monument to lenin
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

It's one of the biggest, if not the largest head of Lenin in the world... It's an iconic image of Ulan Ude and certainly of Russia.
People say this statue is the biggest Lenin in Russia since many other statue of Lenin was destroyed since USSR brrken into several countries.
The Lenin Head is the reason I visited Ulan-Ude. They said this is the world biggest Lenin head monument.
Russia's love-hate relationship to Lenin was evident as our group traveled across Siberia on the Trans-Siberian Express. Every guide in almost every city had something to say about him--why his statue was no longer in the square or why his statue remained. In Sovetov Square the biggest head of Lenin that exists resides in quiet repose. Add to this a trip to the Buryatia Museum and the Museum of Ethnographic Peoples, as well as a stroll through the pedestrian- only streets past lovely fountains and the Holy Odigitrievsky Cathedral and your visit to Ulan-Ude will be complete.
A Russian couple from Moscow I met there told me that Russians only about Ulan Ude for Lenin's head and it's their only reason to visit the city. Completely agree. It's not the usual monument to Lenin!
Unlike in the western part of Russia where they did away with most communist symbols, you can find them everywhere in Siberia. This is particular nice piece of art. Historians will one day be grateful to have conserved this contemporary witness.
The biggest head of Lenin monument placed on sovetov square. Nice monument but nothing else. World record possible.
I was expecting more Lenin, but all I got was just a huge head :-( ... Are they hiding the rest of it underground? Who knows ...
Мне нравится наша центральная площадь Советов.раньше я участвовала в парадах и демонстрациях, проходящих по площади Советов,было торжественно и празднично и это были мои молодые годы!!!!
Собственно говоря, это наверно самая главная достопримечательность города Улан-Удэ!!!Думаю, туристам надо обязательно побывать здесь, наделать интересных фоток.P.S. это бесплатно :)
Размер имеет значение ! Такого памятника Ленину я ни где больше не видел. Есть в этом что то завораживающее...
Почти 8 метров и весом в 42 тонны - это самая большая голова Ленина в мире! Это, конечно, замечательная достопримечательность города, памятник уникальный, и его нужно беречь.
Localizado na praça principal da cidade de Ulan-Ude, esse monumento chama a atenção pelo tamanho da cabeça de Lenin ali representada. As pessoas, tanto locais, como turistas passam e fotografam porque realmente é impressionante. As fotos pode ser as mais engraçadas. Estive num hostel bem perto em que as pessoas deixavam como recordação para os administradores as fotos mais criativas com essa cabeça.
Ce grand buste de Lénine est vraiment très impressionnant. Il se trouve en centre ville vous le verrez certainement en visitant la ville de Ulan Ude.
Эта необычная достопримечательность своего рода "визитная карточка" Улан-Удэ. Обязательно к посещению туристам!) Небольшая фотосессия также не помешает.