zollburg pfalzgrafenstein
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Pfalzgrafenstein Castle can be found on a small island in the middle of the Rhein ear the town Kaub. Built in the early 1300's it was used to control traffic and collect tolls on ships and functioned in concert with the nearby Gutenfels Castle. It housed about 20 soldiers and used a chain strung across the river to control traffic moving along the river.To get to the castle you need to take a small boat which can be found on the east side of the Rhein in the town of Kaub. Once on the island you will climb steps to enter the castle since the door is positioned well above the river. The castle isn't large but it has a lot of interesting rooms to see. It is a unguided tour so you can take your time exploring it many nooks.You'll climb narrow winding stairs through three levels, walk along the inner wall looking out gun ports into the river and see the rooms were the soldiers lived. Don't miss the Commandants quarters and the bakery room. Also, try to find the trap door to the well which also served as a prison for those who didn't want to pay their tolls.The entrance fee was minimal and when you've explored everything on the inside you can walk around the island and if the river is low completely around the castle while you wait for the return boat back to Kaub. It is a must see for any castle enthusiast and even for those who aren't, where else can you visit an island in the Rhein?
The Zollburg Pfalzgrafenstein (commonly known as ‘the stone ship’) cuts an impressive figure in the middle of the Rhine, atop Falkenau Island. It was here, in 1814, that Field Marshall Blucher’s forces crossed the Rhine in pursuit of Napoleon. Fifty thousand Russian and Prussian troops and 15,000 horses crossed to the left bank by means of a pontoon bridge constructed across the river via the castle. Thankfully, such extreme lengths are not required today - you can reach the castle from Kaub by means of a ferry that takes all of a minute or two!Once you are on the island you can take a self-guided tour of the castle using a rather neat orientation map. Although there is not alot to see in the way of exhibits, it is a real pleasure to wander round at your own pace and savour a pretty remarkable castle.
This castle is small and quite spartan, but it has an interesting history and is on an island. Just getting to it is an adventure, and it's worth the trip. We were staying in Bacharach and the ferry is a few kms north of Bacharach. We crossed (on foot) on the car ferry to Kaub and then caught a small passenger boat to the island. The captain of the the shuttle to the island is delightful and happy to talk (in German) about how fast water flows in the Rhine (6 kms/hr normally and up to 10 kms/hr in high water) and about the high water flooding ---particularly in 1988. The castle is interesting and you can wander around....with a small interpretive guide given to you on admission. It is worth the trip and you get out on the Rhine and therefore, get a different perspective.
Basically this is a small castle in the middle of the Rhine river but it is one of the few castles that you walk through every room and one of the few places that you can actually walk on the shore of the Rhine river so it is more of an outdoor adventure tour. The good is that it is not as much of a tourist attraction like many of the other castles and the tour boats don’t stop there so we were treated great by both the small business people on the shore and the tour people on the ferry boat and at the castle. The bad is that it is a little hard to find and pay for a car parking space on the shore but once you figure that out it is all fun after that adventure...and well worth time we spent at the castle...and there are separate fees for the ferry boat and entrance to the castle.
Over the course of several trips, I've visited many of the open castles along the Rhine. This was my husband's first Rhineland trip, however, so we negotiated finding things that would be interesting for both of us. The Pfalz pleased both of us since it is actually located mid-river. The ferry ride and admission have separate fees, but neither are terribly high. The Pfalz is fairly small and doesn't have much signage, but we spent a good hour there. It was the end of the day, and we were the only tourists there, but the workers patiently waited for us to look around before they too took the ferry back to Kaub.
This castle was recommended to us and was a fun and different castle to see. It is an old toll castle and is located in the middle of the Rhine river... The boat to take over to the castle was fun!! About €5.... Ants the captain let me pirate the boat... Arghhh!!In the castle you are given information for a self guided tour... Pretty fun to explore by yourself or in your private group. But be sure to wear appropriate shoes as the stairs are tiny and steep!Tables inside the castle in you want to bring a snack or wine from the area ;)
One can get there by boat (fee 5 Euro pro person), but only when not high tide, as then the castle overfloods. The boat returns each hour, but as we had not visited its entire interiour we had to wait for the next one, which is no punishment as there is a bench at the edge of the 'island' with a great panorama. Built in 1327 by Ludwig the Bavarian, the Pfalzgrafenstein at Kaub served as a toll station until 1866. In the winter 1813/14 the castle moved into the focus of European history. Here the Prussian Field Marshal Blücher succeeded in crossing the Rhine with his army, which introduced the fall of Napoleon. About this act tells the Blüchermuseum in Kaub, which one should absolutely visit. Also the ferry-trip to the never destroyed castle on the Rhine island is a great experience. Arrived there you can pay a guided visit to the world of toll collectors and traders of past centuries.
Original, cet ancien château qui servait en son temps de poste de douane n'est accessible que par bateau à prix très réduit. La traversée dure 2 minutes et vous débarquez sur une petite ile au milieu du Rhin.La visite du château se fait à votre rythme grâce à un livret de visites. Un souvenir inoubliable de par son originalité.
Die Burg Pfalzgrafenstein - allgemein die "Pfalz bei Kaub" kannte ich bis dato nur von Bildern.Aber nu waren wir ja mal in Kaub und haben sie denn auch besichtigt.Überfahrt mit einem kleinen Kutter zur Insel im Rhein - der "Fährmann" is echt witzig drauf, lach....Also rein ins Gemäuer - Eintritt bezahlt, einen Führer in die Hand gedrückt gekriegt, der die einzelnen Stationen in der Burg erklärt und dann gings los ;-)Lach - wirklich klasse - die "Pfalz" ist ja keine Burg, sondern war eine Zollstation, an der die Schiffe "abgezollt" - oder auch "abgezockt" wurden ;-)Jedenfalls haben wir uns rauf und runter durchgearbeitet, lach - sehr interessant - aber ich hab fast nen Drehwurm gekriegt bei den ganzen Wendeltreppen ;-)"Sehr" übergewichtig sollte man da wohl nicht sein, lach, sonst bleibt man wohl irgendwann stecken ;-) Alles sehr sehr eng ;-) Nu ja - die "Altvorderen" waren wohl etwas kleiner, als unsereins heutzutage...Es war echt interessant, informativ und lustig.Absolut empfehlenswert, dieses kleine Gemäuer mal zu erkunden.Und toll fand ich, daß der Fährmann auf der Rückfahrt nochmal zur Spitze der Burg rübergefahren ist, damit ich den "Bayrischen Löwen" an der Frontseite nochmal ablichten konnte :-) Nu ja - das wird er wohl nicht immer machen - danach hatte er nämlich Feierabend ;-)Ach ja - is vielleicht noch erwähnenswert - es gibt keine Toilette dort (genausowenig wie Strom)Sollte man vielleicht berücksichtigen beim Besuch.
Замок, расположенный на острове посреди Рейна немного напоминает корабль. На мой взгляд, снаружи красивей и интересней, чем внутри.
Schöne und interessante Burg auf einem Inselchen im Rhein. Zufahrt mit einer Personenfähre. Man kann frei in der Burg laufen, also keine Führung. Auch für Kinder interessant
Die mitten im Rhein gelegene hell leuchtende wie ein Schiff angelegte Burg erreicht man mit einem kleinen Boot von Kaub aus, von der anderen Seite kommend muss man vorher noch die Autofähre benutzen. Der Bootsführer ist schon sehr auskunftsfreudig und bedauert wie ich, dass so wenig auf die touristisch und geschichtlich hoch interessante Sehenswürdigkeit hingewiesen wird. Die Burg wird über eine hohe Treppe erklommen und dann steht man auch schon im hübschen Innenhof. Die Besichtigung kann anhand eines kleinen Heftchens erfolgen oder nach Voranmeldung durch eine sehr interessante Führung.Die Ausblicke sind wunderschön, man kann sich recht gut vorstellen, wie die Wachleute hier mal gelebt haben - im Verlies muss es furchtbar gewesen sein. Auch mit älteren Kindern unbedingt empfehlenswert!
Ce château a servi de station de péage jusqu'en 1866.On le rejoint par une navette. Au milieu du Rhin il dresse son donjon flanqué de tourelles en évoquant la forme d'un navire.A voir absolument pour son particularisme.
Gut erhaltene und unterhaltene Zollburh aus dem Mittelalter. Freundliche Erklaerungen inbegriffen. Begeisterung fuer Geschichte sollte man schon mitbringen.
Auch wenn die Besichtigung der Zollburg gleichfalls lohnend ist. Spektakulär sind die Lage auf einer Insel und die Anreise mit einem kleinen Motorschiff. Für uns einer der besten Plätze, um die Landschaft des Weltkulturerbes Mittelrhein zu erleben. Auch mi Kindern ist es ein lohnendes Ziel. Sehr lohnend ist auch ein kurzer Spaziergang durch Kaub, wo es viel Sehenswertes zu entdecken gibt ( u.a. einen sehr guten Eisladen).