preobrazhenski manastir / monastery of the holy transfiguration of god
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The monastery is located deep in the mountain, the road is awful so be careful. Magnificent views from the monastery itself .At the moment the frescos inside were getting renovated so it will be in it`s full fresco glory soon. It`s the only monastery in Bulgaria depicting the Circle of Life - very interesting fresco, the trip was worth it just for this one.
there is a great wheel of life there. The place is wonderfully atmospheric. You don't have to be into monasteries to appreciate this place. The setting is magical.
If you manage to slowly negotiate the winding road and avoid all the pot holes you may be lucky enough to still have four serviceable wheels on your vehicle for the return trip. On arrival you enter through a non descript gate with no information boards of what to see or the history, of the building. Some building renovations are in progress but no one was available to talk to or pay an entrance fee to. We wandered around to the church which is undergoing some renovation work to the frescos on the walls inside, two ladies were at work on these but showed no interest on our arrival so we watched in amazement at their skills with paint and brush in slowly bringing life back to one fresco. It will take an age to complete the work but the small church is impressive. On leaving we found what must be the old monks graveyard and Mausoleum, on entering (as the doors were open) we discovered several boxes of bones and skulls stacked on the shelves. Our visit prompted some healthy debate about renovations and abandoned monasteries, but even with the work currently underway the whole place had a desolate and deserted feel to it but the views of the valley below are breath taking, well worth a visit to see the small church and the views the monks used to enjoy.
first, there's the road. Leave main road and take a trail full of potholes (don't expect to drive more than 40 km/h). 3 long kilometers, and you reach the main gate of the monastery, falling apart because of the hill slipping in the valley. Apparently, the governement tried to save the monastery with impressive concrete walls, but it's not enough. Passed this depressive gate, clearly abandoned, you enter a large yard with a superb tiny church, with paintings on walls, and well kept. There's an entrance fee of 3 euros. Aroud it, you'll find abandoned monk's cells, wooden buildings being evacuated, and a two-storey building restored in 2011, without interest. 500 meters away, another tiny church, more recent, and a graveyard. The whole place is quiest depressive, except the ancient church, and we didn't see any monks nor any religious life. The view is amazing on the forest covering all the vallley.
Очень красивое место, каждый сантиметр пропитан духом истории древнего города. Очень рекомендую посетить.
Это не описать, тем более каждый воспринимает все по свой му, надо просто там побывать и увидеть все своими глазами...
Le panorama est superbe. Et que dire du monastère ... On ne sait plus où poser les yeux tant les peintures sont belles.
Das ist auch einer von vielen Kloster in der Nähe von Veliko Tarnovo. Ich war bestimmt ein halbes Dutzend Male da und es hat mir immer wieder gefallen. Ein Muss für Touristen und Einheimische.
Après avoir évité la centaine de nid de poule et négocié les nombreux virages pendant 3 kilomètres, vous arriverez au petit monastère.Par une petite porte, vous entrez dans un espace en très mauvais état et apercevez au fond une petite église soutenue par des étais. Ouf, vous êtes rassuré, c'est donc bien ici le monastère qu'aucun panneau n'a indiqué depuis Veliko Tarnovo !!Entrée payante ( 2 Lev ), église en assez bon état avec quelques peintures anciennes, d'autres en cours de restauration et certaines déjà restaurées; cela fait un mix assez bizarre.Quand au monastère, rien ne se visite mais il est en très mauvais état !!Belle vue sur la vallée, on aperçoit le monastère des femmes en face sur l'autre flanc de la valléeN'est certainement pas le plus beau monastère, ne mérite donc la visite que si l'on a un peu de temps.
Dopo aver visto già 5 monasteri bulgari, si può cominciare a classificarli. Questo vale la fascia alta, per la collocazione in un panorama roccioso e boscoso piuttosto impressionante e per la bellezza di struttura ed affreschi dell'unica chiesa rimasta intatta (le altre sono state vittime di frane). C'è anche un riposante angolo con panchine per osservare bene il complesso abitato (in legno) del monastero e... sfamare i simpatici gatti del luogo.
O monastério está meio abandoado, mas o lugar é muito bonito, assim como a igreja. Mas só vale a pena ir até lá se você gostar de natureza e de um perrenga na estrada.
Мне понравилось внутри раскрашены стены по другому не как у нас в церквях. Попросите девушку чтобы включила музыку с ней воспринимается все по другому, я не пожалел потраченных денег))
7 km nördlich von Veliko Tarnovo liegt über dem Ufer des Yantra umgeben von Waeldern das Kloster Preobrazhenski. Es wurde 1360 gegruendet und ist das größte Kloster im Raum Veliko. Da das Kloster nicht durch allzuviele Touristen besucht wird, kann man sich bei der Besichtigung der alten Ikonen und Fresken viel Zeit lassen. Sehenswert vor allem die " Verklaerung Christi" .