burgruine gösting
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开放时间: 暂无

This castle was my favorite of all of Gratz. It is well worth the long hike to the top . I will advise this place is not handicap accessible . The castle dates back to 1046 and was used for trade and also a lookout for invading army's . Not all of the castle is open during winter but go anyway . The cafe and gift shop are one in the same . Very welcoming , serving beer and authentic homemade Austrian food . Definitely a "do" while visiting Gratz.
It's about a 25 minutes walk up a steep path but you'll be rewarded with a great view of Graz and surroundings from a fortress built in the 11th century.
You will be set back by some centuries, believe me !!!There also is a nice simple eating place, but with top quality.The people there are very welcoming, if you come there as a stranger----
It's a very rewarding walk with a lot of shade to keep things cool in the summer. When you get to the top, the ruins are really interesting and very accessible. The view of Graz and the surrounding hills is fantastic. Once done looking around the castle, a stop at the cafe for beer, grilled brats, and music made for a really fun afternoon.
The walk to this ruin is quite arduous however once at the top it's worthwhile. The castle itself is 12th century. There are some rooms that are still functional with exhibits. There is a restaurant around the back with sells good meals.
The Ruine Gösting is one of the several old castles in the surrounding of Graz. This one is reachable pretty easy with public transport and a thirty minute ascend. On the top is a restaurant which is open every day expect Monday. Interesting is also the short sidetrip to the Jungfernsprung which offers a nice view of the Judendorf/Gratkorn area north of Graz.
Nice romantic ruins complete with a lover's leap, actually, a virgin's leap (Jungfernsprung). There is no record of the last virgin who leapt.
The first bit of the hill is a steep climb, but this is Austria. The tavern at the top is excellent - there's no electricity and all of the food has to be brought up by the ladies that work in the reconstructed ruins of the castle. The food is very Austrian and it is VERY good.The outdoor terrace has a great view out over Graz and you can go and explore the rest of the ruins as well.
Takes about an hour walking steadily from Gosting to this beautiful old medieval castle. Its a steep climb so be prepared. The castle itself still has some parts that are compete and you can climb the stairs and go inside. There are displays showing stuff. The main attraction is the restaurant at the bottom where walkers get there recharge. Great place to eat but usually only one thing on the menu per day.
The Ruine Gösting used to be the main defense instsllstion of Graz in the North. Constructions started in the 11th century (1034 A.D.) already.From the keep you have a stunning view over the northern region, the river Mur and the city of Graz itself! There is a very nice and very authentic Tavern, that is open Tue- Sun, and offers everything a thirsty and hungry hiker might long for, a wonderful chapel (St. Anna Kapelle), that was just recently restored and the original fundaments of walls and towers of the stronghold.It is a must for all fans of the middle ages and it is the ideal travel destination for those interested in the lively past of this region. It also is an interesting excursion for families, because it is only a 30 minutes walk from the bus station at the foot of the mountain.Another plus: You won't be charged for anything (except for food and drinks, of course), but are only asked to donate money for the restauration and maintenance of the stronghold.I just came back from there, and I really have to say, it is worth seeing and experiencing the might and magic - so to say - of this mystic place... Have fun, Gerald Mörth
Keine 20 min mit dem Öffis vom Zentrum an der enthaltestelle Gösting Linie 40 (BUS)ist am füße des Berges der Ausgang eines Wanderwegs zur Ruine.Mit dem Auto nur bis zu den letzten Häusern befahrbar ansonsten nur mit rad oder zu fuß erreichbar: Natur pur mit sehr guter und regionaler Küche und im Ruineninnenhof je nach witterung Sitzgelegenheiten.Bei den Alten Wirtsleuten sowie bei den Nachfolgern ist Gastlichkeit und Freundlichkeit großgeschrieben.Empfehlung für groß und Klein und speziell mit hunden ideal.Der Jungfernsprung ist eine felige aussichtsplattform wo nch der Sage sich unglückliche Jungfrauen in den tod gestürzt haben sollen.Von dort ist die aussicht idylisch.
К развалинам надо подниматься, что было довольно тяжело, но открывшийся замечательный вид на окрестности стоил затраченных усилий. Прогулка оказалась довольной приятной. Сами развалины крепости ничем особенным не отличались. Внутри обустроился ресторан. Если нет много свободного времени, можно и не тратить его на это место. В городе интереснее.
сверху красивый вид. собственно, от замка, практически ничего и не осталось, после Наполеона. Стоит посмотреть часовую башню.
グラーツでもらった観光案内に載っていた中世の城塞跡にハイキングを兼ねて行ってみました。グラーツ中央駅のバスターミナルから40番のバスに20分ほど乗り、終点下車。バスの運転手さんに教えてもらって城塞跡を目指しました。詳しい地図は持っていなくても山道は整備されていてほとんど迷うことはありません。地元の方が何組も気軽にハイキングされているので分かれ道では尋ねることもできました。約25分で礼拝堂と塔と外壁の一部が残る城塞跡に到着。塔には博物館とレストランがありましたが8/18はどちらもお休みでした。水も持たずに登ってしまい困っていると、掃除していた店の人がお休みなのにジョッキに入れた水を売ってくれ助かりました。店の横のテラスからはグラーツの街やその先の山々が見渡せます。たくさんのお弁当を広げている地元の家族連れもいました。グラーツでは時計塔のあるシュロスベルクからの眺めが有名ですが、見晴らしのよいテラスからのんびり眺めた 山並みの濃い緑はとてもきれいでした。
Geheimtip!!! Im Moment gibt es Probleme mit dem Pächter. Ich hoffe, das es zu einer Lösung kommt, ansonsten wird das Lokal gesperrt. :(