caves of heaven and hell
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First off, you won't see many (if any) signs that say "Heaven & Hell Caves this way <---", what you are looking for is "Cennet Cehennem Magarasi" and it is just off the highway up a short semi paved road.This was my second time going to the caves, but really my first time seeing it. I am married to a Turkish girl, so I get back to the area from time to time. The first time I was in the cave was 11 years ago when my brother-in-law's little brother took me; but it was we didn't see a lot. It was also late was hot and humid...not the best time to take a hike up and down a long hill. But I had just gotten engaged to their sister-in-law so everybody wanted to take me everywhere.This second time was during the perfect time of the year. Which is luckily about 6 months long, late fall to early spring. You pay an entrance of $5, kids are free. And you probably want to start by hiking up the outside path to "Heaven." Heaven is big sinkhole, which I believe ends in a cave...doesn't really matter because you can't go there. Maybe you can if you get a permit and prove you are an expert at not getting yourself killed inside of sinkholes. But you certainly get to look at it, and it is pretty, but you can't hike down into it. Go take a picture.Then head down to "Hell." "Hell" is much more interesting than "Heaven" ever could be. Chiefly because it is easier to get there. The hike up and down is worth the effort. The path has some parts that have stairs constructed on them, but this is a moderately tough hike. Anyone can do it if they are healthy, our 8 year old loved it. Just like everywhere in this area, there are ruins "a church" at the bottom of the path before the opening of the cave. This church has a lot of graffiti on it, but it is still pretty cool. The cave is a huge room at the bottom and is semi lit. There is no real worry for anyone with claustrophobia; there are no tight spaces, just a gigantic amphitheater like room.Hike out, go have lunch at the restaurant on the top (it is pretty cheap for the view.) After this you need to hit the second area that is a must see, which is the "Maiden Castle" which is a two or three mile drive to the east.
The Heaven Cave is a very beautiful cave that can be reached through almost 450 stair steps. The little church on the mouth of the cave is simply beautiful. the stalagmites and stalactites inside the cave are amazing, so the view from inside the cave. at the end of the cave you can hear the voice of a mythological rive which i don't know if it really exist. the Hell pit on the other hand is not accessible, you can just take a look from a balcony that prevents you from falling. the view is fabulous have to buy the tickets there, it costs 10 TL per person to enter both Heaven and Hell.
Took a tour with the near by base and was not disappointed. The heaven cave is not bad going down to it. The cave is so big and a view you can not forget. It was nice and cool however very damp. When you get past the ruins it gets very slick because of the dampness. Once you are done admiring the cave you have to make the hike all the way back to the top. 800 stairs steps will wear you out fast. Bring a towel and some water with you, it comes in handy. The hell cave is right next to it with zero stairs. It is not as impressive as the heaven cave but it is a nice site.
The Hell cave is visible from a lookout point and the view is beautiful with lots of birds and gorgeous natural scenery. You reach the Heaven cave by walking down into the chasm on a path in the open air until you get to the ruins of a church at the mouth of the enormous cave. The church provides tons of excellent photo opportunities from above and below. The hike to the church is not difficult going down, but pretty tough on the thighs on the way back up. People were stopped all along the way to smoke or rest, so please consider your fitness before going down there. I would say that most anyone can make the trip to the church and back. However, if you want to go in the cave you need to be EXTREMELY careful because it is very slippery and muddy. Both of us wore sneakers and we found it to be challenging. Others were wearing flip flops and really regretted it. I would not bring small children due to the risk of injury. They can look inside from the church ruins.We enjoyed the cave very much, especially hearing the roaring river at the very back and the breathtaking views from all angles. Go, get some exercise and enjoy the natural beauty! Bring water.
It won't take long to visit the caves of Hell and Heaven, considering that you will only be able to go into Heaven. Your trip to Hell consists of a 2 min walk to a balcony with a gorgeous view on this deep cave. You can take a couple of pictures if interested. Heaven instead is a 10 min walk down a path, which will take you to the ruin of an christian church. Take a rest at the bottom because the way back will be tiring. :)
I went to this place a couple of weeks ago with a tour group. It was pretty nice seeing all of the ancient ruins along the way. Once we arrived, you will need to have cash (TL) on you to pay for entrance (it was 5 TL when I visited). The Hell side is inaccessible due to the super steep terrain, but who would want to go to the bottom of Hell anyway! LOL You can take pictures from the ledge. The Heaven side was a nice hike down. you really don't see too much on the way down until you get to the mouth of the cave. There is really nice ancient church/chapel there. The outer edifice is amazingly intact! Just remember to bring comfortable walking shoes with traction because you can easily slip on the steps if you are not paying attention and there are no guard rails for the vast majority of the hike down and I didn't notice a hospital near by (just be careful with where/how you are stepping. The caves are amazing!!!!!! It was definitely worth the work getting to Heaven! Take your time walking around...It is very large and if you go to the very back, you can hear running water. As I said, take your time walking around down there because the hike back to the top will make you never want to see a stair climber in the gym again. Once you are back to the top, take rest beside the ledge with the view of the Mediterranean Sea. It is GORGEOUS!!!!! Have fun! :-)
Heaven and Hell is a great place to see. When you descend into the valley it is like entering another world - very quiet and picturesque, full of interesting ruins and beautiful nature. But avoid the temptation to hike down into the cave very far. It is extremely slimy and slippery. If my son hadn't been with me and my daughter, we would never have gotten out.
If you love to hike, this is where you need to go! Heaven and hell are just two deep caverns in the earth. There is no entry into hell without a permit from the government, but heaven’s doors are open! The chasm of heaven is approx. 250 meters across, and 135 meters deep. The cavern of Heaven is accessible by rock stairs carved down into the pit. I carried my 2 year old on my back in a backpacker’s bag. But this hike might be difficult for those who are less fit. The hike becomes more comfortable towards the bottom as the temp drops about 5 degrees. Prior to entering the cave at the bottom is the Church of Mary. It’s a tiny ruin which looks mystical in the ever present fog floating about the cave entrance. Go around the church’s backside to enter it. Continuing down the trail from here gets tricky. The cave creates constant precipitation which drips from the roof and makes the trail very slippery! Once you enter the cave the temperature begins to drop another 5 degrees. Towards the back of the cave you’ll start to hear rushing water which gets louder the farther you go. The very back of the cave has a small crevasse. Farther down within it you’ll find a small stream which opens up in the rock. You’ll have to crawl a bit to reach it and you’ll need a flashlight! We had an empty container with us to try the crisp cool water as well. This stream is called; Stream of Paradise. The stream is said to empty at Narli Kuyu; There used to be a bath house located there with the Three Graces Mosaic, and the bath house was said to have healing capabilities……coincidence?! Heaven and hell has a large gift shop and restaurant. They also have bathrooms but you will have to pay 1 Lira to use them. The entrance fee for Heaven and hell is 5 Lira each. Surrounding the grounds are locals, most whom own Camels and give rides or pics for a small fee.Right next door, drive past Heaven and Hell take the first immediate left, is the Asthma Caves. Named because the cool atmosphere inside was said to relieve people of their asthma Symptoms. Inside is a mini Carols Bad Cavern. There are walkways around this cave, but many of the locals and tourist do not stay on the path and climb around for crazy photo ops. The cost is 3 Lira each. This place also has a large gift shop and charge 1 Lira for bathrooms. The view of the Mediterranean Sea from here is amazing and it’s most enjoyable to view while eating the restaurants traditional Turkish breakfast or “kahvaltı”. If you’d like a funner experience, back down the hill towards D-400 is a restaurant with great Kahvalti, but you can sit in a makeshift tent made of hanging carpets and sit on pillows around a low table.
Les gouffres sont de belle taille, la balade jusqu'à l'entre de la grotte du Paradis est agréable, mais ce n'est pas non plus un "must" du séjour.
Cehennem mağrasına iniş yok. Cennet mağrası oldukça enteresan... Küçük çocukla gitmeyi düşünmeyin. Aşağıya indikçe serinlik ve nemi sonuna kadar hissediyorsunuz. Çıktıktan sonra çok fena susadığınızı hissedeceksiniz, ama satılan sular fahiş fiyata sunuluyor. Tedbirinizi alın.
Dostlar yine Merhaba diyerek hepinizi sevgiyle kucaklıyorumBugün size hem iş hem de normal seyahatlerimde daha önce gidipte gördüğüm ,görüpteinanılmaz gelen doğa ve insanın birlikte nasıl mucizeler yaratabileceği bir yer,CENNET VE CEHENnem den bahsettmek istiyorum öncelikle gezilecek mekanınyapısından dolayı brurayı gezmek bahar aylarında daha iyi oluyor,yazın biraz benim gibikilolu bir yapıdaysanız azıcık eziyet ve terleme yapıyor ama yinede hangi mevsimde ordaysanızmutlaka görün derim.Cehennem hep bize anlatılan şekliyle nasıl ürkütücü geldiyse burasıda aynen öylegezerken insanı karamsarlığa sürüklüyor içine düştüğünüzü tasvir ettiğinizde ne kadar kötübir durum ve buradan çıkmanın imkansız sonun ölüm olabileceğini hissediyorsunuz,Ama CENNET i gezerken o kadar yorucu,eziyetli ve terlemelide olsa sonununda göreceğinizşeyin terin dibinde güneşin olmadığı ortamda yeşillik ve ağaçı görünce bir huzur ve dinginliğeulaşıyorsunuz onun içinde mutlaka gezmeniz tavsiye ederimNOT: Yanlış anlamadıysamda astım hastalarına da iyi geliyormuş,Bu kadar gezmenin sonucundada Bu bölge Kebap yemeden de dönülmeztekrar başka yazılarımda görüşmek üzere Mehmet AŞKALE
Cennet cehennem ve astım mağarası görmeyenler için 1 defada olsa gidilmeli.aslında ülkemizdeki diğer korunmaya alınması gereken değerli tarihi yerlerden biri.bence tam hakettiği değer verilmiyor daha özen gösterilmeli .çevresindeki yiyecek ve mesire yerleri çok temiz olmasada idare eder.astım mağarasına inerken çok dikkat edilmeli yerler kaygan ve geçişler çok dar.kalp veya tansiyon hastasıysanız cennet ve cehennem çukurlarına inmeyin.iyi gezmeler
Cehennem denilen çukura sadece yukarıdan bakıyorsunuz, çok derin ve büyük bir çukur. Cennet de daha büyük ve derin bir çukur, ancak bazı yerleri kötü ve kaygan, bazı yerleri normal sayisini bilmediğim çok merdivenden aşağı inilebilen ve dibinde mağara bulunan bir çukur. Her ikisi de yeşillik. Ama bize göre Cennet olan Cehennem, Cehennem olansa Cennet, çünkü iniş yormasa da çıkış çok yorucu. Çıkışta terlemiş ve soluk soluğa kalmış bir durumda olacaksınız ya bir bardak ayran ya da taze sıkılmış meyve suyu içmek isteyeceksiniz. Her iki mağaraya da giriş ücretli, Müzekart geçerli, 18 yaş altı ücretsiz. Oradan devam edin Astım Mağarasına, daha çok seveceksiniz kesinlikle.
Mükemmel ötesi bir yer. Cehennem obruğunda yukarıdan seyir yaparak güzel bir şekilde keşfedebilirsiniz. Fakat Cennet mağarasına iniş ve çıkış zor ve zahmetli. Özellikle (500 civarı basamak var) inişin son basamakları kaygan olabilmekte ve ayakkabı ile inmek şart. Çıkarken ise çok sayıda basamak çıkmaktan yorulabilirsiniz. Bu yüzden yaşlı insanların inmemesi mantıklı olur. Cennet mağarasına girdiğinizde diplerden gelen güzel bir su sesi bulunmakta ve cennet kısmında son olarak bir kilise bulunmakta. Kesinlikle gitmenizi öneririm.
Si sono formate a causa di un fiume che ha creato una galleria sotterranea. In seguito il crollo delle volte carsiche ha portato alla luce queste 2 impressionanti voragini. La grotta Inferno (Cehennem) è profonda 100 m ed è larga 30 ed è accessibile e visibile solo da una terrazza che cade strapiombo su di essa. Invece la grotta Paradiso (Cennet), vicina 100 metri all'altra è raggiungibile attraverso una scalinata di 452 gradini irregolari intagliati nella roccia. Il percorso in discesa è lento, ma particolarmente agevole. Man mano che si scende, aumenta la vegetazione e anche la temperatura. Il clima si fà più umido, si raggiungono i resti di una chiesa bizantina, prima di intravedere l'ingresso alla grotta e nel silenzio si sente lo scrosciare dell'acqua in lontananza del fiume sotterraneo. Il bello è la risalita, che sarà fatta con diverse soste, dipende dalla vostra tenuta. Munitevi di scarpe adeguate, ma ne vale la pena. Nell'antichità era luogo di culto e di pellegrinaggi.