old sulfur mines at paliorema
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I did not expect something less from what i finally saw.Milos is an island with amazing views and beaches.So the old Sulful Mines is a place that was worth visiting, in order to understand how this island managed to survive during the years, taking advantage of its subsurface.However, the roads on the island are in a very bad condition and the route till the mines is very dangerous so be prepared for that
Rough road to get there, but worth it. Amazing views and a quiet beach too.You need a 4x4 to get there. Dont forget your camera!
Get there before the health and safety police do! Leave the car by the "no entry" sign unless you have a 4x4 and walk the last couple of road bends. Lovely quiet beach for a dip.
We arrived to Paliorema short before sunset and effectively we were the only people there. The place is very special. Old mining machines and equipment just covered with rust and falling apart. You can still see sulphur on the ground. The place is not prepared for tourist and not secured, so common sense precautions advised. Paliorema has a small beach with golden pebbly sand- take you bikini along. If you don't have a 4 wheel car, it's better to park on a little parking on top of the mine. The road gets very steep.
Not easy to reach but definitively worth the dusty and bumpy road. Bring with you water, umbrella and 50+ sun protection because there is nothing.... But the place is breathtaking
Imposing site! Looks like a ghost town with all the abandoned buildings and machinery. In addition, there is a beautiful beach at this site at Paliorema, Milos.The dirt road leading to the sulphur mines gets progressively worse. Rental cars are not permitted. It is best to park half a kilometre prior to the site and walk down on foot. Those with SUVs or endure motorcycles can negotiate the road all the way, but are urged not to park close to the beach.Bring snacks and especially lots of cold or frozen water with you as there are no shops anywhere near the sulphur mines. Do not forget sun scree, as shade on the beach is practically non-existent.This listing needs to be corrected urgently. The location is Paliorema, *not* Thiorichio. The greek word for sulphur mines converted to latin characters according to the ELOT 743 standard is Theiorycheia (singular: Theiorycheio), but the actual location is Paliorema.
The old sulphur mines are a pitoresque spot - make sure your camera is ready. It has been abandoned in the 50s - but the spirit is still there. Driving to this spot is quite tricky - a SUV or a buggy definitely helps - drive very careful. As well there is the possibility to go swimming in the beach just 100m next to the mining building.
piękne i tajemnicze miejsce. Kolory siarki zapierają dech w piersiach a woda w morzu w tym miejscu jest przepiękna.
Uno dei miei punti preferiti di Milos. Un'esperienza veramente differente. La strada per arrivarci è dura, impervia, sassosa e polverosa; una volta arrivati, non c'è un filo d'ombra, una pianta, un riparo; non c'è bar, non c'è punto ristoro; tutta la zona è esposta al sole cocente. Tuttavia, è un posto che mi ha stregato. La miniera abbandonata è suggestiva e magica; i residui di zolfo colorano i sassi e le rocce vicini alla riva, creando questo contrasto con il blu del mare. Bellissimo.
Nos animamos por algunos comentarios y para buscar un cache (geocaching.com) y mereció la pena. El último tramo de la carretera no está demasiado bien, pero puede dejarse el coche un poco antes. Uno de esos lugares surrealistas y una playa muy tranquila y salvaje.
J'avais vu un commentaire comme quoi c'était un décor de jeux vidéo. Effectivement, c'est splendide et complètement dépaysant. Incroyable.Allez y en quad car route sur la fin défoncée.
La Mina de Sulfuro de Paliorema es un lugar sobrecogedor. En Milos cada rincón es impactante, pero este es un festín para todos los sentidos. El color amarillo chillón del azufre, combinado con la vista los edificios semiderruidos y la maquinaria oxidada, el fuerte olor a huevo podrido que llega a marear y el regusto que deja en la boca son absolutamente sobrecogedores.Se puede hacer de todo, desde explorar las cuevas que aun siguen abiertas, hasta entrar en las casas de los antiguos mineros o subir a la parte de arriba de la mina por los railes que transportaban los vagones.El acceso al lugar es complicado, la carretera no está asfaltada y hay un cartel de "prohibida la circulación" al que no le hicimos demasiado caso. Pudimos llegar hasta la playa con el coche.Como nota curiosa, decir que el agua es 100% cristalina en todos los rincones del Milos menos en este, que tiene un color verdoso.Aquí cuento mi experiencia en Milos con fotos y todo tipo de detalles: http://nongogoahanzangoa.com/milos-la-isla-que-te-deja-sin-palabras/
La spiaggia di Paliorema (o Thiorichia) è veramente splendida, e non solo per il mare. La si raggiunge proseguendo la strada che passa dalla chiesa di Zefiria e che, dopo il paese, diventa sterrata: niente di pericoloso, ma con l'auto consiglio di parcheggiare prima dell'ultimo tratto (dove c'è un piccolo spiazzo e la vista panoramica della spiaggia), in quanto la risalita non è molto agevole. Il sito è di una bellezza che toglie il fiato: i resti dell'antica miniera di zolfo, rimasta così come l'hanno lasciata gli ultimi operai, il contrasto delle montagne di mille colori contro il cielo azzurro e l'acqua limpidissima che nella parte nord si colora di marrone a causa delle infiltrazioni di ferro. La spiaggia è mista sabbia e ciottoli piccoli: consiglio di andarci quando il vento (specialmente il Meltemi) è calmo, altrimenti non è agevole farci il bagno, dato che l'acqua diventa quasi subito profonda.
De weg ernaar toe is lastig maar het is zeker de moeite waard zeker als je het laatste stuk gaat lopen.Overweldigende kleuren die overgaan in diep blauwe zee, de verrassing van de oude mijn ,achtergelaten alsof ze zozeer gaan beginnen is een machtige ervaring.Het strandt is mooi en nooit echt druk.geen horeca dat is wel jammer.
Όταν πρωτοπήγα στο Παλιόρεμα ήταν Μάιος. Ακόμη θυμάμαι την έκπληξή μου καθώς το φουσκωτό πλησίαζε στην παραλία. Το πρώτο που εντυπωσιάζει είναι τα χρώματα. Το κίτρινο της ώχρας μάχεται το κόκκινο του σιδήρου και το μπλε της θάλασσας. Στις πλαγιές τα απομεινάρια από τα παλιά Θειορυχεία που σταμάτησαν να λειτουργούν από την δεκαετία του 60. Έμαθα πως μπορεί κανείς να πάει και από έναν χωματόδρομο (δεν γνωρίζω αν είναι βατός για συμβατικό αυτοκίνητο). Το δεύτερο που με εντυπωσίασε ήταν οι ήχοι. Η θάλασσα και τα κελαιδίσματα/κρωξίματα των πουλιών αντηχούν στα κτίσματα, ζωντανεύουν τον χώρο, προσφέροντας μια περίεργη ποικιλία ήχων. Τα κτίσματα στέκουν έρημα, εύκολα για περιήγηση κάτω από τον καυτό ήλιο. Το τοπίο θυμίζει Μεξικό. Τέλειο μέρος για ατμοσφαιρικές φωτογραφίες. Η παραλία έχει βοτσαλάκια ιδανικά για συλλογές λόγω των εκπληκτικών χρωμάτων τους. Πάρτε μαζί σας φαγητό και νερό καθώς και αθλητικά παπούτσια. Προσέχετε πολύ αν αποφασίσετε να δείτε από κοντά τα κτίρια ειδικά αν έχετε παιδιά μαζί σας γιατί υπάρχουν επικίνδυνα σημεία.