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开放时间: 暂无

The ”geselscap van den gecken“ and its circumstances are no longer traceable. The content of this Charter referred to a twinning of a "narrenverein" (carnival society) with the counts of Cleve, even today still an insoluble Enigma. On the location of the historic meeting of this "Gecken-Gesellschaft" a fountain is established: 7 bronze water-spitting heads recall the former "head" of this company,which consists of a King and six Council members. The actual column height illustrates the commonality of the participating members, on the other hand, also the different height of the mounted heads refer to the hiearchie and orientation of the members in this society.
Der Narrenbrunnen bringt einen zum Schmunzeln, wenn man ihn sieht. Verschieden gestaltetet Gesichter spucken sich mit Wasser voll, werden angespuckt oder "schauen nur zu". Er erinnert an die Gründung der ersten Narrengesellschaft in Kleve.