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Virgen del Valle, or Our Lady of The Valley, is the Virgin Mary´s name for the eastern part of Venezuela. Specially revered in Margarita and Anzoategui State. its story is knitted into Margarita´s culture, music, arts and religous sentiment. visitors should be aware of mass scheduling : tourist visits are not permited during religious services. Also modest and respectful wardrobe is required inside the church building.The image of the Virgin in display inside the basilica is of stunning beauty temperature around and inside the Basilica building may be very hot and humid, bring water and cover up your head during late morning and early afternoon visits.
This is a wonderful place.You can buy flowers for the virgin and offer it.You can light candles.There are a lot of people selling souvenirs for the church.There is a food court nearly, on the compound. The empanadas, cachatas etc are really nice and the food area is clean.
White church with steeples and ornate interior. Little market kiosks outside had a good selection of souvenirs.
The church is definitely beautiful, and from what we learned on the second visit, important as it has South America's oldest Virgin Mary statue. It would have been neat to more leisurely walk the market, though.
It shows the culture of the "margariteños" or people from Margarita Island. .The place is super full of people. You will find many places to buy souveniers and little statues of the virgin. When you go into the church it self, make sure you are dressed propperly, otherwise people might fell ofended.Its a very hot place to go, so i encourage you to wear something confortable and at the same time suitable for church.
Sept 8th is the "feast day" for La Virgen, the patron saint of the Island and of the "oriente" of Venezuela. There is a celebration that goes on until Sept 26...food, art, music and pilgrimage. The food is regional therefore much emphasis on fish and seafood. Surrounding island, Cubagua, is a haven for it affords a "get away from it all" environs..no phones, electricity, or crowds..a beach all to yourself just a boat ride away!!
The Virgen del Valle is probably the most worshipped patron of Venezuela. She is especially important in the eastern part of Venezuela and with all things maritime like navy, sailors, and fishermen. So almost all Venezuelans that visit Isla Margarita will visit to this church to pay tribute at least once in their lives. It can get very crowded, especially on weekends and national holidays. But to be honest, for foreigners there is not much reason to visit this place, because the church and surroundings are not very attractive from a historic or architectural point of view.
Es muy bella, milagrosa la Virgen del valle dentro de mis creencias. Muchisimas personas peregrinan. No fui a misa pero el padre tuvo la amabilidad de bendecirme una estatuita que compre. Fue hermoso el recorrido paral llegar,
Basilica linda da padroeira de lá. muitos visitantes, uma feira religiosa na frente do local. uma parte linda da historia de lá. vale a pena conhecer.
Muy lindo lugar, con ferias alrededor donde se pueden adquirir un montón de regalos a muy buenos precios, recuerdos y souvenires... La basílica es hermosa!!! Muy lindo paseo!
Lo mejor de la Isla, la verdad disfruté mucho y me encantó compartir en familia visitar la virgen del valle fue una de las mejores y fabulosas experiencias, buena atención y mucha competencia en cuanto a la venta de bisuterías y algunas que otras cosas.
Es realmente hermosa. Al realizar la visita a una nueva region es importante conectarse tambien con su nuestra espiritualidad. Personalmente la considere un lugar de mucha paz y el dia que fuimos habia misa por lo que pudimos disfrutar de la ceremonia. Realmente recomendado y para los turistas de paso muchos recuerdos de la virgen en diferentes tamaños.
Pintoresco, pero no vale la pena. Es una basílica sin mucha historia, pequeñita. El lugar está lleno de puestos que te venden velas y mantos para la virgen.
La verdad que es una Basílica muy hermosa. Siempre que visito un nuevo destino voy a una Iglesia y la verdad que es hermosa!!!!
No dejen de ir realmente es muy bella y en la parte de atras de la basilica esta tallada en madera (gigante) la cara de la virgen que el escultor no pudo terminar de hacerla y ahi quedo...es un dato que les paso porque nadie lo cuenta