der burgruine schlossberg
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We walked up the castle ruins and enjoyed views of Staufen at sunset. The walk is a little bit demanding, so be prepared. Explore the ruins and climb to the top of the tower for incredible views. There's a great gelato shop right off of the main street at the bottom/start of the walk. The kids had a great time.
If you visit Staufen, this is a must to visit the castle. Just walk by foot, enjoy the vineyards and the fresh air. From the castle you have a view on the all town surroundings. Relax and contemplate. If this is a family trip, take drinks and food for children with you, for there is no store or coffee shop on the hill.
It's really picturesque from town. But if you feel like stretching your legs, it's nice up top too. Not much in terms of historical explanation here, but you can climb one tower for some nice views. There were several photographers waiting for the 'right shot' when we were there. Not a lot of places to picnic - that we could find.
Located on top of a hill overlooking its own vinyards, meandering paths and richly green hilly landscape this impressive "Burg" allows splendid views all the way to the Vosges Mountains in the French Alsace. Staufenberg offeres you a rustic outside restaurant with a basic selection of local and regional specialties. One can purchase the vinyards own wines but also a good selecrion of regional wines. Great location for long relaxing walks along the seemingly unending vinyards. Plenty of car parking. Great way of spending a Sunday with family and friends when in this region.
The Burgruine overlooks the small town of Staufen, perched on a steep hill covered in vines and orchards. The Burgruine is clearly signposted from the town centre. The pathway becomes fairly steep the closer to the Burgruine you get but once at the ruin you are rewarded with a splendid 360 panorama composing of vistas to the Black Forest, across the Rhine valley to the Alsace and Vosge mountains and south towards Switzerland. There are no facilities at the Burgruine but it is a good place to have a picnic and admire the scenery.
une belle occasion de flâner dans les vignes et d'admirer les toits de la vieille ville. Une belle ruine mais surtout une très belle vue sur la plaine environnante.
Purtroppo a causa del tempo a disposizione e del meteo, non proprio bello, non siamo riusciti a salire in cima a questa graziosa collinetta, dominata dalle rovine di un castello. Comunque siamo riusciti a fare qualche foto e le zone limitrofe devono essere molto belle.
Ce reste de château fort est le symbole de la ville de Staufen et offre une très jolie vue sur la région. Il est à 15 minutes à pieds du centre ville.
Ein schöner Spaziergang am Ort. Leider war es bei uns etwas schmuddelig mit Abfall in den Ecken - aber das liegt ja an uns allen selbst, gell?
Beim letzten Besuch Staufens waren wir oben - mit herrlichem Blick ringsum, diesmal erlebten wir die Krönung des Burgbergs von unten - dort gibt es einen schönen Wein-Pavillon, den man nach dem Abstieg besonders schätzt.
Il castello in rovina domina Staufen dall’alto di una collina. Proprietà degli Staufen fino all’estinzione a inizio Seicento fu bruciato da truppe svedesi nella guerra dei Trent’anni. Adesso quel poco che rimane è ancora imponente e una salita ripaga con una bella vista sulla città e sulle sottostanti coltivazioni a vite. Se si ha tempo, perché no?
Von der Altstadt Staufen ist der Anblick imposant. Der Aufstieg lohnt sich wegen der Aussicht. Nur bleibt einzig der Anblick der Reben - der Hals muss mangels Degustationsmöglichkeit bei der Ruine trocken bleiben ...