gedenkstein jüdische gemeinde
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In 1994 the Memorial for Jewish community was established bearing the names of Jewish families who lived in Rhens in 1933. Inscription: "Wer die Vergangenheit nicht sieht verliert den Blick für die Zukunft. Der jüdischen Gemeinde zum Gedenken. Den Toten zur Ehre, den Lebenden zur Mahnung. In Erinnerung: Frank Günther Mandel Mengert Mayer Mortge Wagner“ (who does not regard impermanence loses perceptiveness regarding the future. In memory of the Jewish community. To the deceized Glory, the living a warning: Frank Günther Mandel Mengert Mayer Mortge Wagner). In 1441 for the first time a Jewish inhabitant was named in Rhens, who earned a living as moneylender. 1454 Were Hermann and Philipp Boyssen from Waldeck called to account by Dietrich II von Moers, Archbishop of Cologne, asthey had robbed a Jew from Rhens. 17th Till 18th centuries the Jewish community Rhens owned a synagogue, a Jewish religious school, a ritual bath (Mikvah) and a cemetery. Around 1924 fourty four Jewish inhabitants were counted, following persons or families (information gathered from the Alemannia Judaica): Dr. med. Arthur Frank (since 1922 he had his practice at the Koblenzer Straße 14), Hugo Günther (butcher, Hochstraße 27), Leopold batches (upholsterer, Langstraße 37), Clementine Mandel (milliner, Josephstraße 11), Susanne Mandel (cleaning, Josephstraße 11), Alfred Mayer butcher, Hochstraße 28), Benno Mayer (butcher, Neustraße 34), Bernhard Mayer (plummer, Hochstraße 25), Gertrud Mayer (widow, Hochstraße 28), Bernhard Mortge (grocery shop, Koblenz Straße 1), Hermann Mortge (merchant, Langstraße 7), Leopold Mortge (pensioner, Koblenzer Straße 1), Regina Mortge (rentner, Langstraße 7), Adolf Wagner (cattle-dealer, Mainzer Straße 22), Karoline Wagner (Mainzer Straße 22).