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A rather curious "sculpture", but nothing really there to see as for what it is, but the place, the stroll in the streets, the charm there makes this a nice place to be at
One of the numerous fountains throughout Aachen, the jointed figures represent different characters from Aachen's medieval past e. g. Knight, a merchant. A curiosity which fascinates adults and children alike.
IT is a nice object with a lot of water. It is beautifully made and it is a nice place to meet.Many visitors enjoy it apparently, as I saw many of them taking pictures.
It's cute and fun to play with. Many parts can be moved. Each figure represents a typical trade of the city. The same artist made other similar pieces in different cities.
Never seen anything like it! The dolls can be arranged by passers by so that the water comes out at a different angle each time. You get wet.
very catchy fountin in the city center, i haven't seen one like this in any other places i visited. if you have time for some walks in the city you will discover several fountains all as interestingly as this one.in the photo is the fountain located near the entrace to the dom.
Aachen is also called "City of Fountains". There seem to be some 90 fountains in the city, of which many in the center. This is one of the nicest. Beautifully situated in the Krämerstrasse, a small shopping street near the Cathedral. The fountain is worn out in a nice way from the many hands that have touched it. It is also a favorite place for tourists to be photographed.
Very funny fountain. It is in the city center, but not on a big square. You can move the hands and legs of the puppets, and if you close all the holes of the fountain, a rooster puppet moves up.
De poppenfontein ligt midden in het historische gedeelte van Aken in de buurt van de Dom. De fontein van Bonifatius Stirnberg staat sinds 1975 daar. Er is een Haan, paard, marktvrouw, bisschop, mannequin, professor, harlekijn. De armen en benen van de poppen kan je bewegen. Het is een prachtige fontein om wat nader te bekijken.
Una de las multiples fuentes del centro de Aachen, quizas de las mas bonitas. Los munhecos son articulados , lo que hace las delicias de los ninhos , y adultos ;-)
Ma fille y joue depuis son plus jeune âge. Les poupées sont articulées. Nous y sommes passés aujourd'hui et notre fille a spontanément serré sa "petite danseuse" contre son cœur en lui disant "A bientôt..."
Der Brunnen inmitten der Fußgängerzone, Nähe Dom, Markt und Rathaus wird immer wieder von Touristen bewundert und ist zumindest einen kurzen Stopp wert. Die Figuren lassen sich bewegen, was vor allem den Kleinen Spaß macht.
La città è disseminata di nuove creazioni artistiche, alcune più riuscite, altre meno. Questa, all'incrocio di alcune vie del centro, perlomeno è diversa dal solito. Ci passi, la guardi, fai una foto. Dai, ci sta
De bron is een "doe ding" voor kinderen en volwassenen. Leuk om te ervaren maar er zijn meer bronnen en het verhaal dat je bij een rondleiding krijgt maakt het nog leuker.
La cittadina non offre molte attrazioni, questa scultura può essere un buon spunto per passare del tempo e fare qualche foto. La consiglio.