burgruine hardenburg
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Hardenburg was Amazing. We had no idea what to expect and the short hike up had me second guessing myself. But for €3 (euro) we felt like it was a "steal". The views were beautiful. The castle ruins went on "forever" and there was amazing architecture to be seen. And after quite the climb on modern stairs to the top of the lookout tower, there was a telescope with additional ruins across the valley to see (€,50 or €1 - it goes by the size of the coinage). Overall the burg was awesome and I believe it would be even better in the summer. There was also a place to eat on the same grounds although we did not eat, and some trails that could be hiked.
As the name says Burg Hardenburg is a ruin. But, it is one of the most impressive ruins we've visited. Located just outside the spa town of Bad Durkheim, this should be a must see for any castle enthusiast.Built in the early 1200's this castle continued to grow. Inside the visitors center they have a nice short movie showing the profession of the castle over the years. From there you are free to roam throughout this large castle. You can climb its many walls and let your imagination run wild thinking about what life would have been like living here. There is no tour so you can spend as much time as you want and you will have access to almost all the areas of the castle. This castle had a beautiful garden and a guest house with a dance hall. See if you can find the safe with the sliding stone door and climb from the highest point in the Burgfried down a long stairway to the lower part of the castle. We enjoy castles and this one is a big one so we spent 2-3 hours walking its grounds but since there isn't a guide the time you spend is really up to you.When in Bad Durkheim, take the time to visit this great castle ruin.
This castle is near the town where there is a farmers market every so often (I don't remember the frequency). We walked up to the castle and waited for the dusk and an American jazz band's concert to begin. It was so relaxing that evening ten 15 years ago that; I still remember just like yesterday. Germany is one of my favorite places to visit as I am Turkish and there is a little Turkey hidden in Germany that I really like. Turkish and German food on alternate days, concerts, parties with nice smiley German faces around is something that I won't give up. I will go again and again to Germany no matter what. I just love socializing with them. Than I go to Turkey from Germany after a few days of stop over, hey, what do you know, there is a little Germany on the several Mediterranean towns one of which is Antalya but that is another show!!! Also, if you happen to visit this part (Rhineland) of Germany around Christmas (I am not sure about the other parts), make sure that you have a German friend to take you to one of those open squares where there is food and the best of all, warm conversation and hot, spiced up vine. You won't know what's hit you -- take it easy with that vine you hear?!!! Good roaming...
It's not the biggest nor the most beautiful castle but man is it worth seeing! You pay €2 to get in and no pets are allowed. It's a little hard to find and you do have to do some climbing stairs. There's another way to get up there that's stroller friendly but we couldn't find it. Definitely enjoy this and then head into town to try the wine!
Although the Hardenburg Castle is a bit hard to find, it's well worth the effort. It's a great compliment to the more recent and better known castles, this one is over 1,000 years old. It's way cool with a lot to see. We parked at a lot along the main road in the village just down the hill from the castle. Loot for a small side street to walk up the trail to the entrance. Admission is only 3 euros.
One of the most beautiful castle we had visited so far, beautifully maintained, partly restored and will soon get an additional construction in the same "style" with stories and museumEntrance cost was 3 Euro, but worth it!
I had the good fortune to spend a week rambling around the Rhineland-Palatinate and Hardenburg was by far my favorite structure amongst the burgs, schloss and burgruine. Because it is a ruin, you get to tour at your own pace without a non-English speaking tour guide hurrying you along. You will see massive medieval towers, the king's bedroom with it's hidden royal safe, the bakery and adjacent baths, the more recent gun turret additions, the queens rooms, the courtyard, the king's midnight toilet, cross groin vaults, stone stairs leading up forever, multiple spiral stair cases, massively thick walls, amazing high tower view, fake cannonballs sticking out of the tower walls to intimidate would-be attackers, and much more. Do you love castles, hidden staircases and tiny stone corridors? Then you will love Hardenburg. I spent hours there roaming from room to room, up and down stairs and back again. I did not catch sight of the ghost of the White Lady, but maybe you will. Part of the castle was closed for construction where they are building a museum to be opened summer 2012. I want to go back. Big thanks to the castle staff who were so friendly and knowledgeable.
die hardenburg befindet sich bei bad dürkheim und ist über die b37 leicht zu erreichen. anfang des 13. jahrhunderts errichtet, erlebte sie häufige brandschatzungen und zerstörungen. eshandelt sich um ein gewaltiges bauwerk. teils ruine, teils renoviert bietet die burg ein beein-druckendes bild des mittelalterlichen lebens. türme und ein gewaltiger bergfried boten in der damaligen zeit ein gewisses mass an sicherheit, dem allerdings durch die franzosen 1794 ein ende gesetzt wurde. heute finden veranstaltungen statt, die in einem überaus stimmungsvollen rahmen durchgeführt werden.
Alles sehr gut restauriert und wird sehr gut gepflegt.Man kann sich hier sehr gut vorstellen wie früher die Rittersleut gelebt haben.Auch für Kinder sehr viel zu entdecken.
heerlijk glaasje drinken vlakbij de burcht; met een gastenkaart (min 3d boeken) heb je gratis openbaar vervoer (bus) erheen vanuit Bad Durkheim
Auf der Hardenburg kann mann sich plastisch vorstellen wie die Rittersleut gelebt haben. Für einen Besuch mit Kindern (ohne Kinderwagen) besonders empfehlenswert. Umfangreiche Befestigungsanlagen, Ecken und Winkel, die es zu entdecken gibt.
Waren schon 2x da. Unsere Kids (5+7) waren beide begeistert. Der eine Angestellte der an diesem Tag da war erklärte uns immer wieder dies und das und unterhielt sich auch ganz nett mit den Kinder. Eintritt absolut ok, definitiv ein Besuch wert !
Даже если в течение недели каждый день обозревать замок в той или иной степени сохранности, всё равно найдётся еще один, способный удивить.Территория развалин немаленькая, есть где побродить. Лучше это делать рано утром или попозже к вечеру. Всё-таки руины больше "рассказывают" о себе, когда осматриваешь их "наедине", без собратьев-туристов вокруг.Замечательно место для романтиков и любителей едва уцелевшей древности.И замечательные виды на городок рядом!
Die Burgruine ist absolut sehenswert und den Eintritt allemal wert. Alles ist bestens restauriert und gepflegt. Die Architekten sind für die behutsame gelungene Integration neuer Bauteile ausdrücklich zu loben. Also: unbedingt besuchen.
Zufällig war an dem Wochenende ein Burgfest mit mittelalterlichen Ständen ... na ja ... mittelalterlcher Abzocke. Es ist es nicht wert den steilen Fußweg zur Burgruine zu gehen.