carlos costa pinto museum
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Of interest to see how the Europeanised rich lived in the eighteenth to early twentieth centuries. There is also a fine selection of Bahian jewellery. Everything is very well displayed and the labelling is all in correct English for once!
Interesting collection, various aspects of colonial life illustrated in quiet, clean and comfortable surroundings. Lovely cafe in the garden, great for a mid-morning or lunchtime snack or coffee - even frequented by the locals.
I loved to see the fine arts and objects used by the Bahia’ sugar cane aristocracy ( XVII to XIX Centuries).I dislike the Museum opening hour : 2:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Too short and in the middle of the day.
If you enjoy historical homes you should visit this one. You walk through on your own with guides to point you in the right direction and it should take you 1-2 hours to get through. We enjoyed seeing some of the plantation history in this well preserved home.
A fine collection of silver from the colonial period. Small cafe. WOrth a visit to flee from the caos of Salvador.
Located in Vitoria between Barra and Pelourinho, this is a gem of a museum set in a mansion displaying many of the decorative arts of both the Portuguese overloads, as well as of their black servants and slaves. Well worth seeking out, but be sure to check opening times since they are not always open.
Being rich can be pretty boring too. That's how I felt when I left this top museum with a great collection of luxury items. All of them extremely tradicional and classical, not showing the slightest interest in the upcoming modern times. That's probably also the resaon why this aristocrate family built this mansion in 1958 in a conservative northern american colonial style. But they never lived in it and transformed it in 1969 into a museum. The architects were Euvaldo Reis and Diógenes Rebouças. Rebouças built also the fantastic Hotel de Bahia (now Sheraton) along the nearby Campo Grande Square, a modernist pleasure and treasure with integrated art works by Genaro de Carvalho and Carybé. Rather check this late 1940s building in stead of this pastiche!The museum opens late, but stays open until 7pm. No views on the bay because the garden was reserved for a tall apartment tower, very common along the Avenida Sete de Setembro.
This wonderful museum of antiques, treasures and artifacts collected over a lifetime by the philanthropist Carlos Costa Pinto is somewhere you really ought to visit. It is in the actual house where the Costa Pintos lived in Salvador.. He made his fortune from sugar and as he and his wife had no children, they spent their money on collecting many treasures, some of which are housed in the museum and were a gift to Salvador. You can gasp at the richness of some of the jewels and gold. Beautifully displayed and lit.
When we were in Salvador we were staying close to this museum and it rained quite a lot, so this was a nice place to spend some time. It was interesting to learn about all of the luxuries brought to the colony.
O museu fica num palacete no bairro da vitória, onde se pode conhecer o estilo de vida da alta burguesia do início do século XX. Possui um vasto acervo de objetos decorativos, prataria, louças e objetos religiosos. Tem um espaço de alimentação onde se pode fazer uma refeição num ambiente muito agradável.
vale a pena conhecer,tem um acervo de obras muito interessante boa localização ,fecha a visitação cedo ,bom para pesquisas.
Fruto da doação de coleção particular instalada na própria moradia do Carlos Costa Pinto, o meseu vale a visita. Não apenas por sua linda e diversificada coleção que representa o estilo de vida dos nobres baianos, como também pela beleza do palacete situado numa avenida suntuosa de Salvador.
Museu diferente. Abriga o que seria a casa de Costa Pinto, mas vê-se que se atualizou no tempo, tem uma parte da exposição muito boa que fala das jóias de crioula!! Muito lindo o espaço e tem um excelente café!
Fiquei muito impressionada com este museu! Recomendo a visita pois o acervo é muito rico. A casa mostra mobiliário e pertences do morador e sua esposa, que pertenciam à alta sociedade de Salvador.
Una residencia de la Familia Costa Pinto acondicionada en forma excelente y moderna, para guardar los tesoros acumulados por esta flia. Increíble por ejemplo, ver las joyas de oro y plata que portaban las esclavas de la época, una manera de demostrar la riqueza y el poder de sus duenos.