rose museum
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开放时间: 暂无

Kazanlak produces more than 80% of the world's rose oil. It is a labor intensive process requiring kilos of rose petals to produce just an ounce of rose oil. I had heard about the valley of roses for years and had really wanted to visit. Now that I've been once, I would go back, but do it very differently. I visited the rose museum on a taxi tour of Kazanlak and surrounding areas. It is fairly unobtrusive, and we nearly drove right by it. It is definitely a 20th century museum with posters and text describing the equipment used. I did not get much out of it the exhibit on how rose oil is made. One of the highlights of the museum is the area dedicated to the Rose Festival. It traces the history of the festival and has photos from almost every single year. While it still seems a little dated, it is definitely entertaining to look at fashions from decades past and see what has remained the same and what has changed. The Rose Museum seems to be a bit of an afterthought which is unfortunate given the importance of the rose oil industry to the area. It is a 20th century relic that could use an update. I hope that as more tourists visit this part of Bulgaria (and it is absolutely beautiful!), that the museum gets a face lift and renewed life. In the meantime, it is the only place to go to read about the local industry. If you are able to visit one of the agro tourism rose farms, you can probably give the museum a miss.
Rose and rose oil production is important to the Bulgarian economy; however this neglected, basement museum needs updating (some of the latest displays were from the 1970's). Interesting equipment shows how labor intensive rose oil production is. This is still done with steaming the rose petals with water and then condensing the steam to distill the rose oil out. Bulgaria makes over 60% of the world's rose oil. If you are in the area, it's a quick stop for 20 minutes to see this agricultural side of the country. I visited in October, but the grounds had lots of rose bushes and they were probably beautiful in June.
he museum is a part of the Historical Museum “Iskra” in Kazanlak. In 1967 a small exposition was created, which was dedicated to rose-picking in Kazanlak and the region. In 1969 the exposition grew into an independent museum. Nowadays the Rose Museum stores more than 15 000 exponents related to rose-picking and rose-production in Bulgaria. The museum exposition includes original pictures and documents of the development of rose production, instruments for processing of the rose gardens, vessels for storing and exporting rose oil and rose water. Restorations of a rose warehouse and the first laboratory for examination of rose oil created in 1912 are made in the museum. One of the biggest attractions in the museum is a rose oil vessel which had been used for the last time in 1947 to this day a strong rose scent can still be smelled around it.
The museum is very nice and interesting. I learned a lot about the damasc rose and the way rose oil used for pеrfumes is made! It's unique!
Nel 2009 era un museo molto semplice, comunque il personale era simpaticissimo. Interessante scoprire dove in gran parte si servono di petali di rosa le ditte di profumo importanti d'Europa.
Через неделю было анонсировано закрытие музей. Пожалуй, его и открывать не следовало. А уж тем более за деньги. Территория на которой находится сей с позволения сказать музей, представляет собой розарий, если бы розы там еще цвели в октябре, то достаточно было бы ограничиться этим розарием. Музей представляет из себя две !! Комнатки с сомнительными экспонатами при цене в 100 руб с чел. И магазин, в котором цены не отличаются от средне болгарских. Львиная доля экспозиции,- фото королев роз за все года начиная с советской власти, будь она неладна!))
Le musée est assez sommaire par rapport au patrimoine culturel du pays concernant la culture des roses. La muséographie et le personnel semblent d'une autre époque. Le but c'est d'aboutir à la boutique où on trouve la même chose que dans les boutiques à touristes de toute la région.
Le musée se situe au sous sol d'un bâtiment qui semble laisser a l'abandon. Pas d'explication en français et très peu en anglais. Musée petit, en 10 minutes c'est fait. 3 levas l'entrée cela ne mérite pas plus. En conclusion pas besoin de vous arrêter continuer votre chemin.
Les bâtiments et les jolis jardins sont à découvrir, c 'est l 'une des seules choses à faire à Kazanlak alors profitez-en !