dryanovo monastery
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The name of the monastery is actually "Sveti Arhangel Mihail" (St Michael). It is located in a very scenic spot in the Balkan mountains, surrounded by high and solid rocks. The monastery itself is not something exclusive but if you have time go to the church and light a candle. There is a chalet, called "Bacho Kiro", same as the nearby cave. There is a small hotel next to the entrance to the monastery and a nice restaurant offering genuine Bulgarian food just across the river on the way to the cave. What attracts me best is the nature which is beautiful both in the summer and winter. There is an eco-trail which will bring you on the top of the rocks and there you will have very impressive views of the area. Just make sure you start early so that you will not get lost in the dark as the sun sets very quickly in the mountain. Better to be visited at summer, my opinion. I visit it at any time of the year, as a matter of fact.
You know, there are quite a few people on tripadvisor saying that this monastery is nothing really special.They are right, if you compare it to St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, Angkhor Wat in Cambodia, Wat Prakaeo in Bangkok, Machu Picchu in Peru or hundreds of other places in the world that are just one of those few places...The truth is however, if you are in the region anyway and have some time, this is a MUST visit.Nothing more, but nothing less either!On a sunny day, with time to relax, the right mood and company, it IS special :-)
There is plenty to see here for adults and kids. The monastery and buildings are beautiful and they have a little farm with goats, chickens, peacocks and other birds near a small park which is lovely to sit and have a picnic at. It is a bit of a steep walk up to the cave and very steep and slippery once in the cave but it is worth a visit. The 'long' tour is only available to large groups as you must have a guide to do this. I'd recommend a torch and jackets for visiting the cave too. We followed signs from the cave for a 'fort' up through the woods. Unless you want to walk through the woods I wouldn't bother as it is only an over grown foundation of what used to be there with no interpretation at all.
Nice old monastery with lovely landscape, worth a visit, also nice places around to eat. xxxxxxxxxxx
Set in lovely surroundings with various things to see but most of all sit back and enjoy the peace and calmness of the location. The monastery has some interesting iconic paintings and wall murals. Many facilities are available in the hotel and restraurant. A few information boards would have been helpful to provide some facts about the history of the monastery. The monastery is perfect for taking a slow and leisurely wander around to take in the atmosphere.
The Monastery is a must see if you are staying in the Gabrovo area. The buildings have not changed much since 1845 and 1876 when it was rebuilt again. Definitely on the list of you like the forgotten battlefield tours as I do and the stories of the monastery sheltering rebels and arms is intriguing. If you like the peace and quiet then I suggest staying a night or two and hiking the surrounding area. There are ruins of 2 Roman forts up on the hillsides and plenty of incredible views from the tops of the mountains. A word of caution, the paths up to the forts can be intimidating as there are virtually no marking on the trails. Go with a guide, or a GPS so you don't get turned around and have to spend the night up there. That being said, it is more than worth the effort. :)
This monastery is a divine place, surrounded by rocks and hills, isolated from the noise of cities and motorways. There is a beautiful church and many surprising things to see. The river behind the monastery brings more beauty to the spot. Most of the facilities either in the hotel and restaurant part within the monastery, or over the bridge outside the monastery.
The Dryanovo Monastery was built in the 12th century and renovated in the 19th. The place is very quiet and nice (even a river flows near and creates a waterfall on the promenade to the Bacho Kiro Cave). You should not expect for a lot from the monastery itself, but if you're a nature lover you will like the surroundings.
Очень интересное место. Расположен в стороне от основной дороги между Габрово и Велико Тырново. К монастырю ведет узкая неприметная дорожка, по пути надо преодолеть даже небольшой брод, но оно стоит того. Главная достопримечательность - огромные пещеры, там всегда холодно. Вокруг великолепные горы.
Este é um mosteiro no meio de montes e árvores. É lindo. O silencio e as construções antigas fazem as pessoas se sentirem abençoadas. Vale a pena ir para recarregar a alma. Pode visitar a caverna lá perto. Da para ir a pé, tem luz e guias para entrar e é muito bonita.
Non che sia brutto, per carità; è anche collocato in un bel contesto naturale, ma in materia di monasteri mi sono bastati 9 giorni in Bulgaria per vedere molto di meglio (per esempio il Sokolski dalle parti del bel museo etnografico di Etar, ma so che ce ne sono molti altri di livello ancor più elevato). Decisamente più interessante, accanto, la grotta di Bacho Kiro). Anche se non ignoro l'importanza speciale e che questo monastero ha per i bulgari, in relazione alla loro lotta di indipendenza.
До монастыря мы добирались на поезде из Тулово до остановки Бачо Киро (так называется пещера рядом с монастырем). Автобусная остановка находится далеко, поэтому автобус не очень удобен для поездки. Также можно добраться на личном транспорте. Монастырь расположен в очень живописном месте на берегу горной реки. Территория и постройки находятся в опрятном ухоженном состоянии. В самом монастыре проживают всего три монаха (если верить нашему проводнику). Рядом с монастырем имеется мини-гостиница с ресторанчиком со столиками на улице, различные сувенирные и иконные лавки. Тем не менее, наличие таких заведений ничуть не портит атмосферу духовности. Дряновский монастырь достаточно популярен у местных жителей. В непосредственной близости находится кемпинг, канатный парк приключений, а также проходит экскурсионный маршрут в пещеру Бачо Киро (вход в пещеру платный, лучше захватить с собой теплую одежду). Посещение Дряновского монастыря оставило у нас очень приятные впечатления и воспоминания, по возможности, вернемся туда еще раз.
Мы дважды посещали этот монастырь по пути в Велико Тырново, и оба раза были очарованы чудесной аурой этого места. Монастырь находится у подножия скальной гряды, и это придает ему какую-то особую суровую красоту. Это невозможно описать, и даже фотографии не способны передать прелесть этого места. Приезжайте туда, и ощутите это сами - кусочек вашего сердца навсегда останется здесь!