horca del inca
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It's also a place that you have to "climb" to reach, with a good view of the Copacabana bay.It's charges you in 10bs and the attraction itself, the "Horca del Inca"it's just rocks over rocks. Go if you have time, otherwise prefer to go to El Calvario.
The "Horca" is misnamed, because it's an astronomical site. You hike up on a trail that was partly carved into the natural rock. There are several bizarre shaped rocks, the Horca itself consists of 2 natural flat rocks topped with a carved block. A hole in the right hand rock allows the observation of the sunrise on June 21st, the winter solstice and New Year of the Inca calendar.
Our whole trip to Lake Titicaca was magical and the Islands of the Sun and Moon were just mesmerising. I couldn't believe we were actually there and in parts it felt like we were on an ocean. They had just had some political uprest in Bolivia but we managed to get through to Copacabana, it was very quiet which was perfect for us as we got treated like royalty everywhere.We also visit Tequille and just as awesome there too. But thanks Bolivia for treating us the way you did when you were going through what you were going through.
Go before you visit the cathedral (where they bless cars with flowers and alcohol every morning). Or go at sunset. Despite the graffiti, the top is weird and interesting collections of rocks and Inca observatory carvings.
Horca del Inca was unexciting, Not worth the 10B or the climb. Instad go up the Calvario at sunset and enjoy the view.
This is a good hike if visiting Copacabana because it allows you to see the city and the lake. As other reviewers mentioned you as a foreigner have to pay a small girl (who does her homework in the meantime) to enter. Once you pass her it is all stairs, a steep climb which seems as if it had no ending but fortunately there is one. Take water with you and the least amount of things to carry. Once on top the view of the lake and of Copacabana is impressive. It just shows how the Inca's truly loved making stone stairs everywhere!I liked it but my husband was unimpressed by the Horca del Inca. Additionally it was a bit hard to find but just ask the locals.
This is a great place to see all of the Copacabana area from. First you have to pay a small child 5 bolivianos each to get a ticket to go up, then you hike for what seems like hours (altitude gets you). It is actually about 25 minutes and it is totally worth it.There is a nothing up there except for a fantastic view, bare rock and a simple structure of three rocks. It was where the Chiripa people used to watch the stars.Really, it is best for the views and the atmosphere. Recommended.
Un peu de marche pour accéder au temple que l'on appel " le calvaire de l'enfant" Calvario del Nino, c'est un énorme bloc de pierre haut de 6 mètres a été creusé verticalement en son milieu, de façon à donner l'impression de deux blocs distincts.Le jour du solstice d'hiver ( 21 juim ) , au petit matin, les premiers rayons du soleil passent à travers l'orifice et viennent se poser en face, sur la pierre rectangulaire qui traverse les deux blocs rocheux.... L'endroit est à découvrir
Um lugar com um vista muito perfeito para a cidade e o lago titicaca, inda mais durante o por-do-sol muitas pessoas vão visitar e ficar até mais tarde para assistir o mesmo.
Um dos pontos turisticos de Copabana, com uma vista fantástica, principalmente em dia com o tempo bom. É interessante estar com um guia local para explicar como era utilizado o local.
É um ponto turístico muito lindo de copacabana, possui uma vista inacreditável principalmente durante o por do sol.. Recomendo
Segundo a versão dos habitantes da ilha,a horca del inca era um observatório astronômico dos incas,lugar que transmite muita paz e harmonia.
Es una formación rocosa enorme ubicada cerca del lago titicaca en copacabana. La verdad nada del otro mundo, es un monumento que está bien bueno para verlo pero si andas con poco tiempo no lo conozcas y mejor ve fotos en google.
A história é interessante, que aborda o observatório astronômico dos Incas, mas a vista é deslumbrante e de certa forma fica até difícil de prestar atenção no guia com tanta beleza do local.
Passeio maravilhoso!!! A subida é um pouco cansativa, contudo, a vista lá de cima é espetacular, uma benção! Vale muito a pena conhecer!!!