calamuchita valley
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It's quite s vast place to visit. It encompasses many parishes. Villa General Belgrano, Intiyaco and La Cumbrecita are the most visited ones. In the latter it snows in winter. You can also go to Cerro Champaqui if you want to ski. There are hotels, cabins and placed to stay galore. There are no banks in La Cumbrecita, though. Get some chocolates, alfajores and jams. They're amazing as in all of our German settlements.
Do not miss this scenic drive along the road connecting these typical towns. Meandering road is brand new and very well signaled. You will really enjoy it!
Yesterday afternoon, we were taken by Daniel, our driver and Alexis, our guide from Nativo Viajes out in Cordoba, Cordoba Argentina to Beautiful Villa General Belgrano which is a small town where the descendants are of German background.They have a lot of shops to visit where they make various things such as chocolate, cheeses, salamis, ice cream, furniture, etc.Furthermore, they even have the World Famous Oktoberfest as well and you can see the area of where they have it and it is quite nice to see, especially during the festival.More Historical Information About Villa General Belgrano: Villa General Belgrano is a small mountain village of 6,260 inhabitants which is named after the creator of the Argentine flag Manuel Belgrano and located in a lush green valley of Calamuchita in the hills in the Province of Córdoba in central Argentina.Villa General Belgrano was also founded in 1930, by two German speculators attracted by its´ agricultural potential. The Alpine quality of the village attracted immigrants from Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Austria.In 1940, after the Battle of the River Plate, German seaman scuttled and sunk their battleship, the Admiral Graf Spee off the coast of the Montevideo harbour and 130 of its´ surviving sailors settled in the village along with the original settlers and landscaped the mountain ranges of Córdoba with red-roofed, wood-frame homes, microbreweries and pastry and chocolate shops which gave it that unique style that distinguishes it today.The village, characterized by its´ typically Bavarian style architecture, survives on a steady flow of tourists with an appetite for German delicacies like apple strudel, leberwurst and spätzle and beer even if German cuisine recipes are not strictly respected by local restaurants. Oktoberfest here is hailed as the third-most important Oktoberfest site after Munich and Blumenau in Brazil. The village offers an above-average (considering surrounding villages) quality of accommodations to the visitors in hotels and cabins, including a local Howard Johnson's.Newsstands sell the German language weekly, Argentinisches Tageblatt among other German newspapers and the church offers Sunday services in German and Spanish. Like many isolated immigrant communities, Villa General Belgrano has respected traditions that fell out of favor in Germany long ago, however even though the mother tongue can still be heard, it is being lost in time.I hope that you can visit Villa General Belgrano on your next visit to the Cordoba Province in Argentina!
Nice place for families with kids... Remind me a bit of the small towns in the south of Germany. In the high season it was too crowded. Restaurants are great!! And small hotels also.
The Calamuchita valley is relaxing and quite beautiful even though we visited immediately after the widespread wildfires. La Cumbrecita is over-rated but still a pleasant spot to kick back for a day; it's also a good base for a few 1-2 hr hikes. Villa Belgrano is a sad attempt to recreate a little bit of Bavaria in Argentina. Regrettably, while it has some nice restaurants the main street is more like a poor attempt at a Disney Theme Park.
The Calamuchita Valley is a lovely spot, which is more than I can say for Villa Belgrano.Visited there (in May 2013) for a couple of hours with a German friend. The whole place is like wallking onto a back lot at MGM studios making a "B" movie....naff, naff, naff. Full of little restaurants and twee shops selling German-type memorabilia, beer mugs etc Although this is supposed to have been developed by the survivors of the Graf Spee (scuppered in Montevideo harbour by its own captain in 1939) we could not find anyone, not even in the tourist office, who spoke or understood a minimum amount of German. Shame on them. In short, avoid the place, unless you are keen on the Oktoberfest or rubbing shoulders with loads of other tourists..
The accommodation, Posada Mia Nonna was recommended by a friend of mine and it is really so nice, ample bedroom and, besides, they have a typical italian restaurant with excellent food and also warm waitresses service. Very recommendable in Villa General Belgrano
La Cumbresita is a beautiful village - takes at least two hours to travel by foot. El Durazno- don't be intimidated by the road there (8 km of gravel). It's worth it- beautiful river side, nice restaurants. They also have camping option there.
The whole valley is beautiful, specially the lake. I visited Villa Gral Belgrano, Santa Rosa and Los Reartes. All very nice places to rest and have nice food.
todo el valle de calamuchita es digno de conocerse ,un lugar imperdible ,con rutas muy buenas ,y con todos los servicos ,hasta el pueblo mas chico .
Todo el paisaje. No puedo contar mas, porque como ya dije, al no tener auto y llover tanto resultaba dificil pasear. pero en contrapartida, mas alla del tiempo, la Posada donde me aloje, fue muy buena
Villa General Belgrano es la mejor parte de Cordoba. Muy pintoresco, de buen nivel y con hospedajes de todo tipo. Con rios, piletas y montanas para disfrutar. Comida alemana y espiritu aleman ! Lo recomiendo sin dudas.
Fuimos una semana y recomendamos el Valle de Calamuchita porque es enorme la calidad y cantidad de los paisajes y lugares a recorrer.Paramos en VGB y recorrimos Sta. Rosa,Sta. Monica,Yacanto,Cumbrecita,V.Rumipal,V.del Dique,Embalsina,Embalse,Los Reartes,Potrero de Garay,V. Cdad.America,V. Cdad. Parque Los Reartes,y nos quedo para ver, por que los caminos no estaban asfaltados.....El Durazno,Pinar de los Rios,San Miguel de los Rios,V. Berna,V. Alpina y otros lugares que con una 4x4 se podrìan visitar.Si venis en auto,te conviene venir por AU9 Bs.As.-Rosario hasta antes de Rosario,donde agarràs la 12 y circunvalas el Gran Rosario para retomar la AU 9 Rosario -Cba. en Roldan y de allì derecho pasando por varias ciudades de Sta. Fe y Cba. hasta llegar a Pilar ,donde salìs y haces 3 km. hasta Rio Segundo donde agarràs la 45 hasta A. Gracia,de allì son 50 km. por la 5 con caminos de cornisa en la zona de Embalse Los Molinos hasta VGB.Si querès evitar los caminos de cornisa,cuando llegues a la rotonda de Villa Ciudad America doblà a la derecha y vàs a VGB. por "atras" del Embalse pasando por Potrero de Garay y Los Reartes, es un camino màs tranquilo.Desde Lomas del Mirador (La Matanza)a VGB y parando en San Nicolas y A.Gracia por nafta Esso y vituallas tardè 8.30 hs.circulando al maximo de lo permitido.La mayoria de los caminos estàn en buenas condiciones ,salvo un pequeño tramo de la 12 que la estaban emparchando,y la 45 con algunos pozos (a la vuelta ,a los pocos kilometros de A. Gracia hay uno enorme que me lo comì).Ojo con los remiseros ,taxistas y los lugareños en general,porque son bastante impacientes para viajar detràs de alguien y se tiran a pasar por donde no deben ni pueden y encima no ayuda la falta de buenas banquinas.Tenè paciencia por que las rutas y las calles de los pueblos tienen vados y lomos de burro por todos lados.Llevà los cinturones puestos,las luces bajas prendidas y no trates de coimear a la policia.
un lugar hermoso, para recorrer tranquilo. Deben concurrir con ropa cómoda ya que deben caminar mucho.
Bellisimos paisajes, ríos, arroyos y lagos. En 15 días de vacaciones no pudimos conocer ni una décima parte de los bellos lugares y pueblos que tiene el Valle. Las rutas de acceso están excelentes, así que, salvo si uno se quiere aventurar a subir una sierra, el camino es una maravilla y la familia lo disfruta mucho