modemuseum im schloss ludwigsburg
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The museum consists of two floors which are completely in black (ceiling, floor and walls) and less light (to preserve the colors of light sensitive clothes). But after a while we got used and didn't feel uncomfortable.It wasn't allowed to take any pictures. And there were audio guides in German, English (British) and French available which gave a lot of background information. If you plan to listen to everything you will need more than 2 hours.The lower floor is mainly about clothes of the baroque, and the upper one shows more modern clothes from the WW2 to the 20th century. Our main interest was the baroque clothing and in this part our expectations were completely fulfilled. Mostly dresses are shown but also other parts of the clothing like aprons, shoes, trousers, hats, underwear and bras. We got especially surprised to see even children clothing of that time. Each clothing had German written signs indicating their country of origin (mostly European, France, UK and Germany), the time they were worn and sometimes you could see how the museum obtained them.All in all it was wonderful. We can recommend to go with someone. It was worth paying 4€ per adult. Going on Thursday at 11 am there were only two other people.
Das Modemuseum von Ludwigsburg ist im Schloss Ludwigsburg im Festinbau untergebracht und beherbergt die Kostüm- und Textilsammlung des Württembergischen Landesmuseums. Mehr als 600 Stücke aus der Zeit von 1750 bis 1970 werden auf 2 Etagen gezeigt. Besonders schön inszeniert sind die Kleider von 1750 bis 1850, die einen interessanten Einblick in die Modewelt dieser Zeit geben. Besonders spannend fand ich den Blick unter die Kleider. Die "Käfige" und Drahtpolster sind kleine Kunstwerke für sich. Interessant zu verfolgen ist auch die Entwicklung der Kinderkleidung und die damit verbundene Stellung der Kinder in der Gesellschaft der jeweiligen Epoche. Lustig ist die Bademode von 1930. Der Eintritt beträgt derzeit 3,50 € inklusive eines sehr gut gemachten Audioguides.