st. peter kirche
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

You see many churches throughout Europe that are so ornate and extravagant but this church was simple and beautiful. Our group (4 adults) found a man (Herr Jung) that gave us a tour of Bacharach. He was a delight and we even sang a Christmas hymn in the church. We all enjoyed this church.
I love that the church is so humble and not overly ornate. It is beautiful and the acoustics are awesome. We walked by an a couple was singing acapella and it sounded like an entire choir was rehearsing. Just beautiful!
Just a great place to visit,fantastic asthma sphere, Maureen Hunter SIngers from Hull UK sang an incredible concert there.
The bells this church rings on the hour are what makes the magic of small town life in Europe. They peal on and on, and fill your heart with joy to be in this place with all it's rich history and culture.
We were staying right across the street from this church so we figured we would walk in. The interior of the church is very interesting painted in oranges and greens, apparently restored to it's original decor. It is either a look you are going to love or hate. The church was empty so we were able to take our time walking through, admiring the painting and enjoying the silence. Worth the time to stop.
There are not many things to do in Bacharach so it is easy to find and walk into St. Peter's church. The church was quite and peaceful on the Monday I visited. There were a few candles lighted but otherwise, not a soul to be seen. It provided a nice place for a few moments of quiet contemplation
Entry into the church is free, which was nice. Definitely worth at least 10 minutes of your time. My favorite view of the church is from a small hike that starts behind the building. Takes about 10 minutes or less to get up there (depending on how fit you are), and the view is beautiful!
(It's a statue of a lady, showing off).She is INSIDE the church, high up, bold as brass and painted nicely. She has been given a fig-leaf. Usually they are outside the church, Nor do they have fig-leaves.Nearby is Mimmo's ice-caffe where they serve the most excellent ice-creams (rhine wine flavour) and there is an ATM in the bank on the opposite corner.
Attended the late Saturday night Easter service. Though in German it was easy to follow and quite moving. A splendid old church, where the congregation made us feel welcome.
Behind this church is the Wernerkapelle located.Its interior is very light and airy, thus easily photographed, beside that the temprature inside is cool so very welcoming on warm days (in our case 36) outside). The architecture of this St. Peter clearly shows the transition from period of late romanticism to the gothic period on the middle Rhine. The tower was errected at the very start of the construction period, whereas the choir was only built after 1350. The vaulting in the main trancept was completed at the end of the 15th century. The floor layout of the Church of St. Peter had to be adapted to the limited space available in the valley - as was also the case for many other churches in the middle Rhine valley. The narrow space between the side of the cliff and the valley and the rising land meant that the length of the church was limited in line with the geomorphology.
De fachada branca e vermelha e arquitetura muito bonita, como tudo nesta cidade, eu realmente recomendo a visita!
Une des dernières églises romanes édifiée en Allemagne qui avec ses quatre étages refléte déjà l'art gothique français.
O forte de Bacharach é definitivamente passear tranquilamente por suas ruas. Então, não custa dispender alguns minutos para ver a igreja. Ela fica bastante fotogênica no sol da manhã.
La chiesa di San Pietro si trova nella piazza principale di Bachrach attorniata da belle case a graticcio. La chiesa è ristrutturata molto bene come quasi tutti gli edifici in Germania. Appoggiate ai muri sono conservate diverse pietre tombali di grande interesse.
Superbe église aérienne et lumineuse emplie de spiritualité, du moins c'est ce que j'ai ressenti en ce lieu. Par ailleurs du joli petit cimetière attenant, excellent point de départ d'une petite ballade permettant d'embrasser Bacharach et le Rhin.