korsun-shevchenkivskyi museum preserve
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I wanted to visit this museum long ago. So when we were travelling by car to Kirovograd, we decided to make a stop at Korsun-Shevchenkoskiy museum. Entrance fee is 20 UAH per person. You can enter 4 museums with this ticket. The museum of Korsun-Shevchenkovskiy battle was intersteing, picture gallery was average. We did not manage to visit Taras Shevchenko museum as it was closed (from 1 till 2 p.m.).The whole museum complex needs major update, but still it is gorgeous. The best thing I liked was the park with a fountain, several bridged across the river and some sculptures. It was nice to sit in the shade of the trees on a hot summer day and enjoy the atmosphere of this place. Definitely a place worth visiting.
When we visited, we hadn´t expected much, since there was not much information about the town including all the best known tourist-books provided.The more was the surprise afterwards.Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy is really a kind of gem in the middle of the righ-bank (Dnipro) Ukraine.The palace complex contains of three main palace-buildings and several smaller ones including an original Swiss challet, huge park area including 3-4 river flows and bridges, some bizarre stone formations at the water, which is all very much impressive.There are two museums in the palace right now and one gallery.There is one small restaurant (but on Saturdays it is closed for the weedings).I hope in the near future the sight will be even more refurbished (at the time of our visit the recontruction work was already beeing carried out).I highly recommend visiting Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy while beeing in Kiev for some time, or being in the center of Ukraine.
Отличный парк, можно полазить по горам, много мостов. Можно дойти до колодца, где много жителей набирают воду. Возле музея можно полазить по станкам и самолету.
Великолепный дворец Лопухиных-Демидовых 18 века, в котором находится Музей Корсунь-Шевченковской битвы, Художественная галерея в историческом здании, Исторический музей, чудесный ландшафтный парк - все это на территории Заповедника. В музеях сохранена интереснейшая информация! Лучшее время для посещения, конечно, май-сентябрь. В мае весь парк наполняется ароматом сирени, в которой утопает Корсунь. Неповторимые гранитные берега реки Рось! Полезную экскурсию можно совместить с приятным пляжным отдыхом. Городок небольшой, поэтому добраться от автостанции или ж/д вокзала не составит особого труда. Вход в Заповедник бесплатный, в Музей - 20 гривен, в Художественную галерею - 5 гривен.