museo molino nant fach
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Fascinating place! incredible landscape and a GREAT history lesson and also I found it accurate.I absolutely don't agree with other reviewers who talk about racism? The owner, welsh immigrants, only explains history as they experienced it.
This is a modern reproduction of an old mill. Interesting to see Eco friendly use of water to operate different pieces of equipment, and in a nice setting. Totally inaccurate and biased history lesson from start to finish. I could not work out where the owners political views lay, as he seemed to be anti everything. My Argentinian family and friends, we're embarrassed for me having to listen to the owners political rant. The only thing he was short of was the soap box to stand. Although I wanted to I just could not be bothered to address the inaccuracies to the owner.If the owner reads this please just talk about water milling, as this is what interest the visitor.I would still vist again but just to see the mill.
My boyfriend and I went to the mill hitch hiking from Trevelin as we didn't have a car. He is a baker, is also welsh and was very excited to see the mill. He has been greeted very warmly though quickly dismissed as he doesn't speak welsh (like many Welsh people nowadays). The first part of the tour is dedicated to the mill and how it works. It was very interesting but we thought it was a bit short. The second part of the tour left my boyfriend and I in disbelief. The information given was inaccurate, linked to false propaganda and full of hatred towards the English and England. We felt highly uncomfortable, especially as my boyfriend was born and bred in Wales and those feelings of hatred were not recognised as part of his culture in these modern days. There were lots of inappropriate political and racist remarks which we did not expect on a tour and felt were highly misplaced. Maybe the owner of the mill would benefit from a visit to Wales both north and south as we are sure that lots of Welsh people would not identify themselves with those feelings and keep rivalries to the rugby pitch!
This watermill dates from when the whole area around Trevelin was famed for it's wheat production. The original millers were Welsh and the family who own the mill and the house are descendants.
I took the tour of Nant Fach in a group of Argentinians and did not identify myself as an English tourist (I can understand Spanish); this gave me a unique insight into how the owner gives tours every day to groups of Argentinians. The first half of the tour was mildly interesting, about the history of the mill and the corn industry in Patagonia. There was one joke about jews and arabs but nothing prepared me for what was to come. Then came a nasty remark about Americans and Chileans and I began to get an idea of the owner's worldview. The second half of the talk, lasting a good 20 minutes, was a bizarre hate-fuelled rant against Britain, specifically England and the English, which left me feeling highly uncomfortable. First came a digression about the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), then some remarks praising the footballer Diego Maraddona for cheating in a 1986 World Cup match against England, but then the historically-inaccurate rant started... The history of Wales during the Middle Ages was recounted, detailing the many ways in which the Welsh, and the Welsh language was oppressed by the English (actually in the beginning it was under French and Dutch kings but that's a minor inaccuracy), the owner used this as background to justify his outrageous assertion that his ancestors came to Argentina in 1905 to "escape religious persecution"! This a time when in reality Britain was famous for offering sanctuary to dissidents like Karl Marx. More remarks equating England with all things evil then followed, it was absolutely bizarre.The local audience swallowed these lies willingly and as I was in a group of 40 strangers I did not have the courage to object, but I wanted to write this review to warn other tourists not to give your money to supporting this operation which every single day sows the seeds of hatred between nations under the guise of a harmless tour of an old mill.
The water wheel still works and we saw flour being produced. We bought flour at Nant Fach Mill to bake at home.
I love this pretty little mill and its lovely surrounding - but what makes this place special is the Welsh speaking owner who gave us a tour and explained the history of the place in English/Spanish & Welsh. It's is a really chocolate box experience and well worth the effort on the bumpy border road road from Trevelin to Chile.
In about an hour you are guided by the descendant of the builder of the original mill, built in this welsh colony in the center of trevelin, chubut. It's in the outskirts of town, 22 km on a gravel road. This water mill is a replica that was also hand built and functions perfectly. Worth your while!
Vimos un molino muy antiguo que aún funciona y de hecho la harina que se produce se sigue vendiendo. La historia que el dueño cuenta, junto a las fotos que muestra, nos dejó maravillados con los conocimientos que llevamos de esa visita. Hay además una exhibición de viejos métodos de trabajo en el campo, y otras escenas de la vida de los primeros colonos. Hay que visitarlo!!!!
Llegamos despues de conducir un rato largo por camino de ripio, llegamos y nos cobraban $60 el ingreso. No consideré ingresar. Estaría bueno que avisen el importe en la oficina de turismo. Al final trevelín no tiene historia, tiene tarifas por todos lados.
Para no perdérselo en una visita a Trevelin. El Sr Evans dueño de casa,descendiente de galeses es el guia en una magnífica excursión por la historia no solo de los colonos galeses en estas tierras sino de muchas otras cosas mas que los van a sorprender.
Es un museo bastante interactivo donde se puede compartir un momento interesante conociendo más sobre la historia galesa del lugar.
La visita estuvo interesante y sobre todo para los niños. Un viaje al pasado galés muy lindo. Pero el costo de la entrada me pareció caro y el guía de fuertes convicciones, cercano a lo intimidatorio.
El lugar es espectacular, y sabiendo que lo construyo el propietario con herramientas de la epoca de los colonos galeses, lo hace mas interesante. El paisaje, tanto el natural como el parque preparado, son espectaculares. El molino funciona con agua para mover la rueda y produce realmente harina que le vende a las casas de te de trevelin. El propietario merece un relato aparte. Es un apasionado de lo suyo y de la historia. Al ingresar al molino hace ubicar a la gente como chicos en el colegio y les cuenta el funcionamiento del molino y la historia de los colonos y los molinos en el lugar siguiendolo en cuadros y fotos colgadas en la pared. En una habitacion contigua recrea la vida de lo antiguos colonos y ademas ejecuta el organo, el piano yla pianola que hay en el lugar, con gran destreza. Al costado tiene el taller donde trabaja y se ven las herramientas antiguas que el usa, tiene un galpon abierto con maquinaria agricola y carruajes antiguos, y al lado esta haciendo la replica de un antiguo almacen de ramos generales. Excelente lugar y extraordinaria locura de un hombre. NO DEJAR DE VISITAR.
Una visita que vale la pena definitivamente. Mervyn, el dueño del molino, hace una recorrida muy entretenida e interesante, contando toda la historia de los galeses en el valle. Muy Recomendable