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飞越千山万水,才到达这个与世隔绝的小岛。由于签证的放宽,不再需要邀请函就能到智利来旅游。但这座孤岛实在是太偏了,只有LAN一家航空公司在运营,所以票价相对很高。如果你买south american pass,会稍微优惠一点点。整个岛的镇就集中在机场不远的honga roa,有银行、邮局、超市,但都是很小的。抱团比较方便,自驾可能会迷路。
整个岛现在的功能就是作为国家公园存在。所以到那里后,只需付钱看两个地方就够了:Moai采石场(Rano Raraku)和 Rano Kau的Orongo。岛上大多数地方和大多数景色都不用花钱——但既然来了花点钱看精华的东西又何妨。我请了Green island Tours的Marc Shields做导游,这也是根据到到网上朋友的推荐找的——非常好。Marc很优秀。他很机灵,很变通,带我去了我想去得地方,也告诉我我想知道的事。他的英语十分流利,让我很是惊讶,因为他是新西兰当地土著Kiwi人,娶的也是当地的Rapa Nui女人为妻。我非常推荐他。
The park is very good and covers most of the culture of the island. I would strongly recommend employing a local guide. STAY OFF THE PLATFORMS, SEEN MANY TOURIST IGNORE THE SIGNS. PLEASE RESPECT THE MONUMENTS.
After seeeing photos of the moai on the island, it was fantastic to be there and see for myself. this place is beautiful and there's lots to see. We spent 6 days there and were busy every day.
Loved the people who were very helpful and friendly. Stayed for 6 days and hired a jeep which was great for seeing all the attractions. Some of the best food we had in South America. Unless you are mega in to archaeology I think a week is probably enough.
One always associates tall Moai figures and statues with Easter island and this location provides all you would expect. A short uphill walk from the reception area to the nearby crater provides a sublime contrasting experience which is well worth the effort. This location is one of the planets locations that everyone should visit and experience.
The remains of the Maoi and the petroglphys were special. Especially interesting is the quarrie where the Maoi were created
We recently returned from a cruise we took from Fort Lauderdale to Tahiti via Panama Canal. I understand 50 per cent of the cruise ships are weathered out and are unable to visit. We were fortunate enough to be able to visit Easter Island. It was much more than I expected. The moai are all over the island in various stages and status of condition. I had always thought they were all in one spot. We were lucky enough to have Josie as our guide, she is the granddaughter of the archaeologist who came to the island to refurbish the moai. His ashes are in the one group we visited. Although we were only able to be on the island for six hours, we were able to take a tour around the island to the most important sites. We walked at the volcano crater where the moai were carved. It was well worth the trip. If an opportunity to visit arises - jump on it.
When you think ozone seen most all, there's more. The Moai were tumbled down in a tsunami and resurrected. Great art and architecture. The feats on this remote island continue to amaze. Several different epoch and types of Moai represented from different ages. They were constructed over 500 years. Fascinating adventure.
Most travelers to the Easter Island come in groups. For those who are still in the planning, my suggestion is to visit alone. The island definitely has magic, but groups scare it away. The best memory I have is walking among Moai as the sole living being. That´s what I did. I stayed in a cheap boarding house with a bed, a sink, and a toilet. The advantage - I preferred to spend the whole day outside. One early morning a neighbor took me to the National Park and left me there. Still in the pitch-black darkness of a Pacific night. I had to persuade him to leave me there, alone with the statues. This a strictly no-no for most of the locals. According to their beliefs, many locations on the island are home to spirits who, given a minimal chance, are quite likely to drag you somewhere you´ll stay forever. The sunrise is truly spectacular. But then, a dozen of my fellow sun worshippers got into their mini-vans, and I was left alone. It takes only a 30-minute stroll to the slopes of the National Park, teeming with stone heads. At that hour, the Park was still closed to visitors and I was the only living being to wander around it as far as my eye could see. It is a strong spiritual experience. Then I hit the road back to town. On foot. It took me over five hours. During that time I saw two cars. Since there was nothing much to do except to move my feet - the walk is monotonous, the country flat and drab - I looked into myself. And reached into some lockers I didn´t know existed. Next day, I climbed the main volcano. The climb is easy, there is a path, but again, pretty monotonous and long. It took me over 2 hours. But there is no hurry, isn´t? At the top, you can walk among the local wild horses. As long as you mind your own business, they stick to theirs. You can see for a hundred miles in all directions. I got a feeling that I was inside a postcard where nothing moves. I lay on the grass and looked into the bottomless sky. I am a very rational person, but I couldn´t help feeling some kind of...presence? pass through my mind. If you are willing to embrace and savour this kind of feelings and emotions, Rapa Nui is your destination. But do not tempt the spirits. Stay inside when it´s dark. Seriously.PS I went to the Easter Island in November 2013. Somehow, I do not think it has changed in the meantime.
One of the finest examples of Moai. This national park is a don't miss while traveling East Island. Get there to see the sun rise for an extra special treat.
This was a stop on our cruise to the South Pacific. This is definitely a must. Pictures don't even come close to seeing these amazing Moai. It's more of an experience than words can describe.The history and site of this park is unbelievable. This place should be on your bucket-list. It was an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone than can get to this part of the world