augustiner chorherrenstift st. florian
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This is a beautiful monastery complex with a beautiful church where Anton Bruckner was organist and where he is buried. The guided tour was excellent, the library is beautiful and there is a gorgeous marble salon. The rooms for the members of the Imperial court are worth seeing and Anton Bruckner's room is very touching. We also saw Bruckner's tomb in the crypt which is directly under the organ. The church has the most wonderful wooden pews with gorgeous cherubs all over them. The whole complex is very tranquil and we found it a pleasant change from Melk which is more commercialised. The village has a wonderful cafe.
Well worth the bus trip from Lintz. We caught a local bus from the bus depot at the main station, arriving at St Florian village where there was no evidence of what eye were about to experience. We wandered up the hill to find a most spectacular Baroque church. Absolutely mind blowing. We have visited many churches through Europe and this would have to be one of the best. A tiny village with a serious treat. There is accommodation available in the abbey. This looked very clean and newly renovated. We did not do a tour and just wandered at our own pace. Check out the cemetery next door with the little cathedral. Some very interesting art work at the entrance! I hope you enjoy this trip as much as we did.
The church and the the outside are truly impressive. To bad that the opening hours for guided tours are very limited, and that the Baedecker guide book gives wrong hours.
We spent the best part of a day wandering around the Abbey site, took a vey good guided tour through part of the Abbey, the Church and crypt. Check their tour timetable on the web before you go, as they are well worth doing. And if you like organ music, don't miss the recital in the church whenever it is given (2.30 pm in the summer months at least).The Abbey also has accommodation, which we didn't know about this till we got there.
The Augustiner Chorherrenstift at St. Florian is not as heavily visited as the more well-known Stift at Melk, but it is definitely worth a visit. There is an over-all lightness to the church. The main church is beautifully proportioned with exceptional plaster work on the ceilings, a stunning organ, and remarkable carved choir stalls. The choir stalls include a tremendous set of carved putti that are painted, some guilding, and very fine carving over all surfaces. We were able to tour only a small area of the monastery as it was early in the morning before the guided tours began, but we were impressed by both the size of structure, its comparative lack of commercialization, and the freedom we had to wander around the church and quietly contemplate its beauty.
I had the chance to visit St. Florian in the European summer of 2008, and I can't say enough great things about this place. It is one big complex with a good mix of things to see, due to its rich cultural past. As you enter the grounds, you will notice perfectly manicured gardens. Being an abbey, there is of course a grand church. It has a beautifully painted ceiling, and you can also head upstairs to see the organ which composer Anton Bruckner played. The ceiling paintings continue throughout much of the complex, and they will take your breath away. There is a stupendous two-storey library with a collection of books dating back centuries - and the great thing is, they normally have one spread open on a table for people to photograph. In another room of the complex, you can view a small collection of mediaeval and Renaissance paintings and objects. And if you're game, you can head down into the crypt to view Bruckner's tomb and the tombs of some other historical figures. A truly unforgettable experience, and one which I hope to repeat. If you are thinking of going - go, because you will NOT regret it!! To tempt you, I have added a photo of the magnificent church interior.
ウィーンで借りたレンタカーを運転して約2時間。オーストリアの高速道路はとても平坦性が良好です。雨が降ってもストレス無く快適に運転できます。買ったばかりのアンドロイド携帯のGoogle地図のお陰でカーナビ無しでも迷わずに目的地に近づきます。勿論聖人ブルックナーゆかりのザンクトフローリアン修道院!!何もこれと言った特徴の無い田園地帯の中の本の、少しだけ高い一帯にぽつんと姿を現します。ブルックナーの田舎っぽいとも言われる誠実な人柄はこの環境の中からさらに昇華したのでしょう。我々が訪問したときは、ブルックナー音楽祭が終わったばかりの木曜日で修道院は静まりかえっています。その静謐な聖堂の中に入ると、あのブルックナーと同じ空間に居るんだ・・・と言うだけで静かな昂奮を覚えます。『あなたの好きな私の音楽を思い浮かべなさい。私はあなたが来るのを待っていた。一緒に私の音楽を聴こう・・・』と言う声が聞こえました。9番のアダージョを一緒に聴きました。 ショップにはここで録音されたあらゆる音楽CDが置いてあります。少年合唱団によるブルックナーのホ短調ミサ他を購入。軽食レストランもあります。落ち着いていて美味しい。ブルックナーを愛する人は絶対に行きなさい。
Fantastica abbazia, vicino a Linz. Chiesa e monastero, stupenda biblioteca, stanze reali, e sepolcro di Anton Bruckner, il più grande sinfonista austriaco!
Die Stiftsführung ist immer interessant, schöner Saal und in der Kirche die Anton Bruckner Orgel - in der Krypta der Sarg von Bruckner.
Es handelt sich um ein schönes und auch gepflegtes Stift, mit einer Führung sieht man mehr, ich persönlich liebe auch den Stiftgarten der lädt zum verweilen ein.
Die weitläufige Klosteranlage mit ihrer prächtigen Barockausstattung und der Brucknerorgel (leider hatten wir bei unserem Aufenthalt keine Möglichkeit, sie auch live zu hören) sind einen ausgiebigen Besuch wert. Ungefähr 2 Stunden einplanen. Empfehlenswert ist eine Führung, da man somit auch in die Kaiserzimmer und die beeindruckende Bibliothek und den Festsaal des Stiftes (Marmorsaal) gelangt.
Wenn man in Linz und Umgebung Urlaub macht ist der Besuch von St. Florian ein MUSS!Unserer Busgruppe hat es sehr gut gefallen!
Dans un écrin de verdure et au milieu d'une petite ville sympa ne pas hésiter à s'arrêter pour visiter cet endroit,le hasard a voulu que le jour où j'y suis allée il y avait un concert à l'église. Simplement magique...Ne pas rater le petit cimetière des prêtres et descendre les escaliers couverts pour rejoindre le centre ville.Il y a également un restaurant traditionnel et une possibilité de dormir dans ce cadre exceptionnel.
Das Chorherrenstift St. Florian ist eine Sehenswürdigkeit, dessen Besichtigung ich jedem uneingeschränkt empfehlen kann. Es gibt im Stift auch einen Gästetrakt, in dem Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten bestehen. Die Zimmer sind groß, aber einfach und sauber. Das Frühstück wird im Stiftsrestaurant eingenommen. Es ist schon ein Erlebnis, in so einer großartigen Einrichtung zu übernachten. Doch bei unserem Aufenthalt regnete es, und der Regen trommelte auf das Kupferdach der Kirche. Außerdem schlug die Nacht über jede Viertelstunde die Uhr. Das war schon etwas störend.