gagarin park
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Having worked in Yuzhno for many years, always looked forward to the summers in the Gagarin Park. Plenty of very reasonable drinking establishments, Lots to do for the families even just walking through the park was a pleasure. In the winter it is a lot bleaker. Really miss my good times there.
I was in Yuzhno during summer 2011. In the morning you'll find kids playing and adults sunbathing while in the evening you will find lovers spending their time together. I used to enjoy the evening after biking around Yuzhno in the evening.
It's a lovely spot to visit in the winter too. There is an ice skating rink and place to stop for something to eat and drink. They hold the 'Blessing of the Water Ceremony' there in the winter! 2014, it was -19 and they swam in the water after it was blessed!
I have spent many a summer day and evining in the park. There are many BBQ tents and Beer.The park is a good place to party wiht your friends or just to stroll around and watch the people. A lot of attractions to see.In winter you can go for a polor bear dip at the train station or skating on the football field and go kart track. If you are in Yuzhno on a hot summer day it will be one of your best Yuzhno experiences. Have fun and stay safe
Not a bad day out for a change if just going for a walk, maybe bite to eat and few beers. Be prepard to pee in the woods as toilet facilities very basic and not many around
I had heard about the park before i went and wasn't really expecting much but i was quite surprised when i visited it. The park is quite big, it can be a challenge to find parking outside it with many people parking on the side of the roads - the Mega Palace Hotel and the Zoo are close by so people also park up to go there too.. But once you have found a space to park and are inside it is quite pleasant. There are lots of places selling food, from shashlik to ice-cream and drinks, you can sit and have it in one of the few small cafes dotted around the park or just get something from one of the many stalls.The park is quite big and has quiet areas and a kind of children's theme park area with quite a few rides as can be seen in my pictures. There are even quad bikes you can race around in at what looks like the old football stadium and go-karts too. The prices for these seem reasonable although i didn't try them. If the weather is nice it can be very busy although as the park is quite big you can find quieter spots to relax in. Overall it is a nice place to spend a couple of hours, kids will enjoy it, its quite easy to find and if you are going to be in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for a long time then it is worth a visit.
This park is alive with many local people and they hold carnivals every weekend. Small eateries are abundant and there are also a few places to eat by the lake.There's a zoo but didn't have the chance to visit
A great place to have some fun when in Yuzhno-Sakhalin.There is a fun-fair fairground type area which is great for the kids, there are lots of kiosks and bar/restaurant facilities where on can buy drinks and food (mainly shashlik), a word of warning there have been a few instances of people complaining about sore tummies after eating shashlik in the park.In the evening some of the bar/restaurants provide music and many of the people take up dancing under the stars.
This park is on the east side of Yuzhno, just down the hill from the ski center and near Glory Park. I visited this several times during the time I was there and found something new each time. There is an amusement park for kids, a lake with paddle boats and alcoholic beverages for adults, and a walking path thru the woods for exercise. There is also a train that runs around the park for those that don't want to walk. Most of the amusement rides are typical, but some are unique (for example, canoe rides for children, jet skis for children, etc). The paddleboats are beautiful swan boats. Since most people live in apartments in town this is a great place to relax and take the kids after work, so it was normally pretty active.Also, across the street from Glory Park was a souveneir shop, the only one I saw.
Gregarin Park consists of woodland with various paths running through it, a river, a boating lake and a railway line. It's typical temperate forest with coniferous and hardy deciduous trees such as silver birch and willows.At weekends many local Russians descend on the park to ride the white pedlo-type swans on the boating lake and to ride the whistling train. There's loud Russian music playing that can be heard all over the park.It's good for wildlife with a few mammals and many bird species. A walk for a few hours can be rewarding. Mist and drizzle are frequent in summer, so the place is lush and green.It's not a bad place to take a break, look at birds, take in some of the local activities and to have a coffee. Take an umbrella and a warm coat in late Spring / early summer.
Lovely recreation and entertainment park close both to the center of the town and to the mountains East to the town. Offers great views of the mountains and forest throughout the year. Unique for its juvenile railway, endemic plants alley (both wild and homogeneous forest) that can be found nowhere else but in Sakhalin Region. Has 2 lakes. The bigger one equipped with boat rental station (for a fee).Also has a stadium and tennis-court.Faces 2 hotels and a zoo.
Nice for a few beers on a nice summer afternoon / evening
It was nice to find a forested park so close to town. I enjoyed walking the paths and there are many winter activities on offer.
Любимое место в городе работы,досуга и отдыха. Наш парк один из самых красивых парков в стране.Не Версаль,а намного лучше, тк совсем рядом и доступен всем жителям и гостям города. Вижу этот парк из окна своих окон. Любуюсь им в любое время года, повезло ж однако... . Знаю его спокойным и красивым, праздничным и многолюдным. Идя утром на работу, часто возхищалась и говорила подруге, что мы работаем в самом красивом месте в городе. А воздух такой чистый и звенящий, что дышать не надышаться. Для меня ещё парк-эта работа и хобби.Тут выросли мы и мои дети., С самых первых дней жизни мы гуляли в нашем парке.Нас так и называют иногда-парковкие Из парка легко попасть на площадь "Славы" и "Победы". или спустится к краеведческому музею, тк всё рядом и очень удобно для посещения гостям города. Также можно посетить из парка зооботанический парк и гору Городуха/севернее/ или подняться на турбазу"Горный Воздух" пройдя через площадь "Славы". Увидеть мемориал и проникнуться мыслью, сколько людей погибло на острове, чтобы на спокойно тут гулялось и жилось! Название очень удачное, в достойнейшего человека , который внёс неповторимый и неоценимый вклад для всего человечества! Парк имени Юрия Алексеевечи Гагарина-звучит гордо по по праву! Наш парк оже стал, как парень Юра-народный! Ждёт он свой народ в гости!Приезжайте и приходите!
Без преувеличения но те кто родился здесь любят свой парк.Это островок природы в нашем городе.Еще при японцах это было место для высшей аристократии.Думаю другие отзывы излишни.