mount monserrate
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首先,如果你有恐高症,有三种方式上下——电车、缆车、步行。1. 如果你非常健壮,没有高原反应问题,可以选择走路,走走更健康。2. 你必须体验一下电车和缆车。如果你恐高,这两个都会考验你的极限。虽然很安全,但是会很高,角度很陡。我很害怕高度,尽量隐藏内心的恐惧,感觉爱上了它(其实是事后)。山顶有个古老的教堂,可以看到最美的风景,最好是早上8点到8点半过去,通常外面可见度高,可以看到整个城市。然后你可以吃早餐,上面有很多卖食物的小商贩,东西非常好吃,有Papa crillolla(克里奥尔小土豆)、arepas(玉米馅饼)、chorizo(香肠)、以及mazorca(烤黄油玉米),感觉很不错。但请注意,这里是高于海平线3000米的地方,你会感到上气不接下气,做好准备随时觉得无法呼吸吧。多拍点照片,小商贩还卖纪念品,价格便宜,比我去的城市里很多地方都便宜,所以我在那里买纪念品。嗯,写着写着写饿了:(
It is a great view of the city, but you have to time the day you go based on the clouds. Hopefully you will choose a day that is sunny. You can get to the top by hiking up, taking a cable car, or by the funicular. Many visiting are tourists while others are making a religious pilgrimage to the church at the top. They is a market at the top, and a couple of places to eat. The flowers are amazing.
The cable car runs every 15 minutes and costs about $17/pp (cheaper for seniors and children). It is a smooth ride to the top. The view is spectacular; there are souvenir shops, a church, bathrooms, and a small restaurant. There is also a funicular.
Apart from the journey up the views are worth the time as you have a view across Bogota. Also if you walk through the garden path the flowers are lovely as are the humming birds. It is worth allocating some time to visit if in Bogota. Souvenir shops in abundance.
Highly recommend visiting Monserrate. Its has the best view in Bogotá, with nice ride of cable car or "funicular". If you have a stong stomach, recommend the local food they serve up in Monserrate in a food court.
Took the cable car up as we had limited time- a member of the group with a fear of heights and small spaces doubly regretted this option but it was well maintained and the wait was not long early in the morning on a weekday.It was much cooler at the top of the mountain, and I was glad to have a wind-proof shell to throw on. The view is beautiful on a day when there's not much haze, and there are facilities and even a cafe. We spent about an hour and a half walking around and saw every view, all the statues and gardens, and were ready to pack it in.
Allow yourself 3 hours to fully enjoy this picturesque pilgrimage. BEST DURING THE WEEK AND NOT on SUNDAY ! Packed and unfortunately pick pockets. The statue of the Fallen Christ is know for spiritual renewal and miracles. One can go behind the high altar for a special blessing.One can pray and make the Stations of the Cross, rest in the shade and take deep sighs overlooking the entire city.GREAT RESTAURANT; SAN ISIDRO -- EXCELLENT STEAKS, LIGHT LUNCHES AND FULL WINE LIST. CHECK OUT MY FULL REVIEW ON TRIPADVISOR.
My parents took me and my brother in March. The view of the city is breathtaking, the cathedral is so beautiful, and the marketplace is lively and a lot of fun. The over 2 km hike up the mountain was grueling and probably the hardest incline I've ever done, but believe me when I tell you that it is worth the experience. If you've never been to Bogotá, especially if you've never been to Colombia, and you are able, you simply have to make the hike. It honestly makes the view that much more rewarding and gives you an experience of a lifetime. My last bit of advice would be to try the fresh coca tea offered by one of the local vendors in the market and to take the cable car on the way down, it's really cool!
The view is AMAZING. I wont argue with that. the thing is, that even though the place is beautiful, there is a humble restaurant at the top that has all kind of homophobic messages hanging of the walls. Nobody seems to care about it, but it was enough to ruin my evening. The signs should be removed. It was really interesting that while we were going up it began to rain, but we could still see the sun over the city.
Lots of big cities in South America have this exact same attraction - ride a funicular to the top of a hill for great views of the city. So if you've done it elsewhere then you might not feel too bad about missing it, especially if it's a hazy day. But it's a very dramatic view, the Chapel at the top is pretty interesting and the walkway down looked really interesting too, but apparently it's not that safe!Wouldn't say it's essential but it's still a lot of fun. We wrote a blog with more Bogota tips if you're interested too:
The way up there is nice, you can take the teleferico and then walk around at the top. It is really expensive though and the church at the top is not very pretty.