5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The show is definitely culturally significant. Caleños ADORE their salsa and 5 or 6 hours of their music may fly for them but if you are not into salsa music ... I try to imagine Caleños sitting through 5 hours of riverdance or flamenco. But the organization is outstanding and the show IS fun.
Our Caleno friends almost insisted that we include this in our travel plans. Wow, are we glad we did! Our expectations were already high, but this show still amazed us. As others have observed, the best way to describe Delirio is Cirque de Soliel meets a dance show. A VERY BIG dance show. That may be the most impressive part of Delirio - the scale, the massive number of first-rate dancers and artists. The music is live. The timing and transitions are flawless. The costumes are flashy and spectacular. I cannot imagine the amount of practice required to make that huge show run so smoothly. They have perhaps 100 adult performers about 30 amazing child performers.There were four show segments, separated by breaks of at least 15 minutes, plenty of time for potty stops and you can actually go up front and dance. Folks were also dancing in the aisles.The Michael Jackson tribute was the weak link in the production. The performances were flawless, as expected, but the flow left the audience wondering when to clap.On the down side, it didn't appear that you could order wine, beer or individual mixed drinks. Only bottles of booze. They gave out two or three samples of booze as you walk into the venue.As with everything in Cali, things run more smoothly if you have someone with passable spanish in your group. However, Delirio has a surprising number of staff who spoke good english. If your spanish is weak to non-existent, come early and they'll find and english speaker who will fix you up for the night.
One in a life time experience, best latin show I ever seen.... It's a must stop in Cali.... All salsa lovers must come :):)
The Delirio performance was the highlight of my visit! The performers had a wide, age range and all were accomplished at dancing salsa. The singers were spectacular as well as the musicians.
I was pleasantly surprised. The show runs on time and like a well oiled machine. This is a very organized event. The entertainment is in three parts with intermissions between each for dancing, browsing outside shops, and other needs. For the ticket price, drinks and yummy snacks are included. The cast is at least 30 strong with excellent dancers involved.
Delirio is unique in many ways, first it combines a cabaret (with tables where you sit with your friends for drinks and snacks) with a circus. Then you can dance in between acts on one of the stages either to DJ or live music, finally, you see a Salsa show that is second to none in the world, combining choreography, music, acrobatics, costumes and even some acting. The dancing troop is varied and big, and at times you can pretty much look in any direction and see people dancing or performing. The concept seems like an evolved cirque du soleil, where the culture of Salsa that Cali transpires becomes a beautiful art expression. It would be a shame to go to Cali and not seeing Delirio. The performance is once a month but more often during the 'Feria de Cali'. Food is mostly simple snacks and appetizers suited for drinks, if you are the hungry type, make sure you have dinner before heading there.
I have not seen a show like this in years, Salsa like never before, it is a show that should be in Las Vegas, I can't describe it in words, you have to go see it, and make sure to make reservations, the show travel a lot, so I think is only once a month that they have the show in Cali.The show is so nice that people make plans to visit cali around the date that they got the reservation for the show. Go confortable is in a circus tent, so; open, no A/C and in Cali is a bit humid, but believe it is a MUST.
The best show salsa ever, The salsa cirque du soleil, just one word WOWWWW, the show is the last Friday of every month
My title quickly simplifies what I think of this wonderful show. Just don't miss it! It's amazong, full of live, tons of great salsa dancers, in perhaps the only city in the world that breathes salsa and everyone knows how to dance it well.I've seen many world-class shows and this, is really one of my favorites!
Hermoso, fantástico show de música, baile y circo. Es un lugar al cual hay que ir en Cali, porque le muestra a uno la historia de Cali a través del baile, los músicos y el circo. Desde que ingresas es un lugar mágico... caminas por la alfombra roja y disfrutas de los regalos de los patrocinadores.
Es la mejor experiencia vivida en Cali... la música y los shows son de lo mejor! En tu planificación de viaje a Colombia, debes pasar un fin de semana por Cali... seguro que si: llegas caminando y salís bailando, oís? !!
Es un espectáculo que a día de hoy esta ya a la altura de cualquier gran espectáculo internacional. Es mi segunda vez y el cambio ha sido increíble. La primera vez fue en diciembre 2012 en la antigua carpa. Aunque el espectáculo fue bueno aun le faltaba algo. Este año se han superado, la nueva carpa, el servicio de camareros y azafatas impecable, la puesta en escena cada vez más cuidada y la indudable calidad de sus bailarines, hace de Delirio un excelente espectáculo que uno no debería perderse.
Definitivamente inolvidable ! Me habían hablado muchísimo de le Feria de Cali y en especial de su puesta en escena con la carpa Delirio pero se quedaron cortos mis amigos de Cali , por que es uno de los espectáculos mas creativos y vigorosos que he visto , me encanto , gracias Cali por crear un espacio interactivo tan brillante y como decimos en la Costa : quien lo vive es quien lo goza ... Recomendadisimo Delirio
Es increincreíble, es un show de salsa caleña, que es diferente a la de otras partes del mundo, pero cuando menos piensas del techo sale un maravarista o trapecista, y además una excelente orquesta, los bailarines salen a bailar con el público, hay que llevar los zapatos bailarines y ropa vaporosa por que hace calor, y bailando... Mas
Si estás en Cali hay que ir a Delirio. Lástima que es solo una vez al mes. Es bellísimo. La música, el baile, el circo, la orquesta, los shows que han montado (Michael Jackson, Ras Tas Tas, etc). Los niños que bailan lo haced de maravilla. En fin, algo bueno que mostrar en nuestro país.