temple of artemis
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One of the most beautiful Ancient Greek Temples you must visit, is the one in Vravrona.It is about 45min away from Athens City center (by car) but it takes less if you take highway (Attiki odos).HistoryThe first known temple at the sanctuary - dating to the late 6th century BCE - rests on a low rock spur south of the river and is aligned toward the east on a foundation measuring c. 11 by 20 m. There are a few remains of the architecture that allow a certain identification of the temple as being of the Doric order.The Persians destroyed the sanctuary structures in 480 BCE but it was reconstructed in the 420s BCE.The sanctuary in general contains the temple of Artemis, a unique stone bridge, cave shrines, a sacred spring, and a pi-shaped (Π) stoa that included dining rooms for ritual feasting.The Arkteia festival was celebrated every four years and involved a procession from the shrine of Artemis Brauronia on the acropolis of Athens. At the isolated sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron, young Athenian girls approaching marriageable age formed groups consecrated for a time to Artemis as arktoi, she-bears and spent their time in sacred dances, wearing honey-colored saffron robes, running races and making sacrifice. Vase paintings show that cultic nudity was an element in these preparations for womanhood. An epigram concerns the offerings of childish playthings a nubile young girl dedicates to Artemis on the eve of marriage; many such tokens have been recovered from the spring at Brauron. There may have been joint worship of Iphegenia accociated with a cult site, or heroon that may have been located in the “cave” between the face of the rock spur and the fallen rock. The goddess Artemis was a danger to be propitiated by women during child-birth and of the newborn: to her were dedicated the clothes of women who had successfully born a child; The garments of women who died in childbirth were dedicated to Iphigeneia at Brauron.My tipIf you want your children to get a good feeling and strating to get involved with Ancient Greece as well as its history, culture and heritage, then start from the museum of Vravrona. There you will all have the chance to see all the things children used to dedicate to Goddess Artemis, their little toys (same things children play in our days), their belongings, even statues even statues thath have been carved in the form of the children themselves.Explain them the history of the place and then follow the small path to the Temple of Artemis for the rest.
THE TEMPLE OF ARTEMISIn the courtyard of the museum there is a Temple dedicated to the goddess of Artemis. It was among the most important sacred sites in the ancient times and ancient Vravrona was one of the 12 towns of Attica that was united to Athens by Theseus.THE MUSEUMThe museum is small and interesting and it houses exhibits from the area of Vravrona, Anavyssos, Perati and other areas of Attica. HOW TO GET THERE:Vravrona is near the larger town of Markopoulo on the shore of Vravrona Bay.This bay happens to be a popular spot for kite surfing as well. Tip: The exhibits of the museum are surely not to be missed!ENTRANCE FEE: Normal ticket for adults €3.00, for over 60 it is €2.00.
A small museum with rich exhibits of things you will not see in other places. The mud of the area has preserved wood artifacts along with the stone. There are lots of statues dedicated to the children of the temple and the artifacts that young girls left as they left their childhood toys and items behind as they transitioned into womanhood and or marriage. Past the museum the trail continues through a nature reserve, a delightful short meandering walk, and into the main site of the temple of Artemis. There is a old church remaining on the sight and the ruins of the temple. They are in the process of restoring and uncovering more at the sight every year. At this point we got to truly ramble among the ruins freely and see them from angles that we have not been able to at most other sights. Very cool experience to see if you can figure out a way to get out to the sight. On a side note the beaches close by are known for the windsurfing and kite surfing, and there are also a lot of local hangouts and swimming holes without many tourists.
One of the most interesting museums and temples in Attica,a temple dedicated to Artemis protector of labour, children and marriage. Great museum in the site! Must visit!
Because of the current restoration project on this site you can not walk around the temple but you can see it from a few different angels from the road and a trail. There is a museum at the site but unless you really love museums with Greek artifacts it's not worth the price of admission because all the museums connected with archeological sites in Greece seem to all look the same after a while. If you have a good guide they can tell you all about the myths connected with this site. I highly recommend that when you leave the city of Athens for a day trip outside the city you include this little site in your itinirary.
If your into ancient Greek "stuff" I would highly recommend a quick day trip out to the archaeological site of Vravrona. We took a car so I'm not sure how the buses are running, but what we found along the way was some beautiful nature, and just beyond the site was the seaside and some nice seaside taverns where we stopped to eat.The archaeological site itself is quite small but well worth the trek. Although the remains of the Temple of Artemis are a bit sparse there's enough for the imagination to fill in. The highlight of the site surly must be its museum, a museum tastefully done and up-to-date with a wide range of cult statues and offerings. On the site you can also see one of the oldest bridges in the world!If you're into Greek History and you have a half-day/whole day to visit the site it is well worth it. By car it took just under an hour to get to the site from the center of Athens. If you hit up some of the local family owned car rental shops you can get a reasonable and honest rate for the day.
Great views from up above that shows the temple of Artemis and a fresh water river that runs almost into the salt water sea on Nas beach. Only the temple floor and the outer walls of the compound still stand, but it's still a very beautiful site to see.There are steps from high above to walk down to the rocks. You must then walk along a rock bridge in the shallow part of the freshwater river to get to Nas beach. Then you can walk to the temple area from the beach.
This site is connected to myths and history worth mentioning. Besides being an orphanage dedicated to the goddess Artemis, this is the location where Iphigenia served as a priestess after she was taken by the goddess during the beginning of the Trojan war. Also, this is the site where you can see the first stone bridge made by man. Great site to visit and may combined with swimming at the near by beaches...
Indien je hier in de buurt bent is het zeker de moeite om eens een kijkje te gaan nemen. Toen ik er was waren er wel volop restauratiewerken bezig maar je kan je wel een goed beeld vormen van hoe het moet geweest zijn.
Die Anlage liegt etwas versteckt in einem Wald in der Bucht, ist aber wirklich sehenswert. Besonders das Museum bietet sehr interessante Exponate. Eintritt jeweils 3 Euro pro Person.
Site du sanctuaire en travaux en mai 2014. Petit musée bien complet intéressant à visiter. Proximité de l'hôtel, 15 mn à pied, à visiter en se baladant.
Святилище Артемиды Бравронии находится в современной Вравроне. Вряд-ли сюда ездят туристы из Афин, но те из них, кто поселяется в отеле Маре Нострум, имеют такую возможность. Я, по крайней мере ею воспользовался, и через 15 минут прогулки вдоль берега залива оказался на территории античных руин, которые приписывают к культу Артемиды - девственницы. Говорят, что именно здесь в Бравроне жрицы Артемиды Бравронии в ритуальном танце надевали медвежьи шкуры и назывались медведицами.Эти языческие танцы можно себе представить, прогуливаясь среди остатков храма, вокруг дома Артемиды и живописного прудика.При этом очевиден новодел всех этих руин, как, впрочем, и новодел многих других руин "древней Греции".
ATHENES est une super ville ,il y a pleins de choses à faire ,une journée ne suffit pas..je vous conseille de ne prendre à l'hôtel que l'excursion de la croisière, elle est vraiment super et le prix est identique qu'en ville, pour le reste rdv à athénes ou vous n 'aurez que l 'embarras du choix,pour vous rendre sur les iles à moindre frais pensé aux speed boat le taxi des mers que vous pouvez prendre au port du pirée .
que dire des différents sites visités: trop beaux, trop grands, trop ....Athènes-Mycènes-Delphes- canal de Corinthe-EPIDAURE-lac bleu-Cap sounion et bien d'autres encore, tout est à voir, tout est à visiter!!!! Grecs très gentils
Très bonne visite effectuée à Athènes, de très beaux monuments à visiter, pas de choses à voir dans la capitale, tout mode de déplacement possible (métro, bus, taxi)Attention : les lieux culturels ferment à 15h/16h, il faut donc tout visiter le matin de préférence.Pour les bus, il faut en moyenne attendre 30 minutes pour en avoir, ils terminent leur service à 22h30 donc soyez vigilants...