'the motherland calls' sculpture
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开放时间: 暂无

A huge monument! 87 meters tall and you can see her from many locations in Volgograd. The Motherland sculptures are located several places in the old Sovjet, celebrating the people that participated in the "Great Patriotic War". This one is my favourite. There is also some quite impressive sculptures near the statue, and especially those carved into the tunnel walls, just below the statue itself. A museum is also in this area, with some memories, military equipment and a full scale "Mil Mi-24 Hind" helicopter. You have to pay a small fee into this museum, but it´s well worth it!
The best sculpture I've ever seen in my life. The strenght of the 'call' is so strong that blows you away. Perfect. Just the sculpture is worth to buy a plane ticket to see her.
What a wonderful tribute to the people of Russia who suffered so much during the Great Patriotic War.
It's a MUST!You cannot be in Volgograd without seeing this immense statue, It's soooo deeply impressive and touching...It's an open air memorial site and can be visited for free, but better with a guide who explains the meaning of all the scenereies
This sculpture is huge. I had wanted to see it ever since I became aware of its existence and had the good fortune to have the opportunity. Not disappointed. Apparently held upright only by its own weight, I suspect the day will come when I will read about the inevitability of gravity in the newspapers - so glad I have seen it while it is still vertical.
Awe inspiring to visit. Absolutely astonishing the effort that must have been put in to building this
The statue and the memorial complex leading to it is probably the number 1 reason to visit Volgograd. The entire area is kept clean and well maintained with pride, and is a sobering experience until you get to the foot of the statue and realise just how big it is. Watch the changing of the guard whilst you are there, and if you can, observe the statue at night
Feel the history. I didn't expect Volgograd was Staligrad. The second world war history is beyond words. The Russians still honor the soldiers in a beautiful way.
Definitely worth walking up the steps to go see the motherland calls sculpture. The views from the top are amazing. On a clear day you get to see 360 degree views of Volgograd.
This statue is the worlds biggest, and is ontop of mamaev kurgan hill. This is the biggest monument here after the battle of stalingrad. You can easaly walk up here thru all the Others monuments and there is no entrance fee. On top you can have the best view over the city of Volgograd.
Это потрясающий мемориальный комплект, сравним наверное только с Бресткой крепостью, очень приятно , что к 70-и летию ведется реставрация!
Памятник говорит сам за себя. Мощь русского народа. Наследие. и актуален в наши дни особенно. российский народ - мощь и сила! пусть все фашисты об этом помнят!
Это тот памятник, ради которого просто стоит приехать в Волгоград. Достаточно свежо летом. Есть туристическая инфраструктура, туалеты, палатки с напитками и закусками.
не могу сказать, что прямо понравилось. но интересно было ее увидеть. тем более что это и впрямь эпохальная фигура и сделана на совесть. от нее так и веет ощущением: "вперед мелкие букашки! соберитесь в большой рой и победа будет за нами!" пардон за сарказм. никого не хочу покоробить в его высоких чувствах. но мне и правда было не по себе от выражения ее лица и от всей этой кричащей идеологией заточенности. особенно если вспомнить - как много было уничтожено людей.. всего.. - той властью, которая создала эту идеологию
Весь мемориальный комплекс "Мамаев курган" очень величественный и вызывает самые глубокие патриотические чувства. Огромная скульптура "Родина-Мать зовет" очень впечатляет и заставляет задуматься о тех ужасах войны, через которые прошли наши деды. Именно здесь познаешь насколько наш мир хрупкий и что его надо защищать.