mystical and reserved group of what i (like the Canadians) like to call the first nations. To them it is where the sun is born, and there is no doubt in my mind that in there cosmological understanding it is where its born. It’s a ruff trip up in a landCruiser (3 hours) and an even rougher trip down. But the trip there is half of the experience.The stay there is very simple, nothing luxurius, with not many options. We stayed "donde Mila" and I recommend it, friendly, good simple food.I do not recommend the trip to Nabusimake during the rainy seasons due to the road.The Arhuaco people are not very friendly, rarely having contact with you, and sadly i think its why they have survived as an indigenous group. Most of them only speak their native language, and are really jealous of photos... I guess I understand them, I too would hate to be taken pictures like some rare bird. Nabusimake is a closed group of houses that are actually not where they live. The houses are used only when religious ceremonies take place and as passing homes. to enter the closed area of Nabusimake you have to ask for a permit (you can get it at Milas), and may be granted or may be neglected... it all depends whether or not ceremonies are taking place. A minimum of 3 day and a maximum of 5. Like I said they are jealous of their lands, and traditions and we must understand that and respect it. It’s a place I hope to visit again, it’s a place to learn from, to see how they interact with their environments, how they respect everything from the pig, to the grasshopper, to the river.
This is the most amazing place i have been in Colombia, it is full of magic, i met some very sweet people and the most beautiful houses handmade by the arhuacos.Bare in mind that only goes one jeep everyday so you got to be early in the morning.the staff in the hostel aqua in valledupar didn't have any idea what to do to get to nabusimake. So please book the first bus to pueblo bello from valledupar about 5 am in the morning.We stay in maria izquierdo is a simple house but full of love, she cooks amazing, only 3 meals and there is not stores so be prepare, no electricity whatsoever only generator for a couple of hours.House is clean , the kids sweet and maria's mother is the teacher in the indigenous school .she gave us a tour to the school wich make me think how selfish we are in the material world, we have everything and they have only the necessary or lessWe went to "el poso del diablo" the part of the river that you can swim. Fresh cool water, Cristal clear that you can drink.We went to nabusimake town and then came back to have a good night sleep
Nabusimake is very special and powerfull place !! enjo it !! I ll take long to riach there becouse from Pueblo Bello cud take 3 hours or more depending of the roud, but thats part of the trip. Ask first to the people to take photos, thei don t like to be shot whit out permision. Nabusimake is stopeed in time and it s a great place to see other dimesion of time
We visited in the month of March and were not allowed to enter the village due to a two week indigenous reunion. To get there take the bus from Valledupar to Pueblo Bello at 6 am (10.000 Cop). Trip duration 1 1/2 h. From the bus terminal you can take a 4x4 up to the pueblo. It is a two hour extremely bumpy ride. ( 15.000 cop)We stayed at Doña Ines for 20.000 cop a person. She has dorm rooms and offers meals for 6.000 is a beautiful property with animals and the family was sweet. There are three more "hotels" outside the village where you can stay. Once there you will have to register and pay 10.000 cop. They have a guide that can take you around for tips. You are not allowed to enter the village by yourself. The area is very beautiful and tranquil and you will feel like being in a different world. Although we were not allowed to enter the pueblo we did enjoy our stay. Bring water and warm cloth and hiking shoes. There is no market or store.
Mi expedicion a nabusimake fue una aventura completa de principio a fin . Emezando por la via de acceso desde Pueblo Bello , una trocha solo para expertos que se abre a la belleza de la Sierra nevada en cada curva. Llegando a la bella Nabusimake, llena de hermosas colinas y senderos donde se aprecia la tranquilidad y el autentico diario vivir de los Arhuacos .El clima es estupendo y el lugar es tan asombrosamente tranquilo y agradable que uno siempre se quiere quedar unos dias mas.
La via es un terreno sensible impresiona ver las placas huellas destruidas por la àcides de la geologìa. se hace internimable la llegada al asentamiento; pero asimismo, el paisaje maravilloso lo reconforta, ver subir y bajar indigenas, mujeres laboriosas tejiendo su pensamiento plasmado en las mochilas, el silencio es infinito y sagrado, el baño el rio casi que una odisea por el frio, pero es donde uno puede dejar los pesares y recuperar energias para el regreso. Vìvelo que cada uno tiene una experiencia inolvidable.
Excelente deben venir y conocerle personalmente no hay palabras para describirlo, muy bonito bonito de verdad verdad vengas y conozcalon
de las culturas ancestrales una de las sabias es la Aruhaca, en la nación heredera de los Taironas, En plena sierra nevada de Santa Marta, compartir y aprender de sus costumbres y tradiciones son el mejor premio por esta visita.
un lugar especial donde debes viajar y recorrer el pasado de la vida , es mas un lugar donde verse y maravillarse que un lugar tusristico, no lo recomiendo con niños pues poco o nada pueden hacer . pero para una buena etapa de reconciliacion o meditacion es el mejor lugar para ir, eso si ir con guias certificados y que te garanticen la seguridad. !!
Es un sitio especial, sobre todo para encontrarse con los antepasados, un saludo especial a las comunidades indigenas
Desde niño tuve la oportunidad de conocer esta población, y lo hacia porque para mi padre significaba tranquilidad y paz... Hoy veo y siento lo mismo que el sentía cuando con frecuencia solíamos ir y disfrutar de este hermoso lugar! Señores 100% recomendado!
se puede realizar en 2 o varios días. Los paisajes son impresionantes.La posibilidad de compartir con familias arhuacas y descubrir la magia de la Sierra NEvada de SAnta MArta
me encanto la atencion de las mujeres arhuacas. la complejidad de las tecnicas con que elaboran las mochilas.una aventura inolvidablerecomiendo visitarlo al menos 4 o 5 dias.. se llega desde Valledupar, pero recomiendo organizar la expedicion desde Santa Marta con La Sierrita Ecotours
El trayecto en 4x4 desde Pueblo Bello a Nabusímake ya es de por sí una auténtica aventura por el estado del camino. Ya en el territorio de los arhuacos es necesario registrarse y pagar una entrada. Hay algunos alojamientos básicos. Los dos grandes atractivos de la zona son la desbordante naturaleza de la región y la forma de vida tradicional de los arhuacos, que mantienen su propia vestimenta, lengua y organización social, muy esquivos y recelosos ante la presencia de extraños en sus tierras.
Subir desde Pueblo Bello hasta Nabusimake no sòlo es tener la experiencia de convivir con los indios arhuacos, sino aprender sobre la geografìa de nuestras montañas y picos màs altos, pisos climàticos y sobre todo admirar el hermoso y colorido paisaje ùnico en nuestro territorio colombiano, Nabusimake nos hace pensar que debemos cuidar màs la naturaleza para beneficio de nuestra propia vida. En otras palabras es un lugar màgico donde se pueden practicar muchas actividades y sentir que Dios nos ha dado el regalo màs hermoso ¡La vida¡